Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)there is a pic of a dead pig now


Gold Member
May 11, 2005
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Northern California
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All Treasure Hunting


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Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Thought I'd throw in a pic of my granddaughter and her friend shooting the 30-06 and the AR15 at the ranch the other day. This was taken before they were instructed on proper holding techniques. Her friend fell in love with the AR15. :icon_thumleft:


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Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

How you going to shoot doves with an ar15 :laughing7: Just had to say that..... no offense. The ar-15 is very fun to shoot. Just like the m-16.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

If it wasn't so dangerous I'm sure you could eventually down one with the AR but you would pay a fortune for the ammo. ;D
I thought about using a slingshot before but haven't yet.
This was my granddaughter's first dove hunt and she managed to shoot 1 the first day and 4 the next. She is deadly on clays; hardly ever misses but the clays aren't bobbing and weaving at 45 mph!.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Nice looking family of hunters there, packerbacker :icon_thumleft: ! Its always good to teach kids the proper handling and respect of firearms. My daughter and husband don't bird hunt but my grandpa did.....I used to love going with him and watching him shoot--he had great eye to hand coordination, even in his 60's after cataract surgery.
Great pics and thanks for sharing!

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Thanks for the nice comments creek. Our whole family likes to hunt and fish. My granddaughter has gone fishing with me since she was old enough to crank the reel. She loves it all; fishing, hunting, camping and now taking her Ford Bronco 4x4ing on the ranch. She got a 22 at age 5 or 6 and her Remington 12 gage at 16. Now, after watching the dogs work retrieving birds, she wants one of her own pups from the next litter. She's hoping for a chocolate lab. Could be yellow, black, chocolate or cream from the dogs we have. We took her out varmint hunting for the first time the other night. Took guns just in case a lion came in at us but didn't plan on shooting anything. When the coyotes got close she really got scared and excited at the same time. :D Nothing like sitting outside on a warm evening, surrounded by stars and wrapped in the Milky Way. Saw a few shooting stars to make it more memorable. What do city slickers do for bonding with the family, go shopping?? ;D

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Nice pics, like the ar15...

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

(no innocent birds were injured in the making of these pics) ;D As a matter of fact none of mine were either.You know it's that time of year to start getting thing's together as soon as dove roll's around.Treestand's were taken care of in the spring......all's I have to do is add me :thumbsup: I think it's great PB that you take the time to get the whole family involved,I'm going to try and get my 7 yr. old out this season for deer in my new 500 gal. tank from work that I transformed into a blind,she's(the blind)ready to go now :thumbsup: I hope your season is awesome this year.Great stuff!!!


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Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Good idea for the blind. How do you get in and out?

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

git er done!!! :laughing9: Guns are epic :headbang: :headbang:!!!

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Looks like a good family outing. :thumbsup:


Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Good pics, hope y'all had a good day. That's a nice lookin .410; tell us more about it. AR-15 and M-16 are ok, but if you ever get ahold of one AK-47 is the way to go. They should have a class in every school to teach kids about guns. I know, I'll get flak for that, but it's not so much about gun rights, but what if my kid had found a gun dumped somewhere, and proceeded to accidentally shoot himself or one of his friends cause he hadn't been taught about them? What if one of my kids were confronted by an armed individual, and only bein schooled on firearms from the TV, made a stupid move? And I am glad that y'all only shot the guilty birds. (heehee)

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Great picts and so glad to see the whole family gets involved. I love dove hunting, and can't wait to get our 7 year old out there with us and turn it into a family outing some day. I love the looks of that AR15, would love to my hands on one of them. Glad all had a great time, especially your grandson.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Great pics PB. Always happy to see kids getting proper training in firearms. :thumbsup:

RGINN - Couldn't agree more on firearms training in school.

Shooters - Check out this link.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

packerbacker said:
Good idea for the blind. How do you get in and out?
I cut a small door in the back and piano-hinged it,shooting window's all the way around :thumbsup:

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

The 410 has to be around 50 years old. It belonged to my late father in law and got passed down to one of my sons. It didn't originally have a recoil pad. I had borrowed it from my father in law years ago to go rabbit and quail hunting, even before I married his daughter. I slipped on some huge boulders while jumping from one to another. When I hit the ground the butt of the gun hit a boulder and chipped of a corner of the stock. I didn't know how I was going to tell him but, when I did, he said that it wasn't a problem. He said he had always wanted to cut some off and put a recoil pad on it. He put it on the table saw, cut the stock off and mounted the pad. (Like you need a recoil pad on a 410) Sure miss him. :-[
Yep, the AK-47 is the ultimate assault rifle for sure. It was built for endurance and abuse. We have multiple AR's in our family so if you ever get out this way mini you're more than welcome to squeeze off a few hundred rounds. We're thinking of getting a gun safe just to store all the ammo around here. :icon_thumleft: This is CA so only legal clips are allowed. ::)
My little grandson was hitting a target about the size of a paper plate at around 135 yds. with that AR. He could hold that up by himself but the 22 rifle had to be supported for him. The AR is very shooter friendly.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

Great to get out in the outdoors and do some hunting,fishing, or just relaxing and obseving nature. I love o hunt,fish, and used to hike quite a bit before having leg problems. Enjoy it while you can and get all your family involved. Teach them about the wild, and show them how to survive if need be. There are many good things to eat out there too, not just am=nuimals and birds either. All people should be taufht how to use a firearm. It should be mandatory to be military trained,just like the Swedish,then made to own and maintain a rifle. Hope all of you have fun out there. rockhound

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

thanks rockhound. We do exactly what you're talking about. We show them what can be eaten, what not to eat, how to fish and find bait, how to dress and cook the fish or game, how to load, handle, shoot and clean a gun properly, the use of landmarks, the sun and stars for direction and, like the other night while calling in varmints, I pointed out to my granddaughter how her natural night vision developed and how much more she could see after about a half hour away from white light. She had never noticed it before but now she knows, if she is moving around at night and her light goes out, she can stay in one spot for a while until she can see better to move around a little safer in the dark. It was a moonless night too so that really impressed her. :wink:
This is her March of last year. She went pig hunting with us. She spotted the pig first but her dad shot it. Then she helped skin it. Then she helped us devour some barbequed oysters, one of her favorite meals!


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Is that the Motor City Madman Ted Nugent leaning against the tailgate in the 2nd pic ;D Cool stuff PB

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

packerbacker said:
thanks rockhound. We do exactly what you're talking about. We show them what can be eaten, what not to eat, how to fish and find bait, how to dress and cook the fish or game, how to load, handle, shoot and clean a gun properly, the use of landmarks, the sun and stars for direction and, like the other night while calling in varmints, I pointed out to my granddaughter how her natural night vision developed and how much more she could see after about a half hour away from white light. She had never noticed it before but now she knows, if she is moving around at night and her light goes out, she can stay in one spot for a while until she can see better to move around a little safer in the dark. It was a moonless night too so that really impressed her. :wink:
This is her march of last year. She went pig hunting with us. She spotted the pig first but her dad shot it. Then she helped skin it. Then she helped us devour some barbequed oysters, one of her favorite meals!

nice one!!!!!!! great "find" :headbang:

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