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  • Herb,

    I hope you're going to like it in Texas. My son was in Texas working on the oil rigs, so I have a tiny connection to the great state of Texas.

    I'm sure you'll make the best of whatever opportunities present themselves while you are there.

    All the best, and if you wish, send me your phone number and I'll give you a call every once in a while to see how things are going, if you so choose,

    OH MY! What a time you had!! I must get some sleep otherwise I would write a long reply but it will have to wait till the 25th Nov when I return from a Kentucky Wedding.
    We then decided to access the claim by walking up the creek from a campsite down stream. One mile over boulders, downed trees, in the water, out of the water, it sucked but at least I didn't feel like I was going to die. Our second time doing this we decided to check out the area uphill of our claim, near the feeder creek that we had dropped in on and found two 5" dredges sitting there and behind that a clearing with a campsite used by previous claim owners and right behind that a trail up and out. We had found the rumored path out and have been using it ever since.
    As it turns out, it was mercury covered gold and weighed inat 5.5 g. At this point, our imaginations are running wild, "we're rich, this creek is loaded, we don't have to dig, just pick it up." Sure

    The trip out was a grueling climb up 700 feet of altitude in probably .5 mile. Thought I would pass out, drop dead, get bitten by a snake. . . Could I ever do this again? As it turns out, yes, just once more two weeks later. Unfortunatedly by that time it had rained a little so climbing out was even harder as you pushed the dirt with each step and climbing was more tortuous than the time before. I decided that no more, I wouldn't ever go this way again.
    We bought our claim two years ago, and spent the first six months trying to figure out an easy access to the claim. The guy we bought it from showed us the way in, but when we went on Google maps and started checking coords, we found out that the claim the previous owner was mining wasn't his and that the actual claim was almost 3/4 mile further upstream. The first weekend was spent trail bashing through the nastiest manzanita and scrub forest that I had some doubts about the claim. But this was an adventure so we pushed forward, practically falling down this steep hill till we found a little feeder creek that hits our creek but below where our claim was. Porgress!! So we're standing there by this tiny creek that couldn't have been more than two feet wide at this point, and my buddy George looks down and cries out "Gold!". Sure enough, there's this three inch pocket / line of gold just sitting there.
    Hello Herb/63bkpkr,

    Thanks for accepting my friend request. Just discovered this forum and am thrilled to see it full of like minded people in pursuit of treasure.

    I've been doing this on and off for 20 years. My buddy has been at it twice as long and we have a pretty decent set of tools among them being two Keene sluices, one with dredge riffles and one with the smaller riffles, a smaller plastic 4"? sluice, a 2.5" backpack dredge with sluice, 100 feet of 2.5" hose that we use for gravity dredging, and an assortment of picks shovels pry bars, crow bars, rock hammers, sucker tubes, and many more.

    More later
    Hi I'm new to metal detecting for gold, but have been prospecting for some time. I just bought a gmt used and am trying to figure it out. I was wondering if you would want to show a newbie how to effectively use this machine since I noticed you are in NorCal which I am also. I live in citrus heights near Roseville and frequent auburn forest hill area. If you are near and feel like helping out a newbie shorten the learning curve hit me up.thanks
    Hi Power Guy,
    Welcome to Tnet! I'm quite a bit south of you though I wish I lived in Placerville, I'm in Fremont. Fellas like Gravelwasher and Pville Hunter are in the same town as yourself and they seem like good chaps so give them a PM and see what happens.

    When I go out prospecting I am much closer to PVille but then I backpack way the dickens in for two weeks at a time. I had Rotary Cuff repair surgery One month ago so no backpacking for me for awhile. Thank you for the inquiry and best of success with the prospecting. Oh, for starters all you need is a good gold pan (check out Home Page) a small sifter, a small Gerber folding shovel, a snakebite kit and a day pack to carry them in and you are ready to start. Pick any of the known Mother Lode rivers or smaller tributaries and start sampling!!.....................63bkpkr
    Hi Lanny, Well - my version, over time the right shoulder was damaged and using it at work it finally failed. The rotary cuff was torn in half and due to atrophy the original muscle/tendon were not useable so the borrowed some from elsewhere. After the right on failed at work I went to my own Surgeon and asked to have my left shoulder MRI'd and I had him check me left knee. Both left appendages need surgery. BUT there is hope here IF I can stick to the program and get myself good and strong by late August 2013 then I can go on a ten day backpacking/prospecting Down MY Canyon. In September of 2013 I plan on having my left shoulder repaired. The left knee will be done in 2014 and then I will be good for another 20 years or more. Other than that not much is going on.

    Glad you are getting out and finding some gold, be sure to take care of yourself.......Herb
    Herb--what did you have done, specifically, to your shoulder for surgery? I'm glad you had a good gab with Joseph--I think he really needed it. Yes, I've been out the last couple of weekends chasing the gold, and I've found a bit so far. I'll write you more later.

    All the best,

    Hi Mikel,
    This went almost like a PM but it got to me. Didn't know I had a particular thread except maybe for the one I've added to Lanny's
    HEY 63,

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