Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Rebel - KGC

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Jun 15, 2007
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Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment, US Navy, US Army, N. Tesla & ALTERNATING current, Einstein, W. Reich & Orgone Energy, "cloud-busting", STAR-GATE, US ARMY (AGAIN), CIA. ALL "connected", based on my R & I (Research & Investigation). "Google" CARLOS ALLENDE; PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT to begin... :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiement

Your suggesting that, by warping the space time continuum - we could travel thru time?

Imagine that, what a novel idea - that reality can be altered and that our reality is just our view of things from within this reality! :wink:

Lets see shall we - where to start.....?

Twin micro-singularities orbiting at the event horizon of a black hole?

Maybe add John Titor to that google search about time travel...

Oh yeah - add nassim harramein into a google video search engine - but be prepared to spend about 8 hours watching his 2 videos to get to grips with the fractal tetrahedral nature of the force of gravity.

Then you can put in a youtube search for starchild skull and look at the dna evidence for how we came to be.....

Let me know when your up to speed and we can discuss the Phily experiment. :wink: :icon_thumright:


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiement

:D Naw, we start with N. Tesla and ALTERNATING current; MANY inventions, and after he died, US gov't seized MOST of his "working papers"; SOME went to his homeland, across the "little pond". THEN, you have A. Einstein, and HIS many theories, with the UNIFIED FIELD theory (NOW, replaced by the NEW physics)... resulting in his work on the MANHATTAN PROJECT, which superseded US NAVY research on the "invisible force field". BETTER to kill many enemies with ONE or TWO A-BOMBS, than send an "invisible military force" which would STILL result in US KIA, and MANY injured/MIA.
MORE, later! :icon_thumleft: :coffee2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

this is the one where the ship disapeared (from the tests) and when it reappeared the people on board were fused with the ship correct?

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

;D YEP! :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

A. Einstein, and HIS many theories

Hmmm - I wouldn't get too hung up on ol Albert if I were you - any 14 year old kid these days, can disprove his non peer reviewed special theory of relativity in about 2 minutes flat.

to whit...

E=MC^2 where C is the universal constant (speed of light attributed as ~56000miles per second or 3 x 10^8 meters per second squared).

Einstein's Relativity Theory produces a series of well-known paradoxes. In mathematics and logic, whenever a syllogism, system of logic or theory produces a paradoxical result, it is almost always the result of an incorrect premise.

The usual problem with producing a hypothesis based on a "false" premise is a paradoxical result.

For example:

(1) All dogs have four legs,
(2) All four legged animals are cats.
All dogs are cats,
All cats are dogs!

Which premise is false?

With the Special Theory of Relativity, the resulting paradox, was called the "twin paradox" along with several others which were discovered later!.

Mathematically all square roots have two answers, the positive and the negative root. Einstein, in his paper, seemingly without telling anybody, arbitrarily tossed out the negative root as not having any physical meaning. But that is a mathematical and scientific "no-no" and means that the original premise of Einstein's Special Relativity Theory must be incorrect. Under the Lorentz Transform an object will travel at V = 1,000 mph East, and also -V = 1,000 mph West, at the same time.

That clearly is paradoxical!.

This is equivalent to Einstein stating in his theory that the square root of four is equal to two.

For most people, those numbers seem absolutely correct.

But actually that is false, since the square root of four is equal to both plus two AND minus two.

Amazingly, no theoretical physicist quickly tossed out Einstein's Special Relativity Theory as false, even though it produced a paradoxical result - indicating a false logical premise. The simple fact that Einstein himself published the "twin paradox," should have been a strong warning or at least a first clue that the Special Theory of Relativity must be wrong.

Actually, one noted physicist did toss it out and exactly for that reason. It was Einstein's own professor, Dr. Lorentz, who never accepted Relativity as a valid theory. Dr. Lorentz had developed the Lorentz Transform as a classroom demonstration tool in an attempt to explain the negative M-M experiment. He taught it to his students in advanced physics classes, including Einstein, as a simple "curiosity" which produced the seemingly correct arithmetic answer. But it did not produce the correct logical mathematical or scientific answer.

Dr. Lorentz already knew that the Transform must be false, for the reason I just mentioned. He already knew that his young student, Albert Einstein, using the Lorentz Transform, which Einstein had seemingly "lifted" out of his college class notes, had produced a false "Theory of Relativity." Dr. Lorentz never accepted nor called it the "Theory of Relativity."

For the rest of his life, Lorentz always referred to it, in mock derision, only as "the Einstein theory" since he knew it must be false, because it produced the obvious paradox. Clearly, Lorentz did not get to "peer review" his student's paper. That Relativity paper would never have made it through a real and proper "peer review" process.

There is only one speed for light that makes E=MC^2 correct mathematically, and that value is infinity.

The speed of light is infinite!

Infinity squared equals infinity!

No messy negative root required!

If you care to view the suggested search results above - you will come to recognize why the 'new physics' is required, to describe the 2 forces within our universe.

Once you accept that Einstein was wrong and correct for his mistake (allowing for the speed of light to be infinite) - many new possibilities emerge...such as explaining the relationships between Mass (nuclear energy) and Time.

One TE Bearden ( postulates that:-

E=Delta TC^2

That the amount of energy within change in time, is C^2 or (3 x 10^8)^2 or ~9 x 10 ^16 joules of energy per second!.

We know however, that this measure for C is wrong and in fact that the amount of energy within change in time is actually infinite because the universal constant C (speed of light) is infinite as I've just shown above!

There's an infinite amount of energy available to us from within the domain of change in time!.

So I see those of you reading this asking - how the hell do we get energy out of time?

OK fair question.

Explain to me then how we get nuclear energy out of splitting an atom?

Hard to understand isn't it?

Well - here's what happens - when you split an atom.

You tear apart the micro singularity at it's center which is in actuality a miniature black hole!.

When you tear open a black hole - what escapes?

All the energy (including light) that's been dragged into the hole from anywhere within its event horizon!.

Whats it look like?

Ohh - its like looking at a sun? bright that it can blind you - so much energy that its capable of destroying this very earth itself!

Funny that!

So how much energy is within the time domain then?

Lets all work it out shall we?

& also
E=Delta TC^2

Then it stands to reason that:-

MC^2 = Delta TC^2
Dividing both sides of the equation by C^2 leaves

M = Delta T

There's as much energy (infinite amount) within the domain of Time as there is within Mass (i.e a nuclear bombs worth because splitting an atom (matter) is what Mass is made up of)!

So - while the world struggles with it's oil energy crisis, and wants to go to war with Iran over it's nuclear power generation aims, - we ignore the same amount of potential energy available too us from within the domain of time because we don't understand it just yet!

Sadly tho - if our enemy's come to understand it (and weapon-ize it before we do) then guess what?

Oil and nuclear energy won't matter because we will be our Chinese or Russian overlords biatch slaves!


Just what is this energy - trapped within the domain of time I hear you ask?


For a start - you need to understand Time and what it ISN'T!

Time is not hours or seconds on your watch or clock - much as that might be hard to grasp.

Clocks measure graduations of the earths spin momentum about its own axis i.e. sun up to sun up, or sun down to sun down, if you prefer. That force is actually centripetal force or centrifugal force. It is NOT even "Gravity" as many who know no better would have you believe.

No - clocks just measure the earths spin rate (more on this later) - it's actually calendars that measure time - they measure the earths orbit about the sun on our annual elliptical orbit about the sun.

So The energy force we know as "time" is a complex compound angular torque momentum force - comprised of the earths spinning"cork screw" orbit about the sun - whilst the sun orbits our universe once every great year (of about 26000+ earth years) at a rate of some 480,000,000 miles per second!

Now we know how to calculate the energy involved in the force we know as "Time" because we know the mass of the earth, we know its angular torque momentum, we know its spin rate & we know its velocity about the sun and we know the velocity of the sun thru the universe!

So it is quite easy (relatively speaking) to calculate the energy of time domain (and guess what when we do - it will approximate what I've already shown with M = Delta T)!

Yes - 9 x 10 ^16 joules of energy / second!.

The correct answer would be infinite, but the erroneous Einstein approximation of 56,000 miles per second or 3 x 10^8 meter per second squared, will do for now for rough calculations (in near earth space).

You can prove that for yourself if you wish to google the various values for the earths mass and velocity and the velocity of the sun and work out the angular torque momentum force of earth thru space in our 26000 great year cork screw passage thru this universe!

There's an easier way tho!

Einstein was actually very bright despite his obvious special relativity error in his non peer reviewed paper.

There actually is another simpler way to explain and solve the mysterious negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment It uses the simple physical constant called "alpha," the Fine Structure Constant. It was the genius Einstein himself, who introduced the Fine Structure Constant in his first Nobel Prize winning paper about the Quantum nature of the photoelectric effect.


