An interesting story of "something" to be found()
An interesting story of "something" to be found()
[KGC, Holy Grail, Ancient Cities--Who Knows?]
--- In, "galarky" <galarky@...> wrote:
In the body of this message there is a reference to the mounds being located in National Forests. This made me think about what was going on in this area several years ago and the possible reasons for it. The government was trying to set up what was termed, I think, a NATO preserve in North West Arkansas. I think that it was eventually supposed to included a lot of Southern Missouri, part of NE Oklahoma and SE Kansas. It would have prevented any new businesses from locating in the area. I forget all the details but the way it seemed was that eventually most of the population would have left the area, being unable to find work and not able to sell property except as defined in the NATO plan (In other words to the gov.). There were many letters written to local newspapers and the people were very active in opposition. I think that they ended this particular effort to restrict access to this area under the heading as they had it then. I think that there is a reason beyond "preserving" our natural heritage behind many of the National Forests and Rivers. Gayla
The Missouri Mystery Mound Lost Ancient Civilization in Southern Missouri
At the beginning there was a great mound. It was called Nanih Wiya. It was from this mound that the Creator fashioned the first of the people. These people crawled through a long, dark cave into daylight. They became the first Choctaw By BJ Pemberton Home.htm
Excerpt- "It seemed a man named Charles Teague had been searching for what he thought were clues in search of the so called "Holy Grail", when he stumbled upon an area in the Missouri Ozarks, he had named "The Missouri Mystery Mound". Upon contacting Charles, he described to me, many years of thoughtful research, into an ancient hall of records and through much trial and error, had discovered what he thought to be something very interesting." What's R got to do with it.htm
Charles Teague at Giant Face- Charles and I kept in touch sometimes daily, and the information we exchanged became more and more mysterious. Charles seemed very pleased with his latest find and rightly so. He began taking more and more visitors to the Mound, in the hope of insightful opinions. One visitor in particular by the name of Ron Pastore, who Charles explained sent him a copy of an agreement, he wanted Charles to sign, that would effectively, shut Charles personal explorations down, and those of his team members. This agreement would mean that Charles had to discontinue his own web site, entitled The Missouri Mystery Mound, and hand over all material related to the Mound Project. The agreement Charles immediately sent to me, as we had become partners in research and I explained to Charles he could do what he wished with his material, but I was not giving up my research or my photos, to someone I didn't even know! The agreement is as follows;
3542 SW Fulton Road Towanda , KS 67144
316/536-1174 § 316/461-1118 LETTER OF Agreement Mr. Charles Teague, February 19, 2005
Please accept this letter of agreement to set out and define the terms of our research partnership for the project herein defined as the Missouri Mystery Mound Study.
With this formal invitation to join the National Geomantic Survey (NGS) we will form a research partnership with you as the Project Leader of the Missouri Mystery Mound Study (MMMS). As Project Leader you will retain primary authority of on site activities and approval of research team membership authorized to access the research site. By executing the separate Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) provided by NGS, you become part of a team of fellow researchers of have also agreed to the same terms and conditions of participation in the NGS.
As Director of NGS, I will retain authority over site protocol and specific methodology employed to validate the findings as to comply with standardize academic procedures. The Director will establish policies and procedures for use in the MMMS. That will require working closely with the Director on all aspects of the study. There should be no new contacts made, and discussions with outside parties terminated unless discussed and approved between us prior to doing so. This will limit the possibility of disseminating privileged confidential information and reduce the possibility of loosing control of the project to outside parties or institution that may wish to claim credit or discredit aspects of the project. It is not uncommon for legitimate parties to subvert projects and partnerships for their own gain and/or illegitimate means and reasons. It has happened before and we are not immune to impunity.
The NGS team is a tested, reliable group of loyal associates that offer many areas of expertise. Their talents will be at your service as time permits, with your approval. Details of the staff personnel will be provided to you upon request as they may be needed in the future.
