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  • It's getting better Dog i am working now so I'm making money but of course time is again limited. I did escape this weekend to join my new prospecting club for ther monthly outing in the desert. I'll put up more on line about it soon. The People,the gold,the food,the campfire,the weather, the mining, brotherhood, this outing had it all.
    Yeah OBD I leave messages on your page you can leave messages on my page.
    Okay? If you need to you can send me a private message to my page.
    Hasn't Raising children in a crazy world been a barrel of fun?
    You and I are going down similar roads, my two kids are out of high school now but working and still at home. I lost my mom around Thanksgiving last year, and my dad a few years before that. And oh, my exhaust manifold is fixed in operational and I have put 700 miles on the old girl already, and those are mining miles out to the Mojave desert twice. Orville, is that near Roseville?
    I lived there as a kid, and in Citrus Heights too between the fourth and fifth grades. We used to ride our bikes up to Folsom Lake in the summertime.
    Okay, old Bruin dog just remember the Gold ain't going anywhere(unless you see someone digging in your hole) so just remember this: anything you want to do can be done you just have to want to do it. At first I wanted to give up when I found out my exhaust manifold was cracked almost in half. then after telling a friend he told me that he had cast iron welding sticks.It renewed my determination to get my trip back on the road so I could go gold-mining again. So find away to light that spark. You will do what you want to do when you want to do it bad enough.
    It all gets better with practice.
    I've never worked so hard at having fun as I have mining.
    And there is real reward!!
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