If Einstein had only used his own "alpha" as the basis for solving the M-M Experiment, instead of the Lorentz Transform in his Relativity paper, he would have found that all the forces of nature; the nuclear, electric, magnetic, and gravitational forces, were all simply variations of the same force!.

Why is it that in the "time zone" of the nucleus of an atom, "time" seems to "slow down" so that the "measured velocity" of the electron appears to be only 1/137th the speed of light? But the electron's behavior seems to be that it is everywhere around the atom at the same time (electron shell), or has a "virtual velocity" of infinity?.

The physical constant alpha turns out to be equal to 1/137.

It is as if the free energy of the electron has been gravitationally red-shifted by a nucleon-sized black hole!.

This changes all observed measurements of time and distance. The amount of time dilation or gravitational red-shifting of the electron in its ground state compared to the masses of the electron and proton are defined by the universally measured constant called "alpha."

The relationship between the "virtual" and "actual" velocity, meaning distance to time, of the electron is "c." The relationship of mass/energy to time, meaning gravity, is hidden within Planck's Constant "h." The relationship of electrical charge "e" to time and gravity is found in the "alpha" definition. Attempting to produce a complete system of universal science based only on the triumvirate of "measured constants" e, c, and h, has proven to be insufficient and incomplete. It turns out that a minimum of four constants are needed to define all the properties of time and space.

All the tools needed to solve the mystery of the M-M Experiment problem are found in the definition of "alpha." No paradoxical square root of squares Lorentz Transform is needed. But 100 years ago, before the common use and experience of "time zones" to measure the passage of time in different locations around the world, nobody could see it.

All the natural forces of the universe, using Einstein's "alpha" could be described with a single equation. It was the "Unified Field Theory" which Einstein and many other esteemed theoretical physicists had long sought, but somehow had eluded them. Instead, for 100 years, a simple editorial mistake in a "peer reviewed" physics journal has led science astray.

Now one is tempted to believe from the above, that this would then be the answer we seek - but REALLY it is ONLY half the complete answer!

Understanding and correcting Einsteins error - and coming to understand the inter-relationships of all those expansive forces of the universe (which are in the end all just different forms of the same expansive force) ignores the OTHER great force of this universe!.

We are given clues to this in all our genesis texts of all the great former civilizations on earth.

There are just 2 forces in the Universe - the expansive and the contractive force. Good and Evil, God & Devil, Yin & Yang, Negative & Positive, Male & Female, Above& Below, Heaven & Hell, express it how you will.

The Law of energy states that for each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every force there is an equal and opposite counter-force.

For any system in equilibrium - there must be two equal and opposite forces.!

But that's a topic for my next post!

Most of you will have trouble just understanding the expansive force that we observe in our ever expanding universe!

The contractive force (gravity) is what accounts for the so called dark matter or missing mass in our universe.

I'll post about that next - but suffice to say it is this negative fractal tetrahedral force within the universe, a force which could and does cancel out all the positive expansive forces within our universe, potentially neutralizing all atomic weapons (and even any scalar time energy weapons we might devise!).

Any advanced 'entity' that travels thru time and the universe in order to interact with us here on this planet now - understand both forces, which is why any and all of our "defenses" as a planet that rely only upon our knowledge of ONLY the expansive energy's within our universe, are useless against such entities - a time which is sadly a lot closer than may realize.

The scientific and intelligence and military communities of ALL nations on this earth would do well to heed this message, for our future beyond the end of this last great year on 21 Dec 2012 depends upon us discovering understanding and mastering BOTH of these energy's within our universe.

To fail to do so - is to lose our chance at immortality, to lose our chance to wander the universe in PEACEFUL co existence with our creator, and all other life forms.

Humanity is being given a chance here, to get it right - and to move on to a new future, with all of the promise it holds - or not!

Our alternative is to continue on as we are to world war 3 starting with the planned attack on Iran by November of this year.

Those entity's in space (and already orbiting our planet in their cloaked alternate reality state) are well aware of what we intend on this earth and they WILL inter vein if we do NOT get this choice right, and start to use our new found knowledge to get our priorities sorted out in a hurry - our times almost up - our planets ability to cope with 6 billion of us is about done for - we have no choice but to take our quest and species into space and onto other planets.

Sadly - we are so busy following our base instincts to fight with each other for survival, rather than too - use our collective abilities for the future of mankind.

It's our freewill choice and ours alone to make - but the consequences if we choose wrongly are immensely BAD for all of mankind collectively. It's the quintessential choice - to pluck and eat that apple of knowledge from the tree of life.

One could hardly blame our creator - when one sees the mess we are making of this chance we have been given.

Mankind lives or dies by the choice it makes next, there are no more go arounds on offer this time!


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


Shall we look at the contractive 'gravity' (negative) force of this universe?

. = a point in space, but it does not exist (is not real or doesn't have reality) because it does not contain volume!.

...... = series of points in space making a line, but does not exist (is not real or doesn't have reality) because it does not contain volume!.

= a triangular plane, but it does not exist (is not real or doesn't have reality) because while it does have area - it does not contain volume!.

= a tetrahedron, made up of 4 triangular planes, and IT exists(has reality) because IT encloses volume!

Whats interesting about this fractal tetrahedron, is that - it is the ONLY shape, that exists, that can contain the LEAST possible volume, with the least possible surface area!

This is why the nature of the gravitational or negative force within the universe is a fractal tetrahedron!.

Conversely, if we wish to enclose as MUCH possible volume, with the least possible surface area? (for the expansive force within our universe)....we get?


And in our observable expansive force universe, the shapes we most observe with our planets and suns etc is?


Yes - spherical!

We now understand the expansive spherical forces of this universe reasonably well (allowing for Einsteins relativity error explained above) BUT our knowledge of the contractive (gravitic) force of this universe (what happens INSIDE the event horizon of a black hole) is sadly lacking!

The nature of the contractive/gravitic force in its tetrahedral form is now just starting to be understood, and i believe / suspect that eventually those good scientists working at CERN on the Large Hadron Collider will eventually come to understand the fractal tetrahedral nature of this gravitic / contractive force within the universe.

This negative force - has the ability to alter the electron shell behavior of elements of our periodic table - including those we rely upon for splitting the atom (atomic power generation and atomic fission weapons) to the point that -its weaponization and use could in fact "defuse" ICBM's with nuclear warheads in flight, not to mention leaving Nuclear powered submarines and air craft carriers dead in the water with reactors that no longer react - because the fundamental properties of their cores can be altered at will!.

It's been documented many times, in "interactions with UFO's" where their anti gravity (and anti matter) drives, can and do alter the electron shell properties & hence valence properties, of material used to make magnets and batteries and generators etc that power most of our vehicles and air craft etc etc. Even batteries can and are made to become inert, by the application of this technology...

It is the method by which mans plans for a nuclear holocaust World War 3 to destroy the planet will be thwarted, bye those advanced entities here to help ensure our survival as a species, will "defuse" the situation when required to do so, for survival of our species reasons, - assuming we do NOT wake up to ourselves by then.

Back to the tetrahedral nature of the gravitic force.


It is quite possible to insert two triangles into a circle just as the depicted mogen david above depicts!


It is also possible to fit two tetrahedrons in 3D inside a sphere, as long as the two opposite tetradehdrons are phase shifted at 90 degrees to one another!.

When one does this - one gets a few things - firstly the crystalline form of elements like carbon when combined to make diamonds etc

One also gets something else.

One gets an apex that intersects the surface of the sphere at the TRUE (not magnetic) north and south poles, as well as 6 base plane apex points that ALSO intersect the surface of the sphere, 3 at a position equivalent with latitude 19 degrees 47 minutes north of the equator and a similar position south of the equator also at 19 degrees 47 minutes (but phase shifted 90 degrees from the longitudes of their northern counterparts)!

These are the 8 points on the surface of the earth (6 @ 19deg 47min N&S of equator + 1 each at True North and True South) - where the contractive (negative) gravitic force of the universe converge to equalise the expansive force of the universe, by cycling BACK to the singularity (black hole) that is the center of our earth!

This is likewise how the same energy force cycles back to the mini black holes (singularities) that form the center of atoms at that level of reality.

When we come to understand this negative force we will have escape from gravity (anti gravity), which is the exact opposite of that force I already described in my post above in an angular torque momentum force etc etc

When this is "reversed" - one gets the expansive force (anti gravity).

It is easily achieved by just reversing the spin and angular torque momentum force of this earth, with any similarly magnetized mass element, spun in the opposite direction to that of the earths spin and traveling at the opposite angular torque corkscrew momentum force to the earth!

The relationship between the mass used and the mass of the earth will be the factor of anti-gravity force achieved.

It is all so very simple when you think i about it.

Strangely - just about EVERY "alien crop circle" ever depicted on earth so far (with just a couple of special exceptions) depict a fractal tetrahedral diagram of one form or another, as tho they are trying to tell us something! (No shiate Sherlock)!

