Secret Medallions


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Dec 10, 2010
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These are the copies of the secret logos for Holy Stones Incorporated. The official ones were said by my informant to have been poured from gold removed from the Dutchman's La barge punisher mine. The one found from the Walter Gassler report. Sorry I didn't add them to my other post but I didn't know how. A friend showed me how to do it. The informant says the symbols on each medallion tells a story. Obviously there are four stories. One of the medallions is called the prophrcy coin and the other is called the end times coin. The informant says one of the stories on the prophecy coin has just recently come true. This involves the Vatican and the Neo nazis.


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So the Holy Stones Corporation claims these stones originated in Venice? That's a new twist.

The informant was one of the 9 original members of the group that incorporated the company called Holy Stones Inc. So he knows everything without having to ask anyone else. But my understanding is only the president of the corporation has direct access to the safety deposit box where all the corp. documents and artifacts are kept. Of course the informant has no direct access. My understanding is he snaped shots of some of the documents and artifacts using his digital camera during a board of directors meeting during a coffee break. I put in a phone call to he to ask your question and some from other people as well. He Christmas shoping right now but is to call when done.

Oh my God! I did not know all that info about the Knights Templar and Holy Stones Inc. I did however know some VERY, VERY disturbing info about these people from my grandfather Delmar Knight. He just recently passed away. You might find this info VERY interesting also.

The informant says $75,000.00 dollars so far has been invested by
two German groups. My informant says there was a big
blow up between the 9 original members of Holy Stones Inc.
having to do with half of the group headed by treasure hunter
Rick Gwynne not getting their shair of the 75 grand, and not
having direct access to the safety deposit box.

The other half of the original 9 members is head by Emory Taylor.
He is also the president of Holy Stones Inc., and is the only one
with direct access to the safety deposit box and the two German
groups. According to the informant the group headed by Rick
Gwynne has be demoted to only a 10% shair of the corp. I do not
know exactly who the informant is, but my guess is he is from
Rick Gwynne's group.

You are correct! The two coins with the four logos are copies of
original drawing owned by a secret society in europe. Two of the
drawings are the "head" and "tail" of a coin called the prophecy
coin. One of the prophercy has already come true. It is the one
of the German holy stones having been brought from Italy to
America and discovered in a hidding place in the Superstition
mountains. The second prophercy is the assassination, which is
yet to come true. The other two drawings are the "head" and
"tail" of a coin called the End Time coin. It is somehow
connected to a undergound valt discovered by Chuck Crawford
back in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

My informant is to get back with me today. He says he also took
pictures of outline for the story each of the logos represent.
He also has pictures of Rick Gwynne and others when some of the
German holy stones were found on a mining claim owned by Holy
Stones Inc. So I should be getting that today.

One other thing. The informant says it was C. Treewood who led
an expedition into the Superstitions following the Gassler report
and located gold ore or treasure. He isn't sure which. But a
large sum of the 75 grand was used to buy equipment to melt down
the gold and pour it into molds of the logo coins. He says 13
pairs of coins were made. He says each coin is 13 troy oz of
platinum and gold. He says he suspects the reason there were 13
pairs of coins made is because there is a secret inner group
having 13 members.

Head side of the End Time Coin

As the wheel of fortune turns fortunes change. Some for the better and some for the worse. The skull in the keyhole is a warning to the unworthy of their fate should they use the key in an attempt to open the lock. All of the other symbols are religious in nature and connected to mankind and the emergence of civilization. The lock conceals great wealth and secret knowledge concerning God, man, religion, and civilization. This wealth and knowledge will be obtained by the worthy initiate during the end time when they key is turned and Alpha becomes Omega.

Note that this is not much of an explanation.
1. How do the 13 symbols concern religion, mankind, and the emergence of civilization?
2. Is the lock symbolic or is there an actual container (such as a safe or something similar) that has to be opened?
3. Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are two keys on this side of the coin, which one opens the lock?
4. Where are these two keys located?

Tail side of the end time coin

Illuminati, Trilateral, Bilderburg join forces with secret scientific sect to keep a Cathar treasure from the Roman Catholic church because the pope wants it destroyed. Since the 666 is the flames of the pyre, and the pyre was a tool of the Roman Catholics, this symbolism means Satan has infiltrated the Roman Catholic church.

This is not much of an explanation.
1. Nothing is said about the feathers of the wings and tail represent 3 sets of 13, and also the feathers on the neck are 3.
2. How do we know that the 3 sets of 13 are the Illuminati, Trilateral, and Bilderburg?
3. Nothing is said about the breastplate of the Phoenix being the symbol for Bruno, who was burned in a pyre by the Roman Catholis church because of his scientific beliefs.
4. The symbolism clearly suggest that secret organizations, and secret knowledge, both of which the Catholic church tried to suppress in the past, has survived, and will come into prominence. But what secret organizations, and what knowledge?

Head of the Prophecy coin

Obviously it is an assassination of a political leader who is a warrior (evidenced by his sward). He has world dominance or is attempting it (evidenced by his Loral leaf crown). He is supported by the United Nations (evidenced by the UN symbol on his belt buckle). He is supported by the Vatican (evidenced by the Vatican symbol on his breast). He is either the head of or supported by the Trilateral commission (evidenced by the Trilateral commission symbol on the curtain, it may be a Trilateral building). The assassin is either a member of a Black Cross organization or hired by one (evidenced by his black cross necklace). He is also Jewish or hired by them (evidenced by the Jewish assassin dagger). The map on the wall is an astronomy map showing the constellation Draco and the alien home galaxy NCG5866. America figures into the equation because of the 13 stars.

This is not much of an explanation.
1. Where is this assassination to happen?
2. When is this assassination to happen?
3. What are the reasons for the assassination?
4. Is there an alliance with aliens?

Tail side of the Prophecy coin

This event has already come true. No need to over analyze the symbolism. It is about the German Holy Grail, also called the German Holy Stones, written about by Wolfram von Eschenboch. It is also about hoe the stones got to America (by the Zeno expedition to Orkney Island, and by the Sinclair - Zeno expedition to Canada and America) It is also about the stones being brought to the Superstition mountains by the Sinclair colonists.

daringEagle - just a request - instead of repeating each of your posts in two different threads, just stick to one to avoid confusion. Just a thought.

Cubfan64 said:
daringEagle - just a request - instead of repeating each of your posts in two different threads, just stick to one to avoid confusion. Just a thought.
you never know who will see what or when ...or where


From here on all my posting for this topic will be posted under the topic

"Dutchman & government conspiracy Request"

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