I wonder how many people are using P I machines because they were told they go deeper than the Vlf machines and not considered the downfalls. The biggest downfall with ?most of the P I machines is their lack of ?discrimination and tendency to be affected by tiny pieces of iron. I am mainly refering to beach and water detecting. I use a Minelab Excalibur VLF machine for my main water detecting and always use it with the discrimination set to the minimum so it is only rejecting iron. There are many occasions when targets are very deep and it is impossible to recover them due to the nature of the sandy bottom which continually collapses and this is using my Excalibur Vlf machine I have often recovered good targets eg heavy 18 ct gold rings at depths of over a foot deep. Remember that my machine is rejecting iron targets as I go along and only giving signals on non iron targets. But if you were using the P I machines every small piece of iron would be ?giving you those signals as well as your good targets at a supposed greater depth. How much needless digging is being done on non retrievable junk. I dont know how you feel but ?detecting time is precious and it goes by quick enough so you dont want to be wasting it digging craters chasing unwanted iron rubbish.
I know there is the Garrett infinium PI machine which has a reasonable iron discrimination set up on it but whats the point of the extra depth ?of this machine if the targets are impossible to recover.
Then there is always the ?point of where else you are limited in using the PI machines they are no good in ?play grounds, public parks and sports grounds where good discimination is a must due to the excess junk targets and their poor pin pointing makes target recovery difficult as well and also doing as little damage to the ground in recovering your targets is very important.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Seeya Neilo
I know there is the Garrett infinium PI machine which has a reasonable iron discrimination set up on it but whats the point of the extra depth ?of this machine if the targets are impossible to recover.
Then there is always the ?point of where else you are limited in using the PI machines they are no good in ?play grounds, public parks and sports grounds where good discimination is a must due to the excess junk targets and their poor pin pointing makes target recovery difficult as well and also doing as little damage to the ground in recovering your targets is very important.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Seeya Neilo

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