The only exceptions were those couple of binary code crop circles that appeared alongside the chilbotin radio telescope in I think from memory 1999 & 2000 from which the "aricebo message" was transmitted into space in search of other life forms in 1972? (Remember Google is your friend, you can search these crop circles and read their decoding for yourselves).

There is no question that we here on Earth are under the direct influence of a particular alien entity at this point in time.

The question of course - is 'WHICH" particular alien entity, is this the same entity that created us (answer = NO!) or is it the much prophesied 'anti christ' malevolent alien entity, that creates on earth a situation of positive desire for contact by the worlds populace - mistakling this particular 'anti christ' for our creator?

If one decodes the aricebo / chilboltin crop circles "message" from our genetic creator entities - the warnings quite clear that - those entity's NOW affecting our situation here on earth, to create a political desire within the population for direct intervention by an entity!

It would seem revelations will pan out just as it says - with an eventual war of the worlds - between the soon to be visible alien entities now around our planet, and our actual creator alien entities that will arrive in due course to route the current arrivals, and 'rescue us' to a New Earth, a new Garden of Eden, a new City of Jerusalem in the Heavens, in due course.

Sadly not before 2/3rds of this population on earth are fooled by the anti christ alien entity now manifesting in our reality plane and lose their chance at immortality as a result.

Some will be much more easily fooled than others sadly.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

It should be specifically noted:-

When one does this - one gets a few things - firstly the crystalline form of elements like carbon when combined to make diamonds etc

That - past "advanced" civilizations on this earth (specifically Plato's "Atlanteans") destroyed their country and civilization by mis use of the power of the crystal.

Yes - misuse of the crystalline fractal tetrahedral nature of the contractive gravitational force of the universe, that we are only just discovering now!

Watch these 3 videos and understand what I have posted - study revelations in the Bible!

Read and understand these above crop circle messages and their import for where we find ourselves right now.

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)".

The answer is out there - but it is also within - each and every one of us.

We need only listen to our inner voice - the power of the holy spirit within each and every one of us - put there for our own protection for this time - by our creator.

If you watch, learn, & understand all of the above, - you will understand what lies ahead for all of us.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:D TY for the "lecture" on the NEW Physics... HOWEVER! Back when the "PHILLY EXPERIMENT" was done (WWII), all they had was the UNIFIED FIELD theory of Einstein and ALTERNATING CURRENT of N. Tesla... SO! I suspect it was a "direct current... electro-magnetic" thingie; BUT! The A-BOMBS did away with all that, until STEALTH of the 1980's/90's. I also think that W. Reich's "cloud-busting"/ORGONE ENERGY is of interest; BTW, it has NOTHING to do with Time Travel. There IS a thread, somewhere on this "sub-board/child-board" for TIME TRAVEL, which I am also interested in. The "PHILLY EXPERIMENT" was an INVISIBILITY/LOCATION TRANSFERENCE experiment, with QUESTIONABLE results; PROBABLY "up-dated" with the NEW physics, in the 1980's/90's... DUNNO.
:dontknow: 8) (SUNNY out... :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:).

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


You seem a little stuck on Tesla, direct current, and the Philadelphia experiment (and even time travel).

We all have to start somewhere I guess.

Just tonight on local TV was a doco on the bermuda triangle and an explanation of warping the space time continuum to account for some of the aerial anomalies within the B triangle going right back to ww2 and flight 19 and the apparent time anomaly and fuel savings on a couple of flights in the area since.

The detail of the direct current generators - the electrical field that was created and how Tesla's theories fitted in with it...are all explained by the new physics had you bothered to read or watch the video links above etc.

I wasn't lecturing you at all - I was in fact "sharing with you" the answers to the mystery, that you seek - however as is typical with all of us from time to time - often people are more interested in telling the world what they know, than listening to the answers they seek...

The old saying that while the mouth is open the ears are closed...applies metaphorically here maybe is what I am saying.

What is it about either, a unified field theory, Nicolai Tesla, Direct current or the Philadelphia experiment that you specifically want to know?

It's a little hard to answer the question for you if you won't for example even read the unified field answer above, watch the videos (admittedly2 of them are 4 hours long each) but like most of the "instant message" "A.D.D." kids these days, the attention span barely lasts one commercial break in length, so giving complex answers to complex questions in a text message length response to someone with the IQ of a box of crackers - is a big ask.

Spit it out! Just what is it, you wanted to say, or wanted to know - if I can find it on the back of a milk carton somewhere I'll send you the brand and you can read it while eating your cheerios - but we both know you ain't got the multi - tasking ability to eat and read (or walk and chew gum at the same time) as the old saying went' :laughing7:

Look - I'm not being condescending too you - most kids born before the age of TV, like us old baby boomers, have a different brain hard wiring, - we were taught to read books and sit for a day at a time learning without distraction, coz TV and digital watches and calculators etc etc hadn't been invented yet. Most of us still do math in our heads and know our times tables.

Explaining something to the nuclear age kiddies of the short attention span theater is often a real battle coz we don't even speak the same language let alone think or communicate the same way!

Trouble is, these kids - tho deliberately dumbed down by the "Goals 2000 program" - still seem to ask questions even tho they haven't the ability to discern an answer if it fell outta the sky and landed on their head! (Heck mosta them couldn't find the cheeks of their own ass with both hands, even if you loaned them a seeing eye dog and a mirror)! :hello2: :hello: :thumbsup:

Young, dumb, and fulla come, is no way to go thru life, sunshine!.

Basically shut your mouth and give your ears a go and you just might learn something!

When you can figure out what is is you actually want to know - then maybe give us a short one sentence question and we will take it by the numbers for you, hows that sound? :wink:

I don"t like to be short blunt or rude but it seems to be the only language the new generations understand sadly.

Old John D sure got his taxpayers moneys worth with the Goals 2000 program. (Sure whats that i hear you ask... ::) )

Thus fascism in America is not only alive and well, but is a thriving mainstream growth industry. It has been entrenched in the center of the US Federal government since the founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and controls the US economy. With the creation of the US Department of Education in the 1970's, instruction in the "fascist oil company plan" has taken over all state and local education systems and reached its goal about 15 years ago with the introduction of what is called the "Goals 2000" program. Ever wonder why it was called "Goals 2000"?
That program was produced and pushed through congress by something called the General Education Board. The plan of the Goals 2000 program is to divide children from parents, prevent any reasonable education that would produce children who might ask who really runs the world, and foment division among racial groups through diversity training, along with a healthy dose of oil company environmentalism. This almost exact same education plan was used by Adolf Hitler in the 1930's and 40's in his Hitler Youth movement. It later was adopted by Stalin in the 1950's and Fidel Castro in the ‘60s. It can now be found in many countries.
The Diversity training in the new curriculum is similar to the German "racial hygiene," or awareness of racial differences, which was based on the earlier "eugenics" movement that started in the US and was made into law in most of the states starting with South Dakota in the 1920's.
And from where did Adolph Hitler get his education plan? And where did Stalin and Castro get their education plans? And now even the education plans being sent worldwide by the United Nations through UNICEF and UNESCO? They all got them from the working papers written by the General Education Board, founded in 1905 by John D. Rockefeller. Almost all textbooks in American schools now say at the bottom of the inside cover, "Approved by the General Education Board." Now you know who they are and what has happened to the American education system.
The federal government through the Department of Education, which provides no education nor instruction, has done nothing in the last 30 years to improve education in the US. Multiple billions of US dollars have been spent, not to improve academic achievement, which has seriously declined, but to ensure the complete and proper implementation of the fascist oil General Education Plan in every state and local school district throughout the nation. Most of the money is spent on overcoming the great resistance of both teachers and parents who don't like what they see in the Goals 2000 plan. John D. Rockefeller would be proud of his achievement, and it didn't cost him a nickel. He got the taxpayers to pay for it.

Its OK, you can't help it, I understand that - at least you can blame John D and the American taxpayer, for the end result of the "Goals 2000 program" to dumb down American youth.!

Good luck with your quest.......I've this nagging feeling your gonna need every ounce of it from here on in. :laughing9:


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:D "Long-winded" SOB, u r; I'll be 60 next year... PSYCHIC, ur NOT! LOL. It was a request from someone else, on another "child-board" to open up "chat" on this; U assume too much. Simply paranormal science at "that time" (WWII). NO A.D.D. here, etc. If U can share W/O the "put-downs"... GREAT! Otherwise, SHUT UP, already! ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

I'll be 60 next year

Ohhh - well in that case it means your just plain stupid I guess! :laughing7: :laughing9: :hello2:


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:D LOL; BACK to the "topic"... The papers of Wilheim Reich were ALSO seized by the US gov't., and he was JAILED! His "cloud-busting" machines could have given rise to secret "black ops" Defense Tech. of the Prez. Reagan's STAR WAR defense system... DUNNO. :dontknow: It WILL "tie in" with Carlos Allende & the "Philly Experience". :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

ANYWAY... THIS is interesting

How so?

