some fish hooks and one huge fish hook - NOW double pointed hooks added


Silver Member
Apr 8, 2009
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North Dakota
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here are 2 different types of fish hooks
the tiny one is made from a round bird bone
the one close to the tiny one is made from a piece of split rib
the huge one and the one next to it are made from round hollow bones
the point of the huge one is broke off
I wish I could get it repaired, I think it would be cool
does any one have a big one like it?


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Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

awesome examples!

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

Ohio, are you in agreement with me about the drawing I made to illustrate the missing part of the biggest hook?
I still think it would be neat to have it repaired what do you think?

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

Some very nice examples of Bone Fish Hooks larson. I have a buddy who has one that is around 3 1/2 inches long and it looks like a huge check mark. I've got 2 that I found in the past year and both of them are made from the split bone method. I also have a few Fish Hook Blanks that are bones that were being shaped to make a hook out of them. Do you find any of those?

Here are my hooks. I don't have any good pictures of the blanks.



Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

nice ones larson,the bottom piece in the second pic looks more like a drilled piece of bone that was damaged. and the big one looks to large and thick to be a hook, maybe in alaska? just my 2 cents.

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

Nice fish hooks. Wish I could find one. But I'll keep looking, maybe one of these days.

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

The larger ones are gaffs I've been told. Evidently the natives would trap and or keep fish in pools they could not swim out of, and the natives would just gaff one as needed.

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

Great artifacts... :thumbsup:

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

Hi Thirty7,Thanks for your reply,I have a couple more pictures to show you why I think you are mistaken about your thoughts
I will post 3 images of similar finished and unfinished hooks
These should show what I mean
the small hook is a smaller finished but possibly un-sharpened hook made with the same construction methods
this method starts with a round bone which is split in half and then a hole drilled before any cutting is started to prevent
the end from breaking off while the cutting, sharpening, and shaping is being done
The bigger piece is an un-finished hook about half done which is(or was) being made with the same type of construction method
only with a bigger piece of raw material to make a bigger hook
Regarding the size as being too big, let me say this:
Indians traveled to the Missouri river to catch fish in traps and by hook and line
The river contained pallid sturgeon(easily 6 feet long, several varieties of catfish (up to 100 lbs)with walleye sauger ,buffalo, etc.
All of these except the buffalo were extremely fine eating
I have found a bone awl made from a catfish pectoral spike about 5 inches long which would make the fish over 50 pounds and that huge hook would be the right size for catching one that size. check out the images I have some more hooks of different construction methods- even a couple with a double hook at the end of the shank, Thanks lets keep this topic going if anyone has any more info


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Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

wow looks like your correct about that.Awesome post & pics thanks...

Re: some fish hooks and one huge fish hook

Quito I have been told by old people for a source that the fish traps were round and built in the back water or shallow water
which was 3-4 feet deep.
meat or bait was placed at the back end of the trap (which was a circle of branches placed close together with the opening placed down current) Many thin 5 foot long willows were placed inside the round trap, these were placed close enough together so that when fish entered
the trap(mainly catfish)the part of the branches that were above the water would slightly move when the fish rubbed against them with their pectoral stickers, this would signal the person on guard so that when he figured there was enough fish in the trap the open end of the trap
would be blocked off and the fish could be gathered by hand, or small net and maybe by gaff?(I have never heard by gaff but I think it is
very possible according to what you are saying.
Quito,Thanks again, maybe some more good info can be learned from this post if we can get some more participation
I think I will post a picture of a couple of double pointed hooks

here is an image of two double pointed (broke) hooks
Are these gorge hooks??


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wow.when you talked about the types of fish they caught,i thought you were talking about Michigan too the very last one.ever take a metal detector over your place and find a copper hook?a good ideal falls in to your lap by mother nature.and you find the best material too copy i think your rite,that would of worked just fine and probally alot around too use.i wonder if it was a Hobie to them too catch a fish with a hook,i know alot of easier ways too,i used too just kick big salmon out of the creek when they were spawning in Michigan.thorns would have worked too.ones ive seen,and made alot have filled my head with wonderfull thoughts and i thank you... jamey

Jamey, I know what you mean about the salmon but
there were no salmonids native to the Dakotas
I have one more post for us, I will try to get it done tonight

Nice post on bone implements! Has anyone found gorge hooks? I'd like to see them. Gorge hooks are straight, double pointed pieces that are notched in the middle.

Thanks for showing us!


This image will show better a finished fish hook next to an almost identical fish hook
in the process of being made
I like this pair as they are so close to being twins
I think maybe a woman was making the hook
then maybe her husband showed up with some supper
so the half finished hook got put aside and forgotten about
just an idea
anyway here is the picture for you to study


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