Tennessee State Militia/Guard has stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky


If God forbid it ever degraded to a civil war the resistance would not line up to be attacked, it would most likely be fought in small groups using gorilla tactics at night.

Attacks on the infrastructure to harass and draw attention would be most likely scenario. The infrastructure is not protected at all and would be easy targets for any wishing to hit it.

Power, transportation, communications are all easy targets and require no major resources to interrupt...Knock out fiber optic cables between cities you can take down the FAA traffic between major cities, that alone would interrupt air travel.

This is all just a scenario........I do not advocate it......

Of course you wouldn't advocate it - that would be treason.

And I hope you can see that the more the talk like this, the more the government is forced to monitor it in the name of security, and take expensive counter measures. And if you look at what you wrote, I can't blame them. Their business is security for the country.

I had a conversation this morning with a very right wing friend - and we agreed wholeheartedly that the innocent childhood we all knew was a huge value, and we shared a sadness that today's kids won't ever know what that was. It's too bad that great experience that shaped our values are gone forever, and we are doing it to ourselves.

A $16 Trillion dollar debt we can eventually climb out of, but leaving our kids a violent and divided world of hate can't ever be overcome. And worse, it doesn't have to be that way. We just have to agree on what's important and think about the consequences of our actions.

Just saying ...............

Of course you wouldn't advocate it - that would be treason.

And I hope you can see that the more the talk like this, the more the government is forced to monitor it in the name of security, and take expensive counter measures. And if you look at what you wrote, I can't blame them. Their business is security for the country.

I had a conversation this morning with a very right wing friend - and we agreed wholeheartedly that the innocent childhood we all knew was a huge value, and we shared a sadness that today's kids won't ever know what that was. It's too bad that great experience that shaped our values are gone forever, and we are doing it to ourselves.

A $16 Trillion dollar debt we can eventually climb out of, but leaving our kids a violent and divided world of hate can't ever be overcome. And worse, it doesn't have to be that way. We just have to agree on what's important and think about the consequences of our actions.

Just saying ...............

I have said nothing that is treasonist, I speak of sceneros........ It is not treason to defend the Constitution but it is treason to betray it.....

You and I want climb out of that 16 trill debt, it will be our great grand kids that pay it off if it ever gets paid off at all....

How much is 16 Trillion?
- 16 Trillion dollars is enough to carpet the entire states of Delaware, Rhode Island, and Florida in dollar bills.

- A stack of 16 trillion dollar bills, laid flat on top of each other, packed down with no space between them would go past Mt. Everest, out of the stratosphere, past the international space station, past the moon, around the far side, and back. Twice.

- 16 trillion dollars laid long ways, end to end with no space between them, would go on past the moon, past Venus, past Mercury, up to the surface of the sun, back to Earth, past Earth, past Mars, around the back side of Jupiter, back past Earth again, and back to the sun. If you travelled this loop, the second time you reached the sun you would still have about four trillion left to toss in the sun. You have to get rid of it somehow.

The 16 trillion hole does not include any entitlements. It is simply the total amount of money that the government spends on its day to day obligations and interest on existing debt. Mark Steyn has estimated that in 2015 our interest payments to China will pay for China's entire military budget. That is the optimistic scenario, assuming interest rates remain artificially low.

It doesn't count the roughly 120 trillion in unfunded future liabilities. Why bother counting that? Nobody with an ounce of sense believes it will ever be paid. No reason to even bother. Your retirement plans and your medical plans are in your hands alone. Get used it.

Here is another way to think about the sixteen trillion dollar hole.

You may remember the famous chess competition of 1997, when international chess champion Garry Kasparov was defeated in a six round chess competition by a multimillion dollar supercomputer named Deep Blue. Deep Blue was built by IBM over an eight year period on a virtually unlimited budget. It was capable of processing 200 million calculations per second.

Now, imagine Deep Blue smoking out the vents, straining and grinding its overworked processors for 22 straight hours. That is how long it would take for it to count to 16 trillion, running at its peak capacity.

We have only in the past 15 years developed the technology necessary to count our own debt. It is bigger than our most gifted human minds can count. Spend it while you can.


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I'm a numbers guy, I understand $16 Trillion.

I also understand just why we are stuck doing this, and it's disingenuous to deny this started with the greatest robbery in World History - still unremarked, much less apprehended and punished.

If the economy were to just drop hard, there would be chaos. There are still Merchants of Chaos that don't care, and they're the real ones your bylines are about.

Still evading things with a smokescreen. Cheerio.

I'm a numbers guy, I understand $16 Trillion.

I also understand just why we are stuck doing this, and it's disingenuous to deny this started with the greatest robbery in World History - still unremarked, much less apprehended and punished.

I agree, but what can you do? Roosevelt is dead, as is LBJ. They got the entitlements ball rolling, and Klinton tried his hardest to keep it going, but it's really picked up speed in the last 4 years.

Just a freight train barreling to hell, and we're all just along for the ride unless something is done immediately to stop it . . . and cutting 2% of the annual increase ain't gonna do it!

Makes me think of the old rhyme:

It's not my job to run the train,
The whistle I can't blow.​
It's not my job to say how fast
The Train's allowed to go.​
No, I can't blow the whistle
Can't even ring the bell . . .
But let the danged thing jump the track
And see who catches hell!!!

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I agree, but what can you do? Roosevelt is dead, as is LBJ. They got the entitlements ball rolling, and Klinton tried his hardest to keep it going, but it's really picked up speed in the last 4 years.

Just a freight train barreling to hell, and we're all just along for the ride unless something is done immediately to stop it . . . and cutting 2% of the annual increase ain't gonna do it!

Makes me think of the old rhyme:

It's not my job to run the train,
The whistle I can't blow.​
It's not my job to say how fast
The Train's allowed to go.​
No, I can't blow the whistle
Can't even ring the bell . . .
But let the danged thing jump the track
And see who catches hell!!!

It's really easy; first you have to realize who your real allies and enemies are, and by who, how, and why your chain is being yanked.

Then you want to get campaign financing reform so that us Little Folks that earn under $3 million a year actually have a voice in government.

It's all about the money - it's your money, or was anyway.

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