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  • Hi there,

    Hope you are finding the big ones! I just bought a goldscreamer pack for my gpx... read a lot of reviews about how it helps cut down on emi and such, as well as increases the volume. Will have to try it out!

    Thanks Gravelwasher for your kind words and encouragement. It would be an honor to head out with you one day as well.

    Thanks for leaving the message. For some reason, I didn't even know visitor messages got left on the profile. I'm used to retrieving PM's only.

    My apologies.

    All the best,

    Gravelwasher... thanks for your came as a nice surprise. Yes I enjoyed your post over there, you've a great sense of humor. The part about the various "fevers" put a broad smile on my face. :)

    It is not terribly difficult to find large valuable pieces of native silver here, whereas detectable gold is mighty scarce. We have little choice but to hunt what we have in relative abundance... native silver. But I've been thinking lately it would be a nice change to try for some gold... maybe over towards the Quebec / Maine border country. Best,

    I've still got it. I've got $400 in it, its still like new. I bought it to search for gold chains at the Florida beaches but I've got a muscular dystrophy type of disease in my legs and I can't land hunt any more. Probably should sell it to someone who will use it. Where you located at?
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