I didn't find any of it interesting - its all eminently understandable if you understood my posts above.

It's only "interesting" if you refuse to read comprehend or understand, the answers already provided to you in great detail above.

Then it's "interesting" because you can ponder it in complete ignorance and wonderment & keep yourself "interested' (by lack of knowledge or understanding) for - well who knows - another 60 years maybe as a complete "conspiracy theorist"?

If one understand the new physics - the links you post make 100% perfect and logical sense as did Tesla's discoveries the Philadelphia experiment, and so on.

That's the beauty of a unified field theorem - it explains everything!

These things are only "interesting" if you don't understand the unified field theorem, they are only "unexplainable mysteries" (and "conspiracies") in the absence of a workable Unified Field Theorem (Or GUT = Grand Unification Theorem).

Einstein did NOT discover a unified field theorem that he hid from mankind - he was working towards a set of unified field equations at the time of his death - because, he knew that his special relativity theory was flawed because it produced a paradoxical result (the so called twin paradox which Einstein himself published).

I gave you the clue as to how to resolve Einsteins error above.

Just substitute his fine structure constant Alpha where he has used the universal constant "C" in his relativity calculations and voila - you have the unified field theorem.

But I'll spoon feed you a little more (to prove my point that your to --deleted-- to understand the answer to your own question even when given it on a plate)!.

“Einstein's Relativity Error
“The physical sciences in 1873 seemed to once again take on an air of stability as James Clerk Maxwell published his, 'Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism.'
In this paper, he discussed electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetism as functions of waves in a fluid space (ether). His theory held popular support until the year 1887 when the two U.S. physicists AA Mitchelson and Edward W Morley performed their historic experiment with light. Their experiment (The Mitchelson-Morley experiment) was designed to use light as a means to determine if space were a 'fluid' as Maxwell's equations had assumed.
The M-M test results, however, appeared to deny the existence of fluid (or ether) space. To explain the 'apparent' failure of the M-M test to detect the ether, Hendrik Lorentz and George Fitzgerald developed their now famous 'transforms' (The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Transforms - 1902) in which length contractions, mass increase and time lag were offered as explanation for the negative test result. Note that the Lorentz - Fitzgerald transforms still treated space as an inertial fluid, one undetectable by known technology.
Einstein, who first began the formulation of his special theory of relativity in 1895, published it in 1905. He seized upon the Lorentz -Fitzgerald transforms and the M-M test results as evidence of a universal axiom: The velocity of light is (to the observer) the limit measurable velocity in the universe, (this does not mean it is the limit velocity in the universe however).
The discipline details
Einstein was faced with an apparent paradox, as to the nature of space. It behaved like a fluid in many ways - yet in others it behaved like an abstract, ten-component Ricci Tensor from the Reimannian model of the Universe. The failure of the M-M test to detect an ether was the final straw. Yet, hard as he tried, Einstein failed to remove the ether from E=MC^2.

The following discussion should illustrate this point.


Diagram One above is a schematic of the M-M test. It was conducted on the basis that if an ether existed, the earth would be moving "through" it. Hence there would be a relative velocity between earth and the fluid of space.

It was reasoned that by splitting a beam of light (F) into two parts; sending one out and back in line with the direction of the earth's orbital path, (to mirror A) from Half silvered mirror (G) and glass plate (D); and recombining the two beams in the interferometer (E) one should be able to detect a shift in the phases of the two beams relative to one another.

This shift could accurately be predicted by knowing the velocity of light (c)
And the velocity (Ve) of Earth through orbital space. Their reasoning was as follows (refer diag. 1, diag. 2a, daig, 2b):


c2 = a2 + b2C = velocity of light = velocity from G to B by fixed extra-terrestrial observer
S = distance GA = GB
T1 = go-return time in-line (GA - AG)
T2 = go return time at right angles (GB-BG)
T = .5 t T2
V1= apparent velocity from g to B by earth observer.

Then the time (T1) is determined by:[s/(c-ve)] + [s/(c+ve))] = t1 which reduces to:

(Eq.1) 2sc/(c2 - ve2) = t1

Also, the time (t2) is determined by first solving for (v1) in terms of ( c ) and (Ve) using the Pythagorean Theorem (c2 = a2 + b2)…. Or, in this instance: (G to B)2 = (G to M)2 + (M to B)2

By substitution, c2 = ve2 + v12


(Eq.2) v1= (c2 - ve2).5

Now, solving for the time (t) - which is the same over GM, GB, MB - of the GB trip by substituting s/t = v1 in (Eq.2) , one obtains:

(Eq.3) s/t = (c2 - ve2).5


(Eq.3) t = s/(c2 - ve2).5

Substituting: t = .5t2

Gives: t2/2=s/(c2 - ve2).5


(Eq.4) t2= 2s /(c2 - ve2).5

by comparing the ratio of the in-line go-return time (t1) to the right angle go-return time (t2) one obtains:

(Eq.5) t1/t2 =[2sc / (c2 - ve2).5 / 2s

which reduces to:

(Eq. 5.) t1/t2 = (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5

Now then, if the light source is at rest with respect to the other, one sees:

(Eq 6.) ve = 0


(Eq 7.) t1/t2 = 1/ (1 -0).5 = 1/1 = 1

Such a ratio as (Eq. 7) shows is exactly what each successive try of the linear M - M test has obtained…. (notice: Linear not angular!). Lorentz and Fitzgerald knew there had to be an ether; so they developed their well known transforms - an act which was in essence a way of saying, there has to be an ether…we'll adjust our observed results by a factor which will bring our hypothetical expectations and our test results into accord….
Their whole transform was based on the existence of ether space! Their transform, in essence said that length shortened, mass flattened, and time dilated as a body moved through the ether.

Einstein came along in 1905 saying the Mitchellson Morley test showed the velocity of light to be a universal constant to the observer. Seizing upon this and the Lorentz-Fitzgerald transforms, Einstein was able to formulate his Special Relativity which resulted in the now famous E = Mc2 …the derivation of which follows:

Starting with (Eq.5) t1/t2 = (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5

The Lorentz-Fitzgerald transform factor for (Eq.5) becomes (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5
(to bring t2= t1) giving t1/t2 an observed value of (1).

Assuming Lorentz and Fitzgerald's supposition to be correct one should look at mass-in-motion as the observer on the mass see's it versus mass-in-motion as the universal observer sees it,…

Let m1 = mass as it appears to the riding observer
Let v1 = velocity as detected by rider
Let m2 = mass as universal observer sees it
Let v2 = velocity as universal observer sees it
Then it follows (from Lorentz and Fitzgerald) that:

(Eq. 9) m1 v1 not = m2 v2

So - to equate the two products. Lorentz and Fitzgerald devised their transform factor (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5 which would bring m1 v1 = m2 v2 to either observer,… yielding the following extension

(Eq. 10) m1s1/t1 Not = m2s2/t1


(Eq. 10) m1s1 Not = m2s2

then, by substitution of the transform factor s2 = s1(1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5(assuming time is reference) into (Eq. 10.) one obtains: m1s1 = m2s1(1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5
which reduces to:
(Eq. 11) m1 = m2 (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5

To re evaluate this relative change in mass, one should investigate the expanded form of the transform factor (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5 (which transforms t1=t2) It is of the general binomial type:

(Eq. 12) (1- b) -a

Hence it can be expressed as the sum of an infinite series:

(Eq. 13) 1 + ab = a(a+1)b2 /2! + a(a+1)(a+2)b3/3! + …etc

where b2 is less than 1

So - setting a = .5 and b = ve2 / c2

One obtains:

(Eq. 14) 1 + (ve2 / 2c2) + (3v4/8c4) + (5v6/16c6) + etc…

For low velocities in the order of .25c and less than the evaluation of (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5
Is closely approximated by, the first two elements of (Eq. 14):

(Eq. 15) (1- ve2 / c2 ) - .5= 1+ve2 /2c2

so (Eq. 11) becomes:

(Eq. 16.) m2= m1(1+ ve2 / c2)…where ve less than .25c

developing further,… m2= m1 + m1 ve2 /2c2

(Eq. 17) m2 - m1 = .5 m1 ve2 /2c2

remembering energy (E) is represented by:

(Eq. 18) E = .5mv2…( where ve less than .25c)

One can substitute (Eq. 18) into (Eq. 17) giving…

(Eq. 19) m2 - m1 = E/c2…(assuming ve = v)

Representing the change in mass (m2 - m1) by M gives:

(Eq. 20) M = E/ c2

Or, in the more familiar form using the general (m) for (M):

(Eq. 21) E = m c2

(Note, however, that (Eq. 14) should be used for the greatest accuracy - especially where ve is greater than .25c)

Looking at the assumption in (Eq. 19)…( ve ) was the term used in the beginning to represent the ether wind velocity… This means Einstein used fluid space as a basis for special relativity. His failing was in declaring the velocity of light an observable limit to the velocity of any mass when it should only have been the limit to any observable electromagnetic wave velocity in the ether . The velocity of light is only a limit velocity in the fluid of space where it is being observed. If the energy density of space is greater or less in another part of space, then the relativistic velocity of light will pass up and down through the reference light wave velocity limit - if such exists.

