robbor, this will only be my third season nuggetshooting. I bought a ML Advantage for coins and relics b/c I'd always wanted to try MDing. I found some small nuggets with it right after I bought it, like the 1st time I tried... just beginner's luck.
Now I have a ML 18000 and still learning it. I prospected off and on since the early 80s out here in Imperial Valley's Chocolate and Cargo Mts. I have a friend that knows the Julian area pretty good so that's another place to spend some more time in. I live about 10 miles north of Mexico.
The XT finds some small stuff but I'm not too proud to dry pan or crevice, it's all fun to me. Relics are fine as well. Just running around in my Jeep and exploring is fine too. My wife is cool about me camping for 3 or 4 days at a time so I can't complain.