Here is a few ways to clean then cleanse rocks and minerals. Yes rocks and minerals need both.. However make sure your rock can be clean first, Rocks like
Muscovite (rock, stone or mud in layers of mica) or Mica can not be clean because they are made or built up of layers and if goten wet the layers will seperate. (if you follow me)
Image above:
Muscovite found in southern PA Which shouldn't be clean due to its loose structure.
As with jewelry, vinegar can be used to clean stones as well as the silver and gold.. often this would include Backing soda thus creating a foaming actuion to loosen dirt etc.. I've even found that in some cases efferdent can be gemntal enough to clean jewelry and stoens as well and is even safe for amber.
But I have found that Dawn foam or soemthign with (oxy) in it like 20 mule team or ivory snow can gently clean stones too. One thing you need to becarefull of is not to use harsh chemicals.. I've seen and heard horror stories about using chemicals to treat stones to round the stones.. I cant recall what the chemical was called and would rather forget it.
Often this means testing and more testing, there isn't a sure fire way to clean stones other then preforming several pretumblings which I've done before and helps create softer and more rounded edges. One would need to cut and shape the stone before simply throuwing the stoens into the tumbler. Some stoens would and can develope pockets that can trap grit and polish thus contaminating the entire tumbling. Yes even your jewelry can be tumbled polished.
As for the "Cleansing" this has to do with making the stone awake of its surroundings.. Often and many have done this for years, for soem odd reason they feel that the stones should be cleansed with Salt.. and left in the sunlight.. Both are false Never cleans stoens with any salt or saline solution and never leave them in the sunlight.
I Speak more about these rituals on my twitter page and I've even written a 10 page documant on the subject.. Though this is a treasure hunters forums.. There are those they may vernture over for sites which I partiupate in just to find out what it is they have and whats the best way to clean and cleanse their items.