By bringing this project in under the NGS banner we gain many benefits and credibility. Foremost is the value of have a trusted team of dedicated fellow researchers that uphold the highest standards of ethical practices. We have a professional image and reputation of conducting ourselves and our projects with the utmost care and responsibility. As a private company we maintain control over our projects and compartmentalize security risks. With a project of this nature we will expose ourselves to a high degree of possible dangers, and at the least, professional ridicule. But I have faith in your findings and believe that we can bring this discovery forward in a manner that will gain respect in the public eye when the time comes. Should all go well, we will ever succeed in getting academia to accept the potentially monumental discoveries to be made in the MMMS.
It is further agreed that any literary works published as a result of the study shall be shared equally between us. Typically, such a work is academic in nature such as an Archaeological Site Survey Report, for peer review. There is also the potential for a book published for the general public that could yield monetary rewards. Such a work shall be co-authored under both of our names.
In light of the fact that the USCE will commit to our research agreements, I will reiterate my concerns over the material you post on the internet. I formally request that you suspend the web site until such time that we have concluded the MMMS and agree on the method of releasing the information to the general public at large, I am sure the Corp would agree on the need for discretion.
It will be an honor to receive your consent, acceptance and commitment as indicated by signing below. Feel free to address any ideas or concerns that may not have been covered.
Please make copies for your files and return the originals to me at you earliest convenience and we will move to the next step of securing agreements with Corp officials.
Respectfully yours,
Ronald J. Pastore
Charles had sent me this copy to save and said that he WOULD NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT! Charles assured me that he did not feel that it was appropriate. I also felt that since this site was in a National Forest, anyone could do their own investigation! Of coarse they would need a guide just to get to the site, and even then they may have to walk 25 miles in order to see all that we have seen! There is so much unexplored forest, that we had never investigated, I was sure someone else was bound to find something of interest. The one thing Ron Pastore did not know however, was that I had found Turquoise Beading lying along a cliff side. At first I thought noting of it, until I researched the Incas and other cultures that adorned their statues and cultural pieces with this stone. Also Native Americans used Turquoise to adorn themselves. I did not remove the material, even though I thought at first that someone had simply dropped it along their way. I could just kick myself for not reporting this at the time but I had no idea how important this find could be! As far as I know, I am the only one who knows where it is, as I did not mention it until much later. It is most probably washed under the dirt by now, where it may forever remain. ...
Charles made a visit once again to the mound and this time he took with him his Web Master, who had been managing his web site. I cannot remember his name at this time, as Charles has since taken his web site down and wants nothing more to do with it! Anyway, when Charles took his friend to the Giant Face, Charles told me that the guy was so afraid he would not even climb the hill to get a better look! Then two strange men came out of the wood and ask Charles and his friend if they would follow them into the wood and show them all that he had found! Charles became suspicious at this time and so did his web master! Charles did not follow and told the guys he would meet them later, with no intention of meeting them at all. I suppose Charles had stayed too long at the Giant face and along came the two strangers, once again! The men now insisted that Charles and his companion go with them, and Charles then promised he would be right there! At this point Charles started acting like he was searching for something, the guys now left once again, and Charles told his Web Master to hurry up and get in the car! According to Charles, they left as fast as they could drive safely!
A couple of days passed when Charles received what sounded like a desperate phone call from his Web Master. He asked Charles to come and meet him , along with his family, in a wooded area, near Memphis. Charles found this strange and did not go, as the guy wanted Charles to bring his own family, as well! For two weeks after this incident, Charles could not get in touch with his Web Master. It seemed his phone had been disconnected. Charles even mentioned to me, that others had called searching for this person. I never heard what had happened to the Web Master as apparently Charles had not had any more contact with him. The next thing I know, I got e-mails from Charles, telling me that he was not returning to the Missouri Mystery Mound and felt his life may be in danger. He also warned me that mine could be in danger, as well! Charles also told me to expect something in the mail, that he was sending to some of his closest friends for safe keeping! As it turned out it was a disk with pictures and another with film, with a strange note inside that I vowed not to reveal. The note did not seem at all unusual at the time, considering what had been happening to Charles!
