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  • Hey, sorry for the delayed response, I've not been on in a while. That is the Heaton Flats/Bridge to nowhere trail head, good eye! I found some great gold over by nugget alley, I was digging by John, do you know him? He's a regular, he knew Bernie.
    HEY RICH , had a blast this trip out to the red chispa , i hit a 1.1 gram nugget in the road , bought a small camper 2 days before the trip it worked out well . i have 2 buckets of classified dirt to go throgh later .
    Cool deal Mr. Rabbit, no point in working if you can't squeeze at least a little enjoyment out now and then.
    Congrats on finding some work not so easy these days. keep on keeping on.
    hey Mr.aurabbit, hope all is well haven't seen many posts from you in getting out in the fields.hopping if you haven't been out lately you get a chance to get out soon best of luck.
    HEY , kinda looking at a pawn shop close by that has a keene 141 puffer used for sale its $350 i think it might be just a little high but i kinda would like to have it .
    to be completely honest im not sure gold has been found over in monmouth colts neck i live in the south Jersey area lol so mountains arent found down here lol
    HEY RICH , whats new ? did a beach hunt yesterday at H B it was very low tide and found some change and a earing out in the water .. it was my first hunt on the beach now i need that wire scoop at jetro . do you want to try a beach hunt one day this week ?
    So Mr. Rabbit I'll try to stay up to date but I use Iphone 95% of the time don't actually have a computer these days have to borrow one of the kids machines to access most of the site. Thanks for checking in
    Hey Mr. Rabbit friend, I hope this is the way to do this. Thank you for the friendship gesture I'm sure ours is a well heeled road. I'm about 70 miles north of Roseville. Glad to hear your back on the road and the kids are working, just got my 21yr old a job that should carry him through the rest of college. Just need to keep him from getting caught up in the scene where we work.
    Hope you keep getting out to look for, and find gold.Enjoy your posts.
    Yes, that was me on the EF Prospectors facebook page. I'm assuming you sent a friend request to the page. Kevin Brown is the one who will accept it, it was a day or two before he added me after my request. I think he spends quite a bit of time up at the narrows so it's only when he's back down the mountain that he can add new people. Some cool postings up there now. ~Chris
    Hey Au, sorry for the delayed reply ... Been doing ok. Glad to hear your coach is back on the road. We've been making one or two trips to EF every week. Damn cold up there right now. Still haven't had our "great" day yet, but we've been doing "ok" at about the 3.5 mile mark. Unfortunately you lose 3-4 hours of digging time due to the hike in/out and the days are short to start with, so the time we're actually running dirt is only about 5 hours. I'm spending most of my BB time over on the Facebook "east fork prospector's" page. Many of the EF regulars are on there now. You should check it out, some great pics/vids and info posted there. Hope all is well. ~Chris
    And a happy and prosperous New Year to you, Aurabbit79er, amulbunny, and family.
    May 2013 be your best year yet!
    Hi Aurabbit. Great posts. Yea, I like the data almost as much as I like mud. I just received a couple of maps from Big Ten and there was a little reading material included in the envelope. One was a reprint of Sept 1994 Reader's Digest article stating that George Massie found 800 ounces of gold nuggets after moving a truck-sized boulder in a river. I never heard about that one before. Googling ... nothing came up. Of course, I want to know ... what River!? Prolly in Alaska ... but I want to believe that could've happened in So Cal.
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