Hi Astro ,
I have followed your posts and You Tube work on fluid beds with interest, I recently joined Treasurenet and would like to add you to my friends list if thats OK, I have one post in the fluid bed sluice thread with some pics of my Ali-zookas.( just thought the name up! ) prospector super mini and mini, I like building almost as much as shovelling gravel.. I am in Scotland and get out as much as I can , Both yourself and Goodguy have been very informative , I subscribe to your YouTube channel as McGyvergold, thought I better change my handle as everyone would think I spend all my spare time bashing sluices together from anything I could Find...which of course is completely untrue...got a couple of other projects on the go a 11/2 tri jet suction nozzle for a wx10 and one way valves from silicone for a gold-n-sand type hand dredge both getting tested soon..kind of like bagpipe valves ??
Best Regards Dash Riprock ( Jim )