I vowed to myself right then to post all that had happened, for All to see! I felt this was our only protection, against whomever wanted the Missouri Mystery Mound, and it's significance, kept secret! I did not have all the answers but I knew the 'Alien-like figures Charles had photographed, were not something that the average person saw in a forest! I also felt something was amiss when Gary suddenly died not long after seeing the Man in Black or what some refer to as MIBs. I mean, none of us even knew Gary was sick! I spoke to him nearly every day! Also there was the time I was told that a farmer in the area had reported cattle mutilations. I asked Charles if we could speak to the man, and he said, it had been a long time since he had spoken to him and we didn't have time on that particular day. I later found this link-
Charles had many times asked me if I believed in God. I always replied, "Yes" I believed in a Higher Force in all Creation, and that this Force was Positive in Nature. I also believe that this same 'God" or Force, controlled ALL things in Creation, that are Good and Positive! Charles had also ask me if I had read the Bible, and I said yes. I also believed in the Power of prayer! I always put forth my best intentions and I felt I had nothing to fear at the Mound. I feel I am protected by God, always. This is my belief, even though I may not always agree with the Bible's English translation. I however, do not believe in the Devil in the sense it is portrayed, in the Bible. I believed that if one had enough faith in God, there was no reason to fear Evil. People just had to have hope and I have always been sure that my hope lies with God. The One true God more powerful than any imagination!
One of the last times I ever spoke to Charles, was when he told me he would never go back to the Mound again, and he suggested I never go back either. Charles was going to make a study of the Bible his main ambition, and never wanted to speak or have anything to do with others who wished to speak about the Missouri Mystery Mound.
By the way, Ron Pastore seems to be, from his radio interviews, a knowledgeable, and interesting man.
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An interesting story of "something" to be found()
[KGC, Holy Grail, Ancient Cities--Who Knows?]
--- In, "galarky" <galarky@...> wrote:
In the body of this message there is a reference to the mounds being located in National Forests. This made me think about what was going on in this area several years ago and the possible reasons for it. The government was trying to set up what was termed, I think, a NATO preserve in North West Arkansas. I think that it was eventually supposed to included a lot of Southern Missouri, part of NE Oklahoma and SE Kansas. It would have prevented any new businesses from locating in the area. I forget all the details but the way it seemed was that eventually most of the population would have left the area, being unable to find work and not able to sell property except as defined in the NATO plan (In other words to the gov.). There were many letters written to local newspapers and the people were very active in opposition. I think that they ended this particular effort to restrict access to this area under the heading as they had it then. I think that there is a reason beyond "preserving" our natural heritage behind many of the National Forests and Rivers. Gayla
The Missouri Mystery Mound Lost Ancient Civilization in Southern Missouri
At the beginning there was a great mound. It was called Nanih Wiya. It was from this mound that the Creator fashioned the first of the people. These people crawled through a long, dark cave into daylight. They became the first Choctaw By BJ Pemberton Home.htm
Excerpt- "It seemed a man named Charles Teague had been searching for what he thought were clues in search of the so called "Holy Grail", when he stumbled upon an area in the Missouri Ozarks, he had named "The Missouri Mystery Mound". Upon contacting Charles, he described to me, many years of thoughtful research, into an ancient hall of records and through much trial and error, had discovered what he thought to be something very interesting." What's R got to do with it.htm
Charles Teague at Giant Face- Charles and I kept in touch sometimes daily, and the information we exchanged became more and more mysterious. Charles seemed very pleased with his latest find and rightly so. He began taking more and more visitors to the Mound, in the hope of insightful opinions. One visitor in particular by the name of Ron Pastore, who Charles explained sent him a copy of an agreement, he wanted Charles to sign, that would effectively, shut Charles personal explorations down, and those of his team members. This agreement would mean that Charles had to discontinue his own web site, entitled The Missouri Mystery Mound, and hand over all material related to the Mound Project. The agreement Charles immediately sent to me, as we had become partners in research and I explained to Charles he could do what he wished with his material, but I was not giving up my research or my photos, to someone I didn't even know! The agreement is as follows;
3542 SW Fulton Road Towanda , KS 67144
316/536-1174 § 316/461-1118 LETTER OF Agreement Mr. Charles Teague, February 19, 2005
Please accept this letter of agreement to set out and define the terms of our research partnership for the project herein defined as the Missouri Mystery Mound Study.
