anybody read gold prospector mag?


Jun 8, 2004
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is that just about the worst magazine or what.? it is the only one they have where i live and it is just rotten.? not only does it have hunting and fishing in the back!!?!? hunting?? man there are plenty of those magazines out there, if i wanted to read that i would not get a gold moagazine.? but the articles are all very short, and often times pointless.? like about some hick and her husband, or recipes.? again, recipes?!? wtf?? and don't even get me started on the product reviews they have each month.? never have i seen a worse or more biased prodect review than the specticle i am treated to each month.? now they are just straight up ads.? they don't really reveiw the item, but just plug it.? there are probably 6 paragraph that appear straight out of the manufacturers description.? a little bit on how it is such a good deal, whether it is or not, no info about economical ways to make one yourself, and then a short paragraph on a "field test".? but it is all very positive.? even if they took it out and found nothing, they tell how great it was and they are sure it would find lots of gold.? now how can you be sure it would find lots of gold if when you took it out it didn't find any?? i am shocked at how short their field test is. and then the rest of the magazine is just guys that look like grifters trying to sell their bags of dirt.? could you be stupid enough to buy a bag of dirt?? and do you really believe that they are not pre-sifted?? belive me, if there was a big ounce nugget in that bag, that dude would have taken it out.

Well all is not lost. There is another magazine that may be to your
liking. It is the International California Mining Journal.

It is online at If you wish you can bring up each of the
recent issues, look at the cover, see the table of content and even read
on line the featured articles for each month.

i agree with you!! i as a novice enjoyed them, now i long for more"nuts and bolt".they seem to think everyone who reads it never finished the 5th grade and is breaking open their piggy bank to buy this cruddy mag or worse their membership! im a trully disheartend GPAA member(as of my b day this year)happy b day!!!the stories go no were most times and ive learned more online then they taught me!their claims guide sucks(for the midwest states)claims in all 50 state my tookis!check out some of the gold forums even theirs also ,they cut that" hole"group to bits(the Greedy Pompiss Ass Association) i live in illinois none,indiana none and a few i forgot just places to look for a rumor of something valuable
if their is any one who feels the same way please respond or like wise!! ;Dto much too type uuuggghhh cant help but sound convaluted(nuts) so made hoped to do cool thing with the family but i have to travel 500 miles to look for left overs from some cruddy tailing pile or worse the"alaska trip"tired of the free mag and glad i dont have their cable show on my package any more toms half a lush/head case?or it a actany way g2g DEKALB33 ps thanks for the time to read this !

I got the "buzzard" special with the magazine, I am finding out a lot more info on the web from other sources.. I too am a newbie and I do get the program on Dish TV. Tom is a dufus, Perry on the other hand does seem to have a grasp of at very least presence. Perry's episodes of Gold Prospecting (save the commercials for the GPAA) are pretty good. They are less amateurish then Tom's stuff.
Tom tries to come off as a clown and a hick. He definitely comes off as a hick. My daughter and I were watching the other night and Tom said "man o' Man" no less then about 15 times in a 1/2 hour program. That is just plan bad form.

Another time, I was watching one episode with Tom where the dipsh*t went into old mine with his detector in the "Motherlode", stupid idiot was filming and only had a Coleman lantern and the mantles burned out. A professional video team might improve their programs and cutting the GPAA hype a bit.

I often wandered how over dredged, sluiced, and panned the claims in the claim guide are. I will probably as a I get closer to retirement stake some claims in AK, AZ, and WY.

Hey maybe I retire I could come up with my own production company, and 501c3 association! Hire a video team that can make decent series and put it on OLN. I see NBC is starting a "treasure hunt" reality program.. Looks like a scavenger hunt kind of thing. I'd like to see someone do more indepth geology, not just panning, sluicing, dredging, hibanking, and drywash stuff. What about hard rock, geology of certain areas, paleoplacers and bedrock processes. (I know probably dry as a popcorn fart..)

Thanks for pointing out ICMJ. I will look into it.

:) You guys had me on the floor withthe humorous critique of the GPAA and magazines! I agree totally! What was that GPAA episode in the mine about????? Tom goes into a unstable mine without a backup light; leans on rotten timbers, and bumbles through his monologue?? That show should win the Darwinian Award for stupidity!

The best show of the GPAA had Chris Gholson as the guest, with Perry doing a good job supporting Chris. I visited Chris' web site....he has wonderful articles, information, and supplies...check an article out at...


I second the Gohlson twins (I have seen two shows with him, both cool, my area ect, even if he is 'just another Minelab schill' :)

Tom's been in a bunch of AZ mines.

"Man o man, that dont look too safe!"..
" Man o man, a feller could get crushed in here!"
"Man o man, it sure did get late, and now we're walking back a couple miles in the dark"
" Man on man, somthin could fall down from that hole up there and hurt a fella -LOOK OUT!! (runs) (what was it ?) "leaves, just leaves"
"man o man, that's a stick 'o (wispers) din-o -ite! It's oozin real good toov (while he slips out with more wispers!)

I'm keepin the sports pak in this off season justs to watch more! One or two words make it worth while TiVO!