Do not fall into the trap of assuming that this fluid space cannot have varying energy-density Perhaps the reader is this very moment saying, an incompressible fluid space does not allow concentrations of energy - but he is wrong - dead wrong!

When a fixed density fluid is set in harmonic motion about a point or centre, the number of masses passing a fixed reference point per unit time can be observed as increased mass (or concentrated energy). Although the density (mass per volume) is constant, the mass velocity product yeilds the illusion of more mass per volume per time. Space is an incompressible fluid of varying energy density…in this authors opinion!

The apparent absurdity of infinitely- increasing - mass and infinitely decreasing length as a mass approaches the light wave velocity is rationalized by realizing that space has inertia and as such offers inertial resistance to the moving mass. The energy of the moving mass is transmitted in front of it into the medium of space. The resulting curl of inertial resistance increases as negative momentum to the extent the mass is converted to radiant energy as it meets it’s own reflected mass in resistance. However - to the Star Trek fans, take heart… just as man broke the sound velocity limit (sound barrier) he can also break the light velocity limit (light barrier). By projecting a high-density polarized field of resonating electrons to spoil or warp the pressure wave of the inertial curl, the hyper-light craft can slip through the warp opening before it closes, - emitting the characteristics of a shock wave. Such a spoiler would be formed by using the electro-dynamic, high-energy-density electron waves which would normally proceed before the hyper-light craft, as a primary function of propulsion. When a similar function is executed by hypersonic aircraft, a sonic boom is formed as the as the inertial curl collapses on itself. In space, the light velocity equivalent to this sonic boom would be in the form of Cherenkov radiation which is emitted as a mass crosses the light-velocity threshold sending tangential light to the direction of travel.
Ether Existence Verified.
In 1913, the rotational version of the linear M - M experiment was successfully performed by G Sagnac (see p 65 - 67 of The Physical Foundations of General Relativity by D.W. Sciama, Heineman Educational Books Ltd., 48 Charles St., London WIX8AH) In 1925 Mitchellson and Gale used the spinning earth as their rotational analogue to the linear M - M experiment. It also showed successfully that the velocity of light sent in the direction of spin around the perimeter of a spinning disc (or of the surface of the earth) varied from the velocity of the light sent against the spin. (Refer diagram 3 Below).


The error of the M-M experiment is the test results are also valid for the case where there is an ether and it, too, is moving along with the same relative velocity and orbit as Earth maintains around the Sun.

The Tea Cup Analogy can be used to explain the error.

If one stirs a cup of tea which has some small tea leaves floating on it's surface, (obviously before the invention of the ubiquitous tea bag!) one notices some of these tea leaves orbiting the vortex in the centre of the cup. The leaves closer to the centre travel faster than those father from the centre (both in linear and angular velocity).
Now, one must imagine oneself greatly reduced in size and sitting upon one of these orbiting leaves. If one were to put his hands over the edge of his tea leaf on any side, would he feel any tea moving past?…No! The reason is that the motion of the tea is the force that has caused the velocity of the leaf. One could not detect any motion, if both himself and the tea were travelling in the same direction and the same velocity. However, If one had arms long enough to stick a hand in the tea closer to either the centre or the rim of the cup - where the velocities were different to his own then he would feel tea moving faster or slower than himself (respectively).
Also, if one were to spin his tea leaf at the same time as it orbits about the centre, placing his hands into the tea immediately surrounding his leaf would show inertial resistance against the spin moment of his leaf.
Solar Tea Cup
In the preceding analogy, the centre of the spinning tea (or vortex centre) represented the sun, the leaf: the earth; The tea: The ether; and the riders hands: the light beams of the M - M test. In essence, what Mitchellson, Morley, Einstein and many other scientists have said is that the M - M test showed the volocity of light was not affected by the earth's orbital motion.
"Therefore" they have said, "we have one of two conclusions to draw";

1. ) The Earth is orbiting the sun and there is no ether, or,

2. ) The Earth is not orbiting the sun and there is an ether but since the earth is not moving through the ether, the ether "wind" cannot be detected. Obviously, this conclusion is negated by the Earth's observed helio centric orbit.

However, their reasoning should also have incorporated a THIRD option.
3) The Earth is orbiting the sun…and so is the ether; therefore, no ether wind could be detected in the orbital vector immediately in the vicinity of Earth.
In other words, the test results cannot prove or disprove the existence of an ether…only whether or not the earth is moving relative to the ether!

C Not Constant
Remember, in 1913, G Sagnac performed his version of the M-M experiment and corrected the inconclusive results which Mitchellson and Morley's test had obtained. In Sagnac's rotational analogue of the M-M test the velocity of light was shown to vary. Aalso in 1925, Mitchellson and Gale verified Sagnac's results with their own rotational analogue. Even more recently, similar verification has been made using a ring-laser system to detect the rotational velocity of the Earth, relative to the ether,
Relativists Discard Evidence
By the time the ether wind was proven to exist, Einstein's theories were already winning strong support on the merits of celestial observations which closely agreed with Einstein's predicted values. As a result the scientific community decided to explain the ether wind phenomenon as a result of Earth's spinning in it's own ether blanket which Earth was apparently dragging through space. No explanation was ever agreed upon as to the origin or extent of this ether blanket. It was simply a way to sweep a discrepancy under the carpet.
Einstein Admits Error.
In a biography written just before his death, Professor Einstein, is quoted as admitting he had a fundamental error in Relativity. It was he said, one which-when corrected-will explain how light - an obvious wave form - can be propagated across an apparently non-inertial space. Einstein also stated that the discovery of the solution to this error would probably be the result of some serendipitous discovery in the 1960's.
However, before he died, Einstein did manage to partially correct his error, With the help of the well known Dr Erwin Schrodinger, Dr Einstein, was able to construct a 'total theory' for existence. It was called the "Unified Field Theory". Although Dr Einstein was able to lay the basic framework before his death, it is reasonably certain that a more readily useable version of the "Unified Field Theory" was only completed by other physicists after Einstein had died.
One of the more promising contributions toward a useable unified field theory was offered by Dr Stanley Deser and Dr. Richard Arnowitt. They took the General Theory of Relativity which Einstein had devised and constructed a "bridge" or "creation tensor" to link the energy of nuclear fields with that of gravitational fields by co-variant matrices. The basic relationship of General Relativity which they used as a basis for their system is:
Ruv- .5guvR = 8(pi)kTuv
Ruv = Ricci's ten-component sub-Riemannian space, curvature tensor
guv = the metric tensor
R = the selected Ricci scalar components
K = a universal constant: proportional to Newton's gravitational constant
Pi = the usual constant 3.14etc
Tuv = the components (potentials) of the energy stress tensor
Although Deser and Arnowitt's proposed equations were quite difficult to work with, it is rumored that subsequent linear variations have been developed - allowing major leaps in science and technology to develop.
When the correctly formulated Unified Field Theory is finally released to the public it wil be recognised quite easily; for it will have explained why the proton is exactly 1836 times the gravitational mass of an electron…why there is no neutral mu-meson of mass 200,…why (h) is a constant…and why hc/e2 is always equal to (137).”

