• I was out at Ragged Top yesterday and its a great site. Less than an hour from my house and the approach from the east is really easy to get to. Didn't have enough time to check the other road on the west side but I plan on going there next time. The Gold Bug Pro did good. I didn't find any nuggets but I dug up a lot of bullets and copper jackets so I know its working. It was a great learning experience. I've got a few more books coming on Arizona placer gold and I'm tweaking my gear set up a little too. I'll be heading back to Ragged Top on Monday to detect some more. You should cancel your order at the one place and just get one off ebay so you can start detecting. If you want you can tag along sometime and I can give you a test drive on the Gold Bug so you can see what you're getting into.
    "Poker may be a branch of psychological warfare, an art form or indeed a way of life – but it is also merely a game, in which money is simply the means of keeping score"
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