With this formal invitation to join the National Geomantic Survey (NGS) we will form a research partnership with you as the Project Leader of the Missouri Mystery Mound Study (MMMS). As Project Leader you will retain primary authority of on site activities and approval of research team membership authorized to access the research site. By executing the separate Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) provided by NGS, you become part of a team of fellow researchers of have also agreed to the same terms and conditions of participation in the NGS.
As Director of NGS, I will retain authority over site protocol and specific methodology employed to validate the findings as to comply with standardize academic procedures. The Director will establish policies and procedures for use in the MMMS. That will require working closely with the Director on all aspects of the study. There should be no new contacts made, and discussions with outside parties terminated unless discussed and approved between us prior to doing so. This will limit the possibility of disseminating privileged confidential information and reduce the possibility of loosing control of the project to outside parties or institution that may wish to claim credit or discredit aspects of the project. It is not uncommon for legitimate parties to subvert projects and partnerships for their own gain and/or illegitimate means and reasons. It has happened before and we are not immune to impunity.
The NGS team is a tested, reliable group of loyal associates that offer many areas of expertise. Their talents will be at your service as time permits, with your approval. Details of the staff personnel will be provided to you upon request as they may be needed in the future.
By bringing this project in under the NGS banner we gain many benefits and credibility. Foremost is the value of have a trusted team of dedicated fellow researchers that uphold the highest standards of ethical practices. We have a professional image and reputation of conducting ourselves and our projects with the utmost care and responsibility. As a private company we maintain control over our projects and compartmentalize security risks. With a project of this nature we will expose ourselves to a high degree of possible dangers, and at the least, professional ridicule. But I have faith in your findings and believe that we can bring this discovery forward in a manner that will gain respect in the public eye when the time comes. Should all go well, we will ever succeed in getting academia to accept the potentially monumental discoveries to be made in the MMMS.
It is further agreed that any literary works published as a result of the study shall be shared equally between us. Typically, such a work is academic in nature such as an Archaeological Site Survey Report, for peer review. There is also the potential for a book published for the general public that could yield monetary rewards. Such a work shall be co-authored under both of our names.
In light of the fact that the USCE will commit to our research agreements, I will reiterate my concerns over the material you post on the internet. I formally request that you suspend the web site until such time that we have concluded the MMMS and agree on the method of releasing the information to the general public at large, I am sure the Corp would agree on the need for discretion.
It will be an honor to receive your consent, acceptance and commitment as indicated by signing below. Feel free to address any ideas or concerns that may not have been covered.
Please make copies for your files and return the originals to me at you earliest convenience and we will move to the next step of securing agreements with Corp officials.
Respectfully yours,
Ronald J. Pastore
Charles had sent me this copy to save and said that he WOULD NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT! Charles assured me that he did not feel that it was appropriate. I also felt that since this site was in a National Forest, anyone could do their own investigation! Of coarse they would need a guide just to get to the site, and even then they may have to walk 25 miles in order to see all that we have seen! There is so much unexplored forest, that we had never investigated, I was sure someone else was bound to find something of interest. The one thing Ron Pastore did not know however, was that I had found Turquoise Beading lying along a cliff side. At first I thought noting of it, until I researched the Incas and other cultures that adorned their statues and cultural pieces with this stone. Also Native Americans used Turquoise to adorn themselves. I did not remove the material, even though I thought at first that someone had simply dropped it along their way. I could just kick myself for not reporting this at the time but I had no idea how important this find could be! As far as I know, I am the only one who knows where it is, as I did not mention it until much later. It is most probably washed under the dirt by now, where it may forever remain. ...