Another author, Marshall Smith – also wrote a great deal about Einstein’s Relativity Error, more recently than Deyo – however they both appear to be “on the same track” as it were with regard to the speed of light constant compared to the Alpha fine structure constant – that might have been more appropriate for Albert Einstein to use instead of the speed of light constant C in his E = MC ^2 theorem.
Marshall Smiths article in two parts appears below.
Finding the Virtual Velocity of Light,
Solving the Mystery of the Failed Michelson-Morley Experiment
In 1887, two scientists Michelson and Morley did an experiment to measure the velocity of light and confirm the basic laws of nature.
They sent light beams along the direction of the earth's travel as it went around the sun. The earth moves about 67,000 miles per hour around the sun, which is a small but measurable percentage of the velocity of light. Their experiment was to show that a beam of light sent in the direction of the earth's travel should be the speed of light PLUS the speed of the earth. While a beam sent backwards should be the speed of light MINUS the speed of the earth.
No matter how many times they and many other scientists repeated that same experiment, it always failed.
The measured speed of light was always the same in any direction”.
• Authors Note – recall that Stan Deyos work reproduced above described slight variations in the two results – that were dismissed by Mitchellson & Morley as “statistically insignificant” – but which in the context of this discussion ARE significant in this authors opinion.
“For 20 years modern science was in a quandary. Were Newton's easily provable laws of physics wrong? In 1905 Albert Einstein thought he had found a solution -- but he was wrong. Earlier in 1873, the noted Scotsman mathematician/scientist James Maxwell wrote his famous four equations.
His equations have become a gold-standard in science and are still accepted without changes or doubt.
While integrating his differential equations, Maxwell had to add the mathematically required integration constant. In math, the integration constant is usually called "C."
Maxwell's equations relate the static electric attractive force of an electron to the same magnetic attractive force of a moving electron traveling in a circle or a coil of wire. To make the equations match the experimental measurements, the integration constant C had to have the units of 186,000 miles per second.
Everyone made the incorrect assumption that C was the "velocity of light."
Today, science still calls the velocity of light C.
But not so. It was only an “integration constant” to make Maxwell's equations match the measurements. What the 19th century scientists, including Einstein, did not know nor have any experience with, was something which we now know as "time zones."
Time zones relate time to distance.
Even today most of Europe is in the same time zone. None of the 19th century European scientists had ever experienced the need to change their watches as they traveled from country to country. Today as we travel around the earth in fast jet planes we need to adjust our clocks and watches to the new time zone at the rate of 1 hour for each 1,000 miles of travel. This "virtual velocity" is not real, but simply the commonly accepted rate in "miles per hour" for calculating by how much we need to adjust our wrist watch as we travel.
This "virtual velocity" could be called the "C" of time zones.
This "virtual velocity" or time conversion constant could be any arbitrary number, as long as we all accept the same number.
What is the "C" of time zones on Mars or the moon?
It's not the same as on earth.
A proper analysis of the Michelson-Morley experiment shows that there are actually *four* possible explanations for the null or failed result.”
• Again Authors note – recall that above Stan Deyo, postulates 3 possible interpretations of the Mitchellson Morley experiement.
“Most scientists, including Einstein, who had no experience with time zones, only saw three possibilities.
Many scientists in 1905 could not, and some still do not, fully accept Einstein's choice among the three possibilities, - since his theory clearly violates our sense of reality, and Newton's laws of physics.
Einstein's Relativity Theory also produces a series of well-known paradoxes.
In mathematics and logic, whenever a syllogism, system of logic, or theory, produces a paradoxical result, it is almost always the result of an incorrect premise.
That fourth possibility for explaining the mysterious result of the M-M experiment falls directly from the result of the failed Michelson-Morley experiment itself.
That new fourth possibility is that the "virtual velocity" of light is infinity, while the "actual velocity" seeming to come from Maxwell's equations is 186,000 miles per second.
This is the same as when we travel in jet planes. We can measure our "actual velocity" or local velocity on the jet plane as 350 miles per hour.

But we must add or subtract the "virtual velocity" of one hour for each 1,000 miles of travel, or the change in time zones, to make the answer match reality when we arrive at the destination.
That's not hard or difficult to do. And we often do the calculation in our head.
Add three hours to your watch as you travel the 3,000 miles from Los Angeles to New York.
This possibility of the "virtual velocity" of light solves the dilemma of the repeatedly failed Michelson-Morley experiment. If the "virtual velocity" of light is infinite, the "actual velocity" or apparent velocity 186,000 m/s will always appear to be the same, regardless of the motion of the light source.
Infinity PLUS the velocity of the earth is always the same as Infinity MINUS the velocity of the earth.
Infinity plus or minus any number is always infinity.
Thus the Michelson-Morley experiment was not a failure.
It proves that Dr. Einstein was wrong.

I should add that I have a degree in physics

For years, I confounded my professors by working out complex problems in relativistic mechanics in my head. They said I was mostly exactly correct but at extremely high velocities near 99.99999 percent of the velocity of light, my answers were just a tad bit too big, compared to Einstein's equations. I said, that's because Einstein was wrong. I still got the physics degree anyway. I should also add that recent experiments and measurements over long time periods or distances, such as the two Pioneer spacecraft which recently left beyond the edges of our solar system, seem to show that Einstein's equations give answers which are just a tad bit too small.

Was Special Relativity a Hoax Accidentally Perpetrated on Science?
One hundred years ago, in 1905, Dr. Albert Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity.
It has become the basis for much of modern physics. In 1959 I read his paper and found that it contained a simple arithmetic error, therefore the theory must be false.
Years later as a college physics student I told my professors about my discovery of the math error.
They didn't believe me, even when I showed them a much simpler way to solve advanced physics problems.
My solution was so simple that I could solve most of the problems in my head.
Today as a senior physicist, I ask,
"Why is it that modern science for 100 years has believed a theory which is based on a simple math error?"
The answer is simple.
It was a mistake in the normal "peer review" process used by the prestigious physics journal in which Einstein's Special Relativity paper was first published. In 1905 the famed peer-reviewed German journal "Annalen der Physik" published Einstein's first paper on the Quantum Solution to the photoelectric problem.
That unique and widely acclaimed paper had just won Einstein the Nobel Prize. To win the prize, obviously many esteemed physicists had reviewed that paper and established its reality and correctness. But also in that very same journal issue, Einstein published several other avant-garde theoretical papers, including his "Special Theory of Relativity" which contained the math error. Why did no one catch the obvious error?
It was simply because chief editor, Max Planck or co-editor, Wilhelm Wien, had made the fateful decision not to send Einstein's Relativity paper out for the usual in-depth peer review. That Relativity paper, along with Einstein's other papers, were published without any scientific review.
Both of the young editors, Planck and Wien, later won Nobel Prizes themselves.
They had made the editorial decision for "Annalen der Physik" that since Einstein had already just received a Nobel Prize, his prestige and popularity meant that his papers did not need to be peer reviewed.
It could be that Planck and Wien felt that publishing anything written by Einstein would enhance the popularity and circulation of the journal. But using the usual peer review process would slow down publication of the exciting new Einstein papers until the next year.
Or it could be that Planck and Wien were so overawed by the genius of Einstein that they felt Einstein had no "peers."
For whatever reason, the journal editors, with their high regard for the Nobelist Einstein, simply "broke the required rules" for publishing new theories in the "peer reviewed" physics journal.
It seems from the historical record that none of the other scientists around the world in the physics community knew that the journal had broken its own publication rules. The other scientists all assumed that since "Annalen der Physik" was a strictly "peer reviewed" journal, that Einstein's Relativity paper, with the simple math error, had already been reviewed and approved by a team of highly esteemed elite scientists.
But not so.
Thus in the early 1900's no scientist would dare to point out the obvious math error in the Relativity paper. To have done so, the scientists thought, would be the same as calling the esteemed reviewers, the greatest minds of physics, a bunch of dribbling idiots and drooling dolts.
Not a good thing to do if you want a future career in physics.
Because of the surreptitious and momentary Annalen der Physik change in editorial policy, no respectable scientist would dare to proclaim, "Look, the King has no clothes." It seemed to everyone that the whole scientific community was all ooohing and aaahing over the "King's invisible royal raiment" and how well it all seemed to match his new Nobel Prize.
In their competitive scramble to get along and go along within the physics community, the scientists simply could not see the truth of what was in front of them. It would take the innocence of a child to state the obvious. I was 14 at the time when I found the obvious math mistake in Einstein's paper. I was then too young and naive to know that winning a Nobel Prize would automatically and magically correct math errors in physics papers.
So I told what I had discovered to my teachers and professors.
This had several unintended consequences.

As a student I told my chemistry and physics teachers what I had found.

Within days, I became widely known around campus as "The kid who proved Einstein wrong."
I was unanimously elected president of the Special Science Group for advanced students.
I was the "wunderkind" at school and district board meetings, who made outrageous financial requests, backed by grants I had gotten from local Silicon Valley corporations, for advanced school science projects. Projects such as wiring up the school for TV, the year before cable TV was invented. I later met the man who invented cable TV, so I know. I also clearly noticed that the usual number of requests from the really cute girls had precipitously dropped to a nerdy zero.

