ARA gold prices


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Nov 17, 2008
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I just read about ARA and since it is locally based thought I would ask how many of you have used them and how they compared with others. Were you pleased? I have take stuff to a place in town that I think didn't pay anywhere near enough, so I want to be careful. Thanks!

Thanks! It is within driving distance. Didn't realize you were in the DFW area!

I'd also like to know about experiences others have had when dealing with ARA.

atx_kt said:
I'd also like to know about experiences others have had when dealing with ARA.
I have delt with JewelerDave and ARA. Both give you a good deal on gold refining.

Thank you for the good advice. :icon_thumright:

I sent my gold and silver to ARA and had a pleasant experience.

atx_kt said:
I'd also like to know about experiences others have had when dealing with ARA.

I have a batch in with them now, my first with them.
I spoke with Don on Friday, they were processing my stuff.
So far a great bunch to deal with.
Like I said it is the first time I used them but when I called they spoke to me like I was a long time customer, answered every question, never rushed...even though my total was just over 3oz total, silver, gold and a little plat, nothing large for a place like that.
They even told me the time to call back to find out the $$ total after purifying.
Even with the big market drop the last three days I'm still happy with them.

Thanks for the input. I dropped my gold "junk" off last Wednesday and was pleasantly shocked at the estimate. I should get my check in the first part of the week. 98% of the spot price is great and I agree that they were very helpful.

I was extremely pleased with ARA and the check I received. They returned all of my stones as well. I sold some jewelry to Dallas Gold and Silver Exchange, but didn't get near what I think I would have gotten at ARA. I can't recommend ARA enough. Thanks, Cyberdan!

When you guys send in you're gold to a refinery do you weigh it first.I've got 18.3grams of 10K and 14.6 grams of that enough to send in And how much would I expect a check for?Thanks for any info you got

jasper62 said:
When you guys send in you're gold to a refinery do you weigh it first.I've got 18.3grams of 10K and 14.6 grams of that enough to send in And how much would I expect a check for?Thanks for any info you got

I have an electronic tester and most jewelry comes in at one half K under karat. Some weasel politicians probably got paid off by the jewelery makers lobby to pass a law that makes this OK.

lets say you have 18.3g of 9.5K and 14.6g of 13.5K
and todays rate (right now) is $1065
your gold is worth $247.91 & $281.06 total $528.97
less the refinery 2% fee, you should get a check for $518.39

keep in mind their check is based exactly on the amount of gold extracted and spot at time of settlement. But I am very close.
So to answer your question. YES that is enough to send in.

Thank you cyberdan
that was a fast reply ...I guees I'll send it in in the next week or two or wait and see what the market does.......Love that avatar you got.Looks just like my uncle Tom and He's the good lookn one in the family.

Hi, fellas new guy here. I came to this forum when seeking out a quality refiner and soon found that ARA was my choice. The first lot that I sent in returned a check for $208 and I had estimated $217 so pretty darn close. I later sent two more lots which has brought me to the point of making all of you aware of all refinery scheems.

The second lot that I sent in I had estimated at $844, I called ARA to see what they supposedly extracted from the lot i sent in $721 was Don's response. Keep in mind that I only send in hallmarked jewelry(I know some can be fake even though stamped). I asked him how was my estimate so close the first time and $120 off this time. He gave me a huge explanation that they pay EXACTLY what they get out of it yada..yada...yada... I figured that more than one of the pieces I sent in must have been fake....what are the odds of that when they were all stamped....not too good. My guard went up, but I put the blame on myself and went ahead and covered my bases with the next lot, by buying an acid test kit. The third lot I sent to them was estimated at $568, and yes I know I did my math right every time. I called ARA today and spoke to Don again and was told my check for $447 would be sent out today(funny, it was ready to go, but they didn't send it out yet...the first lot I sent them took 4 days to get a check in my mailbox from the day they received it. This time it has been 6 business days since they received it and still no check)

Bottom line to everyone is that business is business and everyone has to make a profit. Once someone knows they have your patronage, they will take you for everything you are worth. I will never use ARA ever again.


That's the first time I've heard of any complaints about ARA.