I will admit that I watch both "Gold Fever" and "Prospecting America". I seem to laugh my way through Tom's show. I think he really is trying to act like a hick, but is smarter than he lets on.... I found the gold stealing dog funny, the play pathetic, and I guess his wife will collect a big settlement when the rotting timbers of those water filled mines do collapse around him while he is saying Man o man....

Perry's show is like being a visitor to these other places. I like it and like seeing where they are. Just think, Perry went to the LA area first and went to the streams that run off the San Bernadino Mts to LA and found gold.... Tom copies Perry a season later walks way back into a culvert with gang graffitti all over the inside and sucks up with a "sucker pipe" and of course comes up with lots of flour gold. Glad he got a good idea to borrow from his bro.

Needless to say, I haven't given over my $80 for the membership. I live on the southern end of the gold belt in GA too. They are sure entertaining, but I'm not paying.

hi fellas - just a thought - i join the gpaa every year for one simple reason - fish and wildlife in every state , the us forest service, dept. of ecology and other illustrative organizations are all working together to close down all public lands to the public. enviornmental groups are spending tons of money to get this job done. the gpaa and the icjm who hire lawyers to stop this stealing of our rights are worthy of support. i would like to see my grand children have the same opportunities to look for gold and rocks etc as i did. most of these things are just a dream to me now days. do it while you can guys! wayne

I will have to agree with Wayne on this. They do support legal battles for our rights to use public lands as prospectors etc. Recently they contributed to the New49ers financially to help in a legal battle. That alone makes what they do worthwhile in my book. The claims guide is useful, more for some than others granted, but I just took a trip through several states and had places to go in each well laid out and with a lot less work than it would have been just guessing areas from scratch. It is what it is, a club geared to help out people who are new to prospecting. It of course is less useful the more you know and learn so you go on to more serious sources of info after that. I still will support them however. As for Tom, watching his goofball antics on the tube is about as entertaining as anything else out there. I agree that Perry is much more informative, but really he is not nearly as entertaining. Meeting him in person made me think he was somewhat dull, Tom is at least funny.

Of course for those who want to bash the GPAA, personally when you do more for the hobby than they have done people will take you more seriously. You know, falls under the category of "rather than complain, offer a solution".
Without groups like the GPAA, miners rights would likely be considerably less than they are today.

good points you 2 hey VQ your a buzzkill....

Yeah, not the first time I have heard that Dek. Hey, should we talk about the lamps over here? :P

I am a member and read the mag too. The GPAA works to protect our rights to free use of public land and not close it off to hiker, bikers, prospectors, Rock hounds, and anyone that likes to visit the outdoors before it's turned into a parking lot. People that don't want to help protect our rights are parasites that would rather have someone else fight for their freedoms.

The GPAA shows are entertaining and produced with "K.I.S.S." Keep it Simple, Stupid. They are made to be humorous so as to not be boring to to the city types. "Man Oh Man!"

Just how I feel, LOL


Sandman256... You are well known by those that hunt the beaches. I have
read some of your posts. I sure thank you for the tips and being willing to share them...

Actually I first met George in the early 1970's when he was out boosting the GPAA. The boys were then just youngsters. Now they are getting to be "middle-age." They are a team... like Abbot and Costello... Great fun... "Man-o'-Man!"
What a relief they are from watching "breaking news", or an "idiotic TV-soap".

I always figured George would most likely crash his plane while flying around
some mountain and get hooked by a sudden downdraft. Sadly it was his heart.

AzSports said:

"Man o man, that dont look too safe!"..
" Man o man, a feller could get crushed in here!"
"Man o man, it sure did get late, and now we're walking back a couple miles in the dark"
" Man on man, somthin could fall down from that hole up there and hurt a fella -LOOK OUT!! (runs) (what was it ?) "leaves, just leaves"
"man o man, that's a stick 'o (wispers) din-o -ite! It's oozin real good toov (while he slips out with more wispers!)

I'm keepin the sports pak in this off season justs to watch more! One or two words make it worth while TiVO!

That AzSports post was 4 years ago; upon reading it, I easily saw Tom in my mind's eye bumbling through the collapsing mine, losing his 1 light source, and saying "Man o Man!"

LOL! I'd like to see it again!

Sandman's post is sobering. :thumbsup:

The show IS entertaining. ;D

We should all be active in protecting our rights to prospect and enjoy 'national' lands, but regretfully we now have a communist-in-chief presiding over the biggest power grab in history.


I read the magazine because it comes with the membership. But for serious reading and information I refer to my collection of 1,000's of back issues of Treasure,Treasure Search,Treasure Lost,Treasure Found,GOLD!,Western Treasures,Western and Eastern Treasures,Long John Latham's Lost Treasure,Treasure Trails,Treasure Cache,True Treasure. and others from the 60's to present.

As far as the show Gold Fever goes I wish my cable company offered The Outdoor Channel because "Man-o'- man I shore do enjoy watchin anything about huntin gold and prospectin." I have seen a little bit of the show on the internet by going to plus I have had the honor of meeting Tom Massie in person at a recent GPAA Gold show. He is a genuine ambassador for gold prospecting and a pleasure to talk with. :thumbsup:


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