Charles made a visit once again to the mound and this time he took with him his Web Master, who had been managing his web site. I cannot remember his name at this time, as Charles has since taken his web site down and wants nothing more to do with it! Anyway, when Charles took his friend to the Giant Face, Charles told me that the guy was so afraid he would not even climb the hill to get a better look! Then two strange men came out of the wood and ask Charles and his friend if they would follow them into the wood and show them all that he had found! Charles became suspicious at this time and so did his web master! Charles did not follow and told the guys he would meet them later, with no intention of meeting them at all. I suppose Charles had stayed too long at the Giant face and along came the two strangers, once again! The men now insisted that Charles and his companion go with them, and Charles then promised he would be right there! At this point Charles started acting like he was searching for something, the guys now left once again, and Charles told his Web Master to hurry up and get in the car! According to Charles, they left as fast as they could drive safely!
A couple of days passed when Charles received what sounded like a desperate phone call from his Web Master. He asked Charles to come and meet him , along with his family, in a wooded area, near Memphis. Charles found this strange and did not go, as the guy wanted Charles to bring his own family, as well! For two weeks after this incident, Charles could not get in touch with his Web Master. It seemed his phone had been disconnected. Charles even mentioned to me, that others had called searching for this person. I never heard what had happened to the Web Master as apparently Charles had not had any more contact with him. The next thing I know, I got e-mails from Charles, telling me that he was not returning to the Missouri Mystery Mound and felt his life may be in danger. He also warned me that mine could be in danger, as well! Charles also told me to expect something in the mail, that he was sending to some of his closest friends for safe keeping! As it turned out it was a disk with pictures and another with film, with a strange note inside that I vowed not to reveal. The note did not seem at all unusual at the time, considering what had been happening to Charles!
I vowed to myself right then to post all that had happened, for All to see! I felt this was our only protection, against whomever wanted the Missouri Mystery Mound, and it's significance, kept secret! I did not have all the answers but I knew the 'Alien-like figures Charles had photographed, were not something that the average person saw in a forest! I also felt something was amiss when Gary suddenly died not long after seeing the Man in Black or what some refer to as MIBs. I mean, none of us even knew Gary was sick! I spoke to him nearly every day! Also there was the time I was told that a farmer in the area had reported cattle mutilations. I asked Charles if we could speak to the man, and he said, it had been a long time since he had spoken to him and we didn't have time on that particular day. I later found this link-
Charles had many times asked me if I believed in God. I always replied, "Yes" I believed in a Higher Force in all Creation, and that this Force was Positive in Nature. I also believe that this same 'God" or Force, controlled ALL things in Creation, that are Good and Positive! Charles had also ask me if I had read the Bible, and I said yes. I also believed in the Power of prayer! I always put forth my best intentions and I felt I had nothing to fear at the Mound. I feel I am protected by God, always. This is my belief, even though I may not always agree with the Bible's English translation. I however, do not believe in the Devil in the sense it is portrayed, in the Bible. I believed that if one had enough faith in God, there was no reason to fear Evil. People just had to have hope and I have always been sure that my hope lies with God. The One true God more powerful than any imagination!
One of the last times I ever spoke to Charles, was when he told me he would never go back to the Mound again, and he suggested I never go back either. Charles was going to make a study of the Bible his main ambition, and never wanted to speak or have anything to do with others who wished to speak about the Missouri Mystery Mound.
By the way, Ron Pastore seems to be, from his radio interviews, a knowledgeable, and interesting man.
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