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  • Hello Barndawg.....I saw you under a post regarding building a trommel... can you help me?

    Hello Trommel builders. I have been mining for some time. I am taking a pretty big step and building a very large trommel. I am still early in the design phases, but does anyone have a rule of thumb on the typical slope setting for a trommel? I will be mounting on a fairly large trailer. The drum will be about 22" in diameter and about 8' long. I have everything done to adjust the rotation from a creep up to about 40 rpm. But, I am trying to be smart about slope. For a variety of reasons, I plan to level my trommel trailer at the mine site, then I want to adjust the trommel slope. Obviously I start from 0 slope and go from there. A slope of less than 6 degrees is pretty easy for me, but peyond that, I would have to make some modifications. This modifications are easy now if I might need more than 6 degrees, but much harder later one if I want more. I will be welding......I do not want to un-weld
    Jim is the Gateway meeting going tobe over in Caseyville again this year on Nov. 17 at 11AM ??? Russ
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