Sign the petition


Jr. Member
Feb 11, 2009
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Golden Thread

When you get to that pay pal pop up just close your browser!

We are however looking for some help to legally fight this.

There is not a rule or policy in place to stop detecting. The DNR arch is imposing HIS own rule without a public hearing. This petition is going staight to the DNR dept of Legislation who appartantly at this time know of no rule change as written by the Arch.

If you want to help financially, please contact Scully on how to send funds. I believe he is the best choice to send to. Sorry Gene! LOL Thats for making me the moderator! LOL

Upvote 0
Are you mentally well? Because your statement is completely retarded

You have to be from another planet if you think they don't know who are and where you are from!!

Frankly I dont need your support! From the sound of it, you are one of the problems who have put us in the situation we are in!

Just so you know there, keyboard cowboy, if they want your name, all they have to do is supeona it. :thumbsup:

The Department of Natural Resources in Wisconsin has regulation authority over all navigable waters in Wisconsin. They have changed their metal detecting policy (which was set up for State Parks and DNR land) to require a permit for a SPECIFIC item recovery and you are limited to only finding that specific item, all other items must be turned over to the state. Because the DNR regulates the waterways, this permit policy also applies to all public, private, otherwise managed navigable water. As the policy is now, it is illegal to even search for a lost set of keys without a permit. This is an important issue for anyone that hunts in the water with a metal detector, or would have any need for someone to locate anything in the water. This new policy was allegedly brought about due to detectorists hunting in areas that they did not have permission to be hunting.

Please refer to the DNR site, keep in mind that DNR land and water means just about ALL water, a pond in your back yard, a dry creek bed that floods every year, probably some fields that are flood prone are covered.

This is a serious concern. I hope this answers some questions for everyone.

Theresa Otto

Re: Are you mentally well? Because your statement is completely retarded

wisconsinwalter said:
You have to be from another planet if you think they don't know who are and where you are from!!

Frankly I dont need your support! From the sound of it, you are one of the problems who have put us in the situation we are in!

Just so you know there, keyboard cowboy, if they want your name, all they have to do is supeona it. :thumbsup:


Stoeger what ever said signing this petition is bad

Appartantly his posts were deleted by him or removed by the mods.

Thanks for your support Thomby!

Signed it and hoping for the best.


I read the DNR position about claiming anything more than 50 years old. That is an amazing argument for them it would seem. I would think we should only allow them to keep anything lost during DNR's inception and anything lost before government control should be accesable to the people. I wonder what they do with all the things everyone will have to turn in over 50 years old?
Probably sit it in their own librarys and offices. This sounds like it has run amuck. Good luck.

plehbah said:
There is a thread over on the "General Discussion" forum that deals with some of these issues, and I do not think that most of the posters to this forum are aware of it. I think your involvement on the thread is important. It is worth checking out at the least!

Here is the link:,257946.0.html
Thank you

wisconsinwalter said:
There is not a rule or policy in place to stop detecting. The DNR arch is imposing HIS own rule without a public hearing.

Someone should go look at HIS personal collection of goodies.
Bet that would be an eye opener!


Seems to me that the over taxed people of Wisconsin are the true owners of these waterways and everything in it. NOT THE GOVERMENT!!!! ISN'T IT AMAZING THAT IF YOU SPEND MONEY ON A PERMIT, THAN ITS OK IN THEIR EYES. ITS ALL ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY THEY CAN SQUEEZE OUT OF THE PEOPLE!!! Good luck with your fight. Im rooting for you from Florida. Johnny

I am a member of a club in northern WI and if people want to help out more we need funds to pay the lobbyest that we have hired, any donation would greatly help THANK YOU!!

I signed it and wish I could help with cash but I haven't had a job in over a year. But I'll pass it on where I can.
This may sound stupid but do you have to be a Wisconsin resident to sign? I live in Rhinelander Wisconsin but have friends all over the US. Happy Trails, Woodstock~Jeff

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