My neighbor has found some arrowheads on his property outside of Nashville. I have yet to find any on mine, but it is known around my area that Native Americans did live in the holler where my property is.
Great arrowheads. I used to collect them when I was a kid in the California mountains, our ranch was pretty close to a valley between hills, and if you walked up it you saw a lot of Indian things, such as little and large holes in the rocks and stuff like that. Also many arrowheads. Just used to pick them up. I gave the most away later when I moved.
Hey Maltesefalcon, where do you live in the Nashville area? I am in bellvue and need someone to learn from ( metal detecting) and by the way, would like to find some arrowheads also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those are some awesome artifacts! My grandmother was a young girl in South Dakota around 1900. She told me that her older brothers would look for the old buffalo carcasses and pick the arrowheads out from among the bones. She said they had coffee cans full of them! HH