For an "active" teenager, this simply wouldn't do.
I began a curious double-life.
I might whisper after school to my teachers about new science projects I was working on, but then not a word to my fellow students. "Sorry, Donna, what? Einstein? Never heard of him. Wanna see my first place gold medal for 400-yard relay?" What two-faced cads teenage boys can be. The curious double-life continued for decades. I found it difficult to find jobs in business and industry, even with multiple degrees in physics and engineering, with the appellation "The kid who proved Einstein wrong." I never mentioned it during job interviews. Otherwise, I often did not get the job because I was "way too over-qualified."
Jobs in academe were impossible. In the university environment, not being a professed "believer" in Relativity Theory, was considered the near equivalent to being a heretic, blasphemer, or bomb-throwing anarchist. By the 1960's, the Relativity Theory had already been widely "accepted" for so long and republished in so many advanced college textbooks, that most professors simply could not see the obvious math error which I had found. They couldn't see it, because it "must not" exist. Too many famous scientists, who were much smarter than they were, such as Bertrand Russell and George Gamow, had already proclaimed the theory to be true, therefore the simple math error can't exist.
For them, the error was invisible, even when it was pointed out to them.
And what was that Simple Math Error?
It's so simple even a child could figure it out.
It was a matter of re-interpreting the meaning of the negative results of the Michelson-Morley experiment.
Einstein had interpreted the negative results as meaning that C is the constant velocity of light which nothing can exceed.
That "fact" actually has never been proved and was and still is only a "hypothesis" stated by Einstein.
He then set the speed limit at 186,000 mi/sec. I have long disagreed with that method, since to make that work, Einstein had used the equation called the Lorentz Transform. This is both mathematically and logically incorrect.
The Lorentz Transform

The Transform seems to give the numerical or arithmetic "right answer," but mathematically it is false.
The Lorentz Transform uses the square root of the velocity squared divided by C squared.
Mathematically all square roots have two answers, the positive and the negative root.
Einstein, in his paper, seemingly without telling anybody, had arbitrarily tossed out the negative root as not having any physical meaning. But that is a mathematical and scientific "no-no" and means that the original premise of Einstein's Special Relativity Theory must be incorrect.
Under the Lorentz Transform an object will travel at V = 1,000 mph East, and also -V = 1,000 mph West, at the same time.
That clearly is paradoxical.
This is equivalent to Einstein stating in his theory that the square root of four is equal to two.
For most people, those numbers seem absolutely correct. But actually that is false, since the square root of four is equal to both plus two AND minus two.
For the mathematically challenged, that is equivalent to Einstein claiming that two plus two is equal to five (2 + 2 = 5).
And that same mind-boggling math error is published in every modern advanced physics textbook on Relativity Theory.
But since, supposedly it was published in a respected "peer reviewed" physics journal, who would dare to argue with it?
The usual problem with producing a hypothesis based on a "false" premise is a paradoxical result.
For example:
(1) All dogs have four legs,
(2) All four legged animals are cats.
All dogs are cats, AND/OR All cats are dogs!
Which premise is false?
With the Special Theory of Relativity, the resulting paradox, was called the "twin paradox" along with several others which were discovered later.
Amazingly, no theoretical physicist quickly tossed out Einstein's Special Relativity Theory as false, even though it produced a paradoxical result - indicating a false logical premise.
The simple fact that Einstein himself published the "twin paradox," should have been a strong warning or at least a first clue that the Special Theory of Relativity must be wrong.
Actually, one noted physicist did toss it out and exactly for that reason. It was Einstein's own professor, Dr. Lorentz,
Dr. Hendrik Lorentz

who never accepted Relativity as a valid theory.
Dr. Lorentz had developed the Lorentz Transform as a classroom demonstration tool in an attempt to explain the negative M-M experiment.
He taught it to his students in advanced physics classes, including Einstein, as a simple "curiosity" which produced the seemingly correct arithmetic answer.
But it did not produce the correct logical mathematic or scientific answer.
Dr. Lorentz already knew that the Transform must be false, for the reason I just mentioned.
He already knew that his young student, Albert Einstein, using the Lorentz Transform, which Einstein had seemingly "lifted" out of his college class notes, had produced a false "Theory of Relativity."
Dr. Lorentz never accepted, nor called it the "Theory of Relativity." For the rest of his life, Lorentz always referred to it, in mock derision, only as "the Einstein theory" since he knew it must be false, because it produced the obvious paradox.
Clearly, Lorentz did not get to "peer review" his student's paper.
That Relativity paper would never have made it through a real and proper "peer review" process.
There actually is another simpler way to explain and solve the mysterious negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment.
It uses the simple physical constant called "alpha," the Fine Structure Constant.
It was the genius Einstein himself, who introduced the Fine Structure Constant in his first Nobel Prize winning paper about the Quantum nature of the photoelectric effect.
If Einstein had only used his own "alpha" as the basis for solving the M-M Experiment, instead of the Lorentz Transform in his Relativity paper, he would have found that all the forces of nature;
the nuclear,
gravitational forces,
were all simply variations of the same force.
Why is it that in the "time zone" of the nucleus of an atom, "time" seems to "slow down" so that the "measured velocity" of the electron appears to be only 1/137th the speed of light? But the electron's behavior seems to be that it is everywhere around the atom at the same time, or has a "virtual velocity" of infinity.
The physical constant alpha turns out to be equal to 1/137.
It is as if the free energy of the electron has been gravitationally red-shifted by a nucleon-sized black hole.
This changes all observed measurements of time and distance.
The amount of time dilation or gravitational red-shifting of the electron in its ground state compared to the masses of the electron and proton are defined by the universally measured constant called "alpha."
The relationship between the "virtual" and "actual" velocity, meaning distance to time, of the electron is "c."
The relationship of mass/energy to time, meaning gravity, is hidden within Planck's Constant "h."
The relationship of electrical charge "e" to time and gravity is found in the "alpha" definition.
Attempting to produce a complete system of universal science based only on the triumvirate of "measured constants" e, c, and h, has proven to be insufficient and incomplete.
It turns out that a minimum of four constants are needed to define all the properties of time and space.
All the tools needed to solve the mystery of the M-M Experiment problem are found in the definition of "alpha."
No paradoxical square root of squares Lorentz Transform is needed.
But 100 years ago, before the common use and experience of "time zones" to measure the passage of time in different locations around the world, nobody could see it.
All the natural forces of the universe, using Einstein's "alpha" could be described with a single equation.
It was the "Unified Field Theory" which Einstein and many other esteemed theoretical physicists had long sought, but somehow had eluded them. Instead, for 100 years, a simple editorial mistake in a "peer reviewed" physics journal has led science astray.”
At this point it should be becoming clear now the 3 above quoted authors/physicists:-
T.E. Bearden,
Stan Deyo,
Marshall Smith
Are all essentially saying much the same thing – that Albert Einstein was essentially wrong in his claims that E = MC^2.
The error would appear to be in the selection of the mathematical constant “C” as the correct constant to apply (Rather than Plancs universal constant h found in the Alpha fine structure constant ) and the assignation of the value 186,000 miles per second as the limit velocity of light in a vacuum too the mathematical integration constant “C”.
It appears in summary that the equation E = MC^2 gives a close approximation of the required result BUT that it falls short by a small amount in test results from both light observed form large distances across the universe (which appears phase shifted toward the red spectrum), and with results from the two pioneer spacecraft which have left our solar system on their journey into the cosmos.
It would appear the answer may lay within the use of the fine structure constant Alpha, within Einsteins’ original 21 equation solution of Mitchellson – Morley speed of light experiment.
So, for a moment, let us just assume, that we agree with the idea that Einstein might have been wrong…
Where does this lead us?
Here is where we depart a little from the 3 previous quoted authors & onto the findings of myself with regard to relationships between Mass and Time domain – in terms of energy potentials.
The question I found myself asking was fundamentally this:-
In the larger world context, -( rather than what might also equally apply in spatial circuits at the atomic & sub atomic level), what exactly can we learn, at the macroscopic level, about this domain of Time as a form of energy (if anything)?
The preceding 3 authors, and many great scientists before them - have all said much about Time as have a great many philosophers before them – so I thought it might at this point be handy to summarize a few of the attributable quotes about what time is and isn’t into a brief list to “jog our memories” and get us all back onto the same page again in our collective thinking about time generally.
To first order, time seems to have the same energy density as mass does.
So time is actually highly compressed energy.
It turned out that all 3-space energy comes from the time domain anyway, being time converted into 3-space energy. And it also returns from 3-space back to the time domain, in an ongoing "circulation" in 4-space.
Time, as such, in a continuum of such magnitude is equally relative!
'Time' Is NOT an absolute dimension in reality. The ONLY absolute is energy.
Time is a ratio of changes in energy density.
Time on an atom passes much faster than time at the earth level does.
I found in Tom Bearden’s writings an interesting finding that intrigued me a lot.
Tom states this in the first quote about time above, i.e. To first order, time seems to have the same energy density as mass does. And I’ve seen him express this phenomenon as an equation not unlike A Einstein’s as:-
E = Delta TC^2
Or expressed as “Energy Equals Change in Time, times the universal constant C (speed of light) squared.
It occurred to me that perhaps we COULD learn something valuable about Time – by comparing (resolving) the two equations for a Time & Mass relationship, as follows:-
E = MC^2 (Einstein)
& also
E = Delta TC^2 (Bearden)
Then it necessarily follows that:-
MC^2 = Delta TC^2
Further multiplying each side of the equation by 1/C^2 leaves
M = Delta T
Or it can just be expressed simply as
Mass equals Change in Time.
In energy terms – we are being told exactly what Tom Bearden and Stan Deyo said all those years ago.
There is as much energy trapped or compressed within the time domain as there is within Mass (think the atom & splitting thereof – or nuclear explosions – a whale of a lot of energy in anyones terms).
Tom Bearden even tells us how much potential energy is available in just one second as 9 x 10 ^ 16 joules of energy.
Marshall Smith in his 2 articles above about Einstein’s error summarizes this for us very neatly when he wrote:-
If Einstein had only used his own "alpha" as the basis for solving the M-M Experiment, instead of the Lorentz Transform in his Relativity paper, he would have found that all the forces of nature;
the nuclear,
gravitational forces,
were all simply variations of the same force.
Again we find this very concept reinforced by Stan Deyo in his statement:-
'Time' Is NOT an absolute dimension in reality. The ONLY absolute is energy.
Here we find ourselves then, asking a simple and logical question, even though we know that the answer basically is just another form of energy – “just what the heck is TIME?”.
Herein lies a big part of the problem, because so few understand what time really is and how it is measured.
Now a great many will tell you all about chronometers and clocks and the measurement of time and nuclear clocks and so on….
Problem is – we now know that Time is an energy force, equally as powerful as nuclear energy, and clocks etc don’t explain much about that energy force or make it available to us to convert easily into other forms of energy with which we can do work.
So, let us get this right from the start, just what do clocks measure?
Well – obvious answer is they measure the earths spin about it’s own axis for a full rotation of the earth involving one day and night, and this takes about 24 hours (depending where you are on the earth’s surface).
To make this point – I always like to quote the old stand up comic’s line about the homicide detective in Alaska’s Yukon, who asks his murder suspect, “And can you account for your whereabouts on the night in question - of June 15th to December 24th!”
….usually gets a good laugh!
So – yes Time as MOST people understand it, is all about clocks and days and nights, periods of 24 hours and minutes and seconds etc.
We however – being a little better educated by now should realize that – TIME is an energy force, and just what “force” are we measuring with the earths’ spin about its own axis?
Yes – We are measuring part of the force of GRAVITY, with our clocks and watches and nuclear clocks etc.

