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  • Kuger....I've missed you on the forum. I always enjoyed your input and knowledge. Come back, we need you! Tennessee digger
    Hello,we are stilling fighting...the opposition(Gov.)keeps changing their stories/the target.....?
    Unfortunatly Due to recent Gov. Moratorium's on suction dredging,I was not able to secure any paydirt this last season.We continue to fight the Good fight however and try and regain what is sensibly the right thing,for,our economy and our environment.I do not have anybody I am willing to put my name on either,sorry.Please stay in touch,and I appreciate the interest!!
    Wondering if you have any paydirt available or know where I could look? Looking to get some for the kids for Christmas. I have read your recent posts but didnt see anything since August so I figured it was worth a try, thanks!
    Not looking good my friend,but I promise I will keep you posted!I sure appreciate the return interest....adds to my many frustrations with the ludicrous ban!!!!
    Hello!!I honestly cant recommend anybody,I do have my eyes open,for an up-standing honest operation,because your question has been asked a number of times.It kills me to have to turn folks away,but what is a guy to do?I will let ya know if/when I come across somebody I would feel comfortable putting my word on. Thanks!!
    Dane,sorry to say,I dont at this time and with current bogus dredging regulation,it doesnt look like I will this year.It pains me to turn away interest but this is just one more hardship caused by our out of control Gov. I hope you undertand
    Hey Kuger, I am interested in purchasing some paydirt. Do you have any available? And what is the cost? thanks, Dane
    Hey Cody,I'm selling my small collection of old mining reports and books..mostly motherlode stuff(5) for $ 95..if you know of anyone P.M.....Dave.
    Joined TreasureNet yesterday. Spent most of the evening reading the blogs and am interested in knowing when you'll have dirt again and the prices. Here in Indiana I mostly find fossils which are really cool. Thought I'd buy some dirt to pan at home. Thanks!
    Yesssir,great time on the North fork of The Sun River,looked right across to the Great Wall.I was working for Art stevens whos Dad blazed that trail around Gibson res......never got used to that trail!!Gods country for sure but sure hated the Growly bears
    Hi Kuger,
    I saw in a post that you have been in the Bob Marshal. My brother and dad and I went on a couple fishing trips with Jack Hookers outfit. We rode through the Danaher Valley and seen the chinese wall and caught quite a few cutthroat along the way. Beautiful country for sure!

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