I refined gold and silver professionally for over 40 years and know that gold is rarely what it is stamped. One karat under is not unusual. At least 1/2K under is the norm. If it was made before 1980, the pieces could legally be 1/2K under and it was most always more than that. Some items, especially chains, can have lots of gold solder, which can lower the value. Mexican gold is very often over-marked. The same with a lot of stuff marked 22K or 916 from Asia. Heavy class rings often have lead under the stone. I have seen a lot of chains with marked real karat gold clasps, yet the chain itself is plated or gold filled. In later years, the odds of finding fake plated objects with karat markings has become greater and greater. Also, there is always a natural tendency for owners to over-estimate their gold.

How are you testing it? If you are not filing a deep notch into it and using a drop of nitric to determine if it's plated or gold filled or karat gold, you could easily be missing some fake pieces, whether marked or not. Also, I don't trust electronic testers since I have seen them wrong a few times, either through operator error or tester error. A touchstone always gives the right answer, assuming the piece has already passed the notch test. If you are buying and selling everything based just on markings, that's an easy way to go broke. Also, you'll always think any refiner you send it to is cheating you, even if he isn't.

The only way to really know what you have is to melt it all together and either pin sample the melt or cast it and drill the bar. Pay to have the pin sample or drillings fire assayed.

I sent in a lot with stones in almost all the pieces. I really didn't know how much everything weighed, because I was suspect of some of the items myself. My problem was with returning the stones. One piece had 2 blue sapphires (?) and a clear stone. No blue stones came back. Do I know what they were, no. But when I called, he aplogized and said maybe they melted. Anyone know how that is possible? I have been an electroplater for 23 years and have worked with acid plenty and cant imagine what they could have been to melt. He said he would send me a bunch of loose blue stones and to take my pick. Well if my stones were real and he sent some glass for me to pick through, I wouldn't be the wiser. Will have all stones removed or at least tested before hand from now on.

EARL51 said:
I sent in a lot with stones in almost all the pieces. No blue stones came back.
Are you also talking about ARA? I find it hard to believe you are. They send back the tiniest stones, and it costs them extra in postage to send. I just got a check from them with 9 diamonds attached, each stone no bigger than an ants head. I had to get my magnifying glass out just to see what they were. They bend over backwards to return all stones.

hunz said:
Hi, fellas new guy here. I came to this forum when seeking out a quality refiner and soon found that ARA was my choice. The first lot that I sent in returned a check for $208 and I had estimated $217 so pretty darn close. I later sent two more lots which has brought me to the point of making all of you aware of all refinery scheems............Once someone knows they have your patronage, they will take you for everything you are worth. I will never use ARA ever again.
I can't believe that. I have used them at least ten times. Just got a check from them (for gold) and it was about $40 more than expected. I always electronically test and weigh. I have a silver shipment in now.

There was only one time i had a problem, but not with ARA. I sent in a heavy bracelet. It tested funny on my GT3000 sometimes 14K sometimes junk. I even took it to a jewelry store that advertised they buy gold. They had problems figuering it out. So I sent it in as the only thing on my order and got a check for around $5 if I remember correctly. Turned out to be gold filled but not marked, there were no clasps on it.
I am going to still use them, they always give good service and are fast. The only reason it takes two weeks to get a check is because of travel time with the post office.

cyberdan said:
EARL51 said:
I sent in a lot with stones in almost all the pieces. No blue stones came back.
Are you also talking about ARA? I find it hard to believe you are. They send back the tiniest stones, and it costs them extra in postage to send. I just got a check from them with 9 diamonds attached, each stone no bigger than an ants head. I had to get my magnifying glass out just to see what they were. They bend over backwards to return all stones.
Believe it. Oh it was ARA alright. Talked very nice on the phone and I had some of those itty bitty diamonds come back also. But no blue stones, and they were in a nice piece of jewelery.

EARL51 said:
Believe it. Oh it was ARA alright.But no blue stones, and they were in a nice piece of jewelery.
Very sorry to hear that. I almost always pull big stones before sending. Not because I think they will get lost, but because I want a more accurate weight for calculations.

joesen said:
So basically they paid me $150 to be on hold for 20 mins. I would do that all day long, lol I would very highly recommend them. And wouldn't even consider a different refiner !
That is how I feel too, sometimes they can get very busy. I will have to ask John to put me on hold next time I call. :laughing7:

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