I have 2 stories for ya


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Apr 2, 2010
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First off I used to see things when I was about 5-6 yro and my mom told me that when I was around 3-4 I had told her and my great grandmother while she was pushing me in my stroller about how a certain part of the town that I had grew up in had cobble stone streets my GG told her I was right they were both shocked. I hadn't seen anything for a long while and now I am starting to see things again. Any way onto the story.
The first one happened 5 years ago when our youngest daughter was born. I had just got done taking a shower and while I was in the shower my wife had put her in one of those automatic rockers so she could take a nap and went to the kitchen for something. Well I came out of the shower and there was a little blond girl standing next to our 6 mth old in the auto rocker. She had a light blue and white dress on with a bow in her hair (this wasn't out of the corner of my eye this was straight on like you would look at some one when you talk to them) I looked away and looked back and she was gone. After that My wife and I set out a couple of voice recorders and we got alot of EVP's at that house. The only thing that I could think of was right across the street from us is where the painesdale seeberville murders took place here in mi.
The 2nd story is when my wife and I bought our house last year we were pumped our first house and all.
We were in the kitchen unpacking kitchen stuff when all of a sudden I here this raspy voice say GET OUT in my right ear. I asked my wife if she heard it she said did I hear what . That voice it said get out she looked at me and shook her head no. The best way that I can describe the voice is like a woman with emphysema. It was weird because I never had nothing like that happen before I always have seen things in my head and by sight so the sound was different. All right Rose Nyland is done now. LOL


Thanks for shareing. i am a paranormal researcher here in alton illinois and i have recorded over 300 evps and the thing about evps are it really can be disturbing if they are directed to you. First of all i would do a complete check of past owners of your house. your local library or court house should have records. second i would have some one come and do a cleansing of your home and especially your daughters room where she sleeps. if the voices you are hearing without recorders keeps happening tell this "voice" to leave this house and keep saying this over and over. keep telling this entity to leave and if that doesnt work you might want to call in the professionals. always protect yourself with something. some people use crystals, crosses etc. but this is no joke and please protect your family. a good book to read is by STEVE LACHANCE called the crying house or screaming house. google him and he has a list of his books. ive met him and what that man has been through will make you think!!!!! please keep us informed. im sure there will be more advice from others so take them all in . The little girl you are seeing im sure is just interested in your daughter. try to make contact with her . she will contact you im sure. ask her if she need s help and maybe you can help her pass over. just some thoughts . again you can email me if you need to talk and i can give you my number and a few people that can really help you with understanding your "VISIONS" take care and god bless the ones we cant see. STEVE .

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Agree with mcw; you can also "spray" yer rooms with the TV remote (small electrical charge) to disrupt the electro-magnetic plasmic "source" that doesn't realize/recognize "new ownership". :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :read2:

UncleVinnys said:
Seems to fit in with the inter-dimensional theory.
Lots of verifiable events.
:icon_scratch: :dontknow:

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