I want to build an LRL or MFD

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Jr. Member
Jun 21, 2006
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Golden Thread
Please, I don't need the flames you probably want to give me. And I don't want to start a big argumant like in my other post.

I know of Carl's plans on the geotech site, but the chip it's based on is no longer available. Not sure if his would work, either as I don't fully trust him, but his rod design works great for me.

I've been practicing, and the rods I have been using work great with a dinky solar powered calculator, but I was hoping for something that will produce stronger signal lines. Does the amount of battery power to the calculator have any effect? The size of the display?

Are there free plans available? PM me if you like. I'm on a really limited budget, but can solder and follow schematics for the most part and build things mechanical.

Thanks in advance.

Check on Heironymus devices'

OK, thanks but I don't understand how that would be what I'm after. It looks like a strange medical diagnostic tool. I'm looking more for something to generate / follow signal lines. I know some people will try to tell me they don't exist. Fine. I'm not addressing them.

aarthrj3811 said:
Bill Morgan….bmorgan@sanpedro.com

Thanks, Art. I know about Bill, but cannot afford to spend bucks on plans. Maybe sometime in the future.

I just looked on e-bay, they have them from 9 up. If you get one without a counter, you will need a freq meter to set output. Also if you get an a/c powered unit, you can convert it to d/c by matching the output of the stepdown transformer. No tube types!!!

Radio Shack has parts to build your own if you are at that level.

Good luck

The geotech forum has some good diagrams if interested.

SWR said:
NorthWind said:
I'm looking more for something to generate / follow signal lines. I know some people will try to tell me they don't exist. Fine. I'm not addressing them.

What theory do you want to build your LRL or MFD around? Is there some scientific principle you want to follow?

We can't build/design this for you without your input on exactly what you want.

No offense, SWR, but I don't want your input. I appreciate that you're trying to help, but please save your energies for other posts.

You want to build an LRL or MFD. Good deal.
What theory do you want to build your LRL or MFD around?
What theory do you want to build your LRL or MFD around? Is there some scientific principle you want to follow?

We can't build/design this for you without your input on exactly what you want
No offense, SWR, but I don't want your input. I appreciate that you're trying to help, but please save your energies for other posts.
Great post NorthWind….
We can't build/design this for you without your input on exactly what you want
WOW…You found a mouse in your pocket…Art

Good morning North: I suggested that you check on the Hieronymus device, which was the inspiration for the Ukaco device. Both use the inherent electrical pattern in a photograph, or a sample, to tune the proper freqency, for reception or transmission.

Sorry sceptics, I realize that we have lost you due to your limited ability to understand basic theoretical Physics

Heck, you can't even understand this interesting development --> http://www.rexresearch.com/energyrods/energyrods.htm they are already selling 300 - up watt units in Japan.

Don Jose da La Mancha

There are two potential pitfalls with MFDs and both are due to the incredible sensitivity. An MFD has the ability to pick up target signals from as much as 10 miles away, though 1-3 miles is more typical. This means that it can take quite some time and effort to trace out the signal line. Once you have the target pinpointed you may have to face another problem: depth. The MFD can detect targets as deep as 100-200 feet, so locating the target is only half the battle. If a metal detector does not verify the existance of a metal target at the identified location then you should bring in excavation equipment. If no obvious target is found when you reach 200 feet, then the target was most likely subatomic gold particles - you cannot see it and most chemical analyses will not detect it either, but the MFD will.
This is the inside of Carl Moreland's $35 LRL
~SWR~ This is the inside of H3 Tec's $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) LRL
They both work utilizing the exact SAME theory, and have the exact SAME results. Guaranteed.
Thank you SWR for admitting that there are MFD’s produced. Also thank you for admitting that these devices can pick up targets for @ 10 miles….I want to warn NorthWind that Carls unit uses Rods and the technology is around 15 years old…
Hard to believe that SWR is now a believer….Art

5120 LRL and MFD users and SWR will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more


NorthWind said:
Tim Williams said:

Tim, thanks. That's what I said in my first post, I know about this, but the chip it's based on is obsolete. Not so sure I trust Carl, either.

What reason has Carl given you to not trust him? Or, is your mis-trust influenced by the remarks of LRL wallet-miners that don't like being exposed by the honest reports Carl has published?

Morning Ted, yet Carl , while attacking dowsing as an unfounded, pseudo science (sw's favorite word), admits to being able to do it himself?? Arguing against himself?? Odd for the sceptics top star, no? Do we find the same illogical reasoning with Lrl"s?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Morning Ted, yet Carl , while attacking dowsing as an unfounded, pseudo science (sw's favorite word), admits to being able to do it himself?? Arguing against himself?? Odd for the sceptics top star, no? Do we find the same illogical reasoning with Lrl"s?

Don Jose de La Mancha
I ,m look for build a lrl , me are try with a ion chamber it look like work, for more inf go to www. teclib.com.... have a good day......

HI, MORGAN i have some question . do u use some electric circuit in you rlr or is only dowsing... i like geet some for be better with my lrl... thanks for help me..atte francisco my email is deimos952@hotmail.es..... thnk a lot.

NorthWind said:
SWR said:
NorthWind said:
I'm looking more for something to generate / follow signal lines. I know some people will try to tell me they don't exist. Fine. I'm not addressing them.

What theory do you want to build your LRL or MFD around? Is there some scientific principle you want to follow?

We can't build/design this for you without your input on exactly what you want.

No offense, SWR, but I don't want your input. I appreciate that you're trying to help, but please save your energies for other posts.

:icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: wise decision. I'm in the same road like you, to build my own MFD. Tim W. can help you.

Ted Groves said:
NorthWind said:
Tim Williams said:

Tim, thanks. That's what I said in my first post, I know about this, but the chip it's based on is obsolete. Not so sure I trust Carl, either.

What reason has Carl given you to not trust him? Or, is your mis-trust influenced by the remarks of LRL wallet-miners that don't like being exposed by the honest reports Carl has published?

In my opinion, Carl is very smart guy w/ knowledge in electrical/electronics engineering but he doesn't has anything that really support what he say in his web site. He shows a lots of LRL dismounted, broken where he write his own opinion about it, also see inside and get in shock for the price the manufacturer ask but it doesn't means it can works at all. Even with a coat hanger you can find gold.

There is like 3 LRL where he is sure that it doesn't work at all locating gold from a distance as manufacturer say in the manual instruction but I got a question about it, Did he test that LRL and tried to see if really work as the manufacturer explain?, is there a video about those test? Witness? Only he shows his own opinion.

For example, Vernell electronics sells the old models of 0mnitron. I E-mailed Carl if he can give me the list of all electronics components that he shows to build a MFD. He didn't give really good information, just told me to get an electronic technician to build the MFD with the schematic in the Carl's web site, then I asked to Carl, how much an Electronic technician will charge me? he didn't respond a proper question, so I assume a technician maybe charge, at least, $250.00 plus electronics component bought in Radio Shack. At the end, I prefer to buy a Vernell's MFD rather to build it by myself because I will spend the same.


Hey Arch…I happen to own 4 LRL’s or MFD’s and have used 3 others to locate Gold…Carl says they have all fluked his tests..So much for Carl’s knowledge of these devices. I also have tested the home made devices on Carl’s web site..They did not work..ArtHey Arch…I happen to own 4 LRL’s or MFD’s and have used 3 others to locate Gold…Carl says they have all fluked his tests..So much for Carl’s knowledge of these devices. I also have tested the home made devices on Carl’s web site..They did not work..Art

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