thanks rockhound. We do exactly what you're talking about. We show them what can be eaten, what not to eat, how to fish and find bait, how to dress and cook the fish or game, how to load, handle, shoot and clean a gun properly, the use of landmarks, the sun and stars for direction and, like the other night while calling in varmints, I pointed out to my granddaughter how her natural night vision developed and how much more she could see after about a half hour away from white light. She had never noticed it before but now she knows, if she is moving around at night and her light goes out, she can stay in one spot for a while until she can see better to move around a little safer in the dark. It was a moonless night too so that really impressed her.

This is her march of last year. She went pig hunting with us. She spotted the pig first but her dad shot it. Then she helped skin it. Then she helped us devour some barbequed oysters, one of her favorite meals!