This has NOTHING whatever to do with the potential Energy of the TIME domain!
So – again the simple question, what the heck is TIME and how do we measure it IF watches and clocks etc are actually Gravity meters and have little if anything to do with TIME?
OK – those of you who are awake – will realize that CALENDARS measure time – because Time is the Earths Passage in an annual elliptical orbit about the sun, Calendars measure the seasons, which is all about the earths axis tilt in relation to our orbit about the sun where we get two solar equinoxes and two solar solstices in our annual orbit about the sun….
This is TIME – the earths passage thru space in an annual elliptical orbit about the sun, taking 365 & ¼ days (gravity spins about the earths own axis) to complete, (or thereabouts) combined with the angular torque force of earths cork screw passage thru space orbiting the sun which is itself orbiting the black hole at the center of our universe at it's event horizon at a velocity of some 48 million miles per second.
And what energy force are we thus talking about for this earthly Time domain?
Believe it or not – it is an angular torque momentum force of kinetic energy potential. Yes – the earths MASS times the earths Velocity thru space gives us a kinetic energy potential, angular torque momentum force.

This is the Energy Force of the Time Domain for those of us here on the Earth time domain reality!

So - all you need do - is, starting at equation 7 above of Einsteins 21 equation proof equation set for "special relativity" is insert Einsteins very own Fine structure constant 'h' from Alpha, where HE inserts the universal constant C and then erroneously ascribes the near earth space value of 186000 miles / second.

That shouldn't be too hard for you.

In fact you can do it right here and be the first person on earth to "officially publish" the "grand unification theorem" or GUT that the world has sought for so many years now.

That very GUT will answer every single one of your questions about Tesla and what he knew, the Philadelphia experiment, and so on.

Not only will it answer your questions? - you will then be able to answer with some authority - other peoples seemingly "interesting" and "mysterious" questions based on your new understanding of the grand unification theorem.

Remember me, when you give your Nobel prize for Physics acceptance speech! :wink: :icon_thumright:

You can just call me HAL! :laughing9:


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Orgone and Odic force huh?

If that's the best you can muster - then I guess that will have to work for you.

I'm not saying your wrong (coz your not) it's just that your still a heck of a long way short of what orgone / odic force, form only a very minor part of.

Yes there's an unidentified contractive or negative force in the universe, any system in a state of equilibrium musthave such a force as a counter to the visible and observable expansive / positive force that we know and understand.

I've explained this force to you in great detail - (even it's fractal tetrahedral nature) and given sound reasons based on solid physics (and math) as to how it works...

But still - your fascinated at tinkering around the edges with "wichery" - "orgone concentrators" and the odic force...and cloud busters ::)

I guess if thats as much as you can digest / handle then - thats the level of physics that will tittilate and "interest" you, and no one can do any more to educate you...beyond what your ready to a result of your conditioning.

I get this "vision" in my head...........of you as a scuba diver....100 feet down.....marvelling at the water in a raindrop, hitting the waters surface 100 feet above you - all the while totally oblivious to the fact - your completely suerrounded bye just that very same water.

Call it blind to the wood because of all the trees and liken it to leading a horse to water but not being able to make it drink...

Dabble away at will - you will need to rip off the blinkers at some point - if not in this lifetime then maybe the next!

Aristotle in the 4th century famously said:-

For those who wish to find answers, it is a real step forward even to ask the right questions.

How & why were brilliant men brilliant?

What set them apart from their peers?

How & Why was Tesla so knowlegeable?

How does a deaf & blind person create some of the worlds most amazing music?

How did Jesus perfomr his miracles?

Why were Elijah, Melchisedeck, & Jesus all "taken up to heaven" to be with God - rather than buried on earth, their bodies to rot in the grave, as were Moses, and Solomon & David?

How were prophets able to foretell the future?

Our world is "CHOCK FULL" of such mysteries, for those whose minds are closed to the secret knowledge that is Gods creation.

To God all things are possible.

God is able to do anything - things that we are not even capable of imagining because we don't have the imaginative capacity of our creator!.

Edgar Cayce, referred to a 'collective conscious' or 'universal library of knowledge' into which he "tapped" when in his trance state - where he gave his famous readings preserved today by his legacy the ARE (Association for Research & Enlightenment) Museum.

Try searching out the 100th monkey effect on google.

Like anything, one can choose to believe or not - that is our divine right to free will, choice.

Humanity has that right - to chose to believe or not - to learn and to grow and too advance or to stagnate and decline.

Any system in equilibrium must have just that, and the system of free will - to choose (to learn and grow or not) requires that there will be those who do (believe) and those who choose not (to believe)!

However - if theres any truth to 100th monkey effect - once enough of the population choose - (by free will too believe or not), once critical mass is achieved - a tipping point occurs and all members of that society then know and adpt the new behavior.

Few today still ride their horse to work or stoke uyp the boiler on their steam train with coal...critical mass and tipping point ensures that all of society eventually take up the new learned behavior.

Reichmanns orgone was just a very small part (the raindrop) of the fractal tetrahedral contractive gravitic force (water body) that you the scuba diver 100 feet down have noticed and is marvelling at.

When the idea reaches critical mass and hence tipping point, well then humanity will adopt it en masse and it will become the new reality wordview.

Jesus had this very problem with his miracles......well ahead of his time, and he paid for it with his life - yet Christianity eventually reached critical mass and the tipping point. Would we 'Christians' still kill Christ today?... (let's deliberately not include orthodox jews in that rhetorical question) :wink:

His problem?

Just ahead of his time was all.


Just ahead of his time was all.


Just ahead of his time was all.

Lucky Eddie?

Just ahead of his time is all.

There are non so blind as those who cannot see. ??? :icon_pirat: :icon_scratch: 8)

Far from just "making rain" - this new contractive gravitic force & new physics will give us:-

- Anti Gravity (along with all that entails for space exploration)
- Anti Matter
- An alternative to Nuclear Energy
- An ability to disarm nuclear warheads in flight - (By altering the electron shell orbital circumference ratio, & hence valence & hence properties of the metals used in nuclear fusion, not to mention foiling the trigger itself).
And so much more...

It will mean for mankind.

Time Travel, the end of the dominion of Time over mankind - in essence immortality. i.e the prophecied biblical "time of the end" is a misnomer - it is in fact the "end of time" (and its dominion over mankind) rather than "the time of the end" (of this world) as so many have misunderstood & feared for so long.

I could go on but why bother - I'm speaking to myself! ::)


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D AFTER WWII, and during the "Cold War", Paranormal Science was "updated" with the NEW SCIENCE... (REALLY, the OLD Science... see "Tao of Physics", and MORE so, today) AND! Operation STARGATE resulted; "google"... Operation StarGate";D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

"There are non so blind as those who cannot see."

The original is even more effectively expressive:

'There are non so blind as those who WILL not see.'

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:D Directed at who... meaning what? :wink:

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