Phantom earthquakes at Yellowstone.


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Mar 19, 2003
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Northern Hemisphere
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Cache Hunting
I received an email this morning from a TNet member, letting me know about a 4.6 earthquake in Yellowstone... that occurred roughly 8 hours ago.


By the time I read the email (5 hours after the quake occurred), and looked at the USGS website, the 4.6 quake was gone. Removed.

BUT! There was a 3.5 earthquake, that occurred within the past hour.

Thinking it was a bit odd that the 4.6 had been removed, I looked at the Yellowstone map, AND NOW, THE 3.5 was GONE!

SSSOOOO I googled - out of the blue - the text coordinates straight from the USGS site of the 4.6 quake....

In other words, I googled... "44.270N 110.973W MAP". Try it! The results are pretty amazing... The Internet is A-BUZZ about this!

Even without these ominous earthquake removals - in the past hour there has been a flurry of earthquakes at ground zero.



Yellowstone is pretty scary.

I watched a show on Vesuvius not long ago. The vulcanologist showed where prior to every major eruption there were specific earthquakes.

I can only imagine that similar geological activity precedes the super eruptions that occur intermittently at Yellowstone.

Bad news is, IF she does's going to be really ugly for the will be non existent.

Sweet dreams...

One of the posters on the boards linked asked, "Wonder what will come of it."

Well, I don't think there's any question about that.

It's just a question of when.

Relax...these types of events have been happening and been recorded for decades. The magma base moves around...thats normal activity and normal ranges. Nobody can predict these things, just google "yellowstone super volcano facts" and do 10 minutes of reading and you will see that everyone from prophets to PhDs in every imaginable earth sciences and related fields have been trying to predict and actually predicting the "big one" for decades. Its kind of like an academic version of musical chairs...everyone knows it will eventually happen and if you happen to guess right. actually hit it on the nose, or even hit it within a week or month, your future grants or talk show/book circuit fortune is secured for your lifetime.
Its the ultimate lottery. Just don't guess too soon or too wrong or.. WHOOPS! There goes your credibility!

:toothy4: :toothy2: :icon_biggrin: :tongue1: :angel9: :toothy1: :wav:

Within the last year I saw an interesting show wherein an expert was explaining why trees were being inundated by water on one side of the lake in Yellowstone--but not on the 'far side' of the lake. The answer: The magma chamber's dome was rising nearer the 'far side' of the lake, pushing the water to the 'near side'.

I wondering it those 'preliminary' removed or deleted entries were, in fact, simply recalibrated and restated to be of a lower magnitude.

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