Sue Mundy... WHAT a GAL!

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: Ahhhhhhhhhh! ;D This is KGC "connected", Q Guerrillas "connected", JJ
"connected"; Sue Mundy was "really" Jerome Clark... a Missouri Partisan Ranger, CSA? Did his "work"
on the Kentucky/Virginia border, with a wagon load of "something" buried in a cave... near Pound Gap,
Virginia! ENJOY! HH! :wink: :-X

The story as I heard it was the wagon load was Yankee payroll and munitions stolen during a raid, and hidden in a cave, covered, and was never seen again.. I live close to pound gap , and have seen pictures of the gap far back as 1920, and the road was definitely wide enough for wagons.... :thumbsup:

Boy named Sue. If he DID exist, you know he had to be a tough boogar. ;D

Some of our researchers and genealogists at the Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group have studied Sue Munday and have provided a lot of information about her. Here is a photo that one of our Moderators posted of "Sue Munday/Clarke".
~Texas Jay


  • SueMundayClarke.jpg
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:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D THANKS, for the "wiki source"; hadn't seen it before. YES! The name "SUE MUNDY" was made up by the "journalist", HOWEVER! Clark/Clarke & "Granny Apples" were STILL very effective behind the Yank lines, and PROBABLY buried SOMETHING in Pound, Va. on the Virginia/Kentucky "line". THAT was the purpose of the map; THAT is the purpose of the B. T. Williams story... OR (Offical Records) is NOT gonna have much info on Clark/Clarke/Munday, et. al.
BECAUSE, they WERE on "secret missions" in "free states", such as Kentucky. :hello2: :D

I have spoken at length with Bill Williams (the author of the Sue Mundy story on the Potter Flats website) and have taken him out in the field a few times to some of my sites (including the vault). Say what you will, Bill has evidence going back to the war (in fact, he could open a museum on the Civil War/Confederacy/KGC), but Sue Mundy was REAL, was NOT Jerome Clark, and is important to this story!

Bill Williams and his partner find Quantrill signs, Frank James signs and many other signs when I take them with me in the field. The last time out, we even found "Sue" carved into a rock near a landmark! :thumbsup:

Of course there will be doubters on here. However, would this be the ONLY time the "history books" were incorrect???? Just gander at how the "history books" state Columbus discovered America in 1492 and you should KNOW the so-called "history books" are incorrect! The "history books" cannot even get facts straight about recent events, and are way off about the "cause" of the Civil War (the "history books" state the war was fought over slavery, when in reality it was about state's rights - same as is going on in many states now with the Second Amendment and state's rights!).

BTW - Thanks Rebel for posting this!

However, I was hoping this didn't get out for a while (until we are in the vault, as I believe there will be evidence there to back this story up!).

SWR, sorry to burst your bubble. However, I remember the first day I took Bill and Jack to the vault, I was skeptical of some of the signs they were pointing out b/c they were hard to make out a lot of times without chalk. However, I was NOT skeptical of the perfect hearts, crosses, JJ, etc. I had seen carved throughout. Ralph (my Swift partner) and I have joked several times about how some of these KGC theorists claim every bent tree is a treasure sign and the like. In fact, I have several trees in my area one could call a pointer tree, but have only shown a pic of the deer head tree, b/c, IMHO, that is the only one I can tell for certain was grafted to look like something (a deer's head).

In my search, I have NEVER went by any of these pointer trees. I only went by carvings that I was 100% certain were NOT natural (some of which I was not certain about I asked Ralph, who is much more a skeptic than most).

I cannot say much about the KGC for certain. However, I can tell you this for certain: There are several carvings/signs at my site that are found at other sites (All one has to do is ask Jay, as he and I have sent one another some pics for comparison and the similarities are eerie, to say the least, even though our sites are hundreds of miles apart). Also, it is not only Jay's site, but many others who have e-mailed me privately with pics, which are similar to the carvings at my site. As I have stated, what would really be a FIND would be something to explain this or link things together (one of the infamous KGC scolls - copper or otherwise). Until one is found and shared with everyone, I understand your skeptisism however and have been there myself many times! However, I have seen so much now that I am no longer a complete skeptic (though, I am skeptic of some "signs" and "pointer trees" people post that look normal IMHO).

I was looking this morning at the website below. Most of the symbols pictured on the page below (link provided) were found at my site. I was taking some pics of one of Swift's mines I had found and the landmarks and noticed a hidden cave (only viewable from one of Swift's mines). The cave is where I found names carved, numerous signs and other things. To make a long story short, I was able to decipher the signs and find the vault (with help from other markers I found by following the original signs at the cave mentioned). Finding the vault was the easy part however! The hard part has been obtaining entry!

Again, most of the signs pictured on this website I found at my site as well.

I swear the treasure was hidden there at one time

The signs don't lie.
I agree with SWR and already know how the book ends :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:


SWR said:
swiftsearcher said:
I have spoken at length with Bill Williams (the author of the Sue Mundy story on the Potter Flats website) and have taken him out in the field a few times to some of my sites (including the vault). Say what you will, Bill has evidence going back to the war (in fact, he could open a museum on the Civil War/Confederacy/KGC), but Sue Mundy was REAL, was NOT Jerome Clark, and is important to this story!

Bill Williams and his partner find Quantrill signs, Frank James signs and many other signs when I take them with me in the field. The last time out, we even found "Sue" carved into a rock near a landmark! :thumbsup:

Of course there will be doubters on here. However, would this be the ONLY time the "history books" were incorrect???? Just gander at how the "history books" state Columbus discovered America in 1492 and you should KNOW the so-called "history books" are incorrect! The "history books" cannot even get facts straight about recent events, and are way off about the "cause" of the Civil War (the "history books" state the war was fought over slavery, when in reality it was about state's rights - same as is going on in many states now with the Second Amendment and state's rights!).

Ok, so you and a few likeminded conspiracy theorists believe the fictitious Sue Mundy (spelled Munday originally) was a real person. Bill has found signs of this, that…and the other thing. Whoop-tee-do. Every KGC conspiracy theorist on the internet seems to find signs.

Instead of trying to rewrite history (historical revisionism) any naysaying mainstream history with wild-and-wacky claims about how Jesse James wasn’t really killed…and Bill Anderson wasn’t really killed…and Sue Mundy wasn’t fictitious, but a real person that evidently never was really killed…bring something plausible that can be validated with REAL references and sources. Not just piffle and wishful thinking.

I spoke with Bill today and he informed me about this post and SWR's "REAL references and sources" comment. I hate to burst SWR's bubble, but Bill used SEVERAL references in the article, if you will look at the footnotes. Also, Bill did another article for a quarterly Historical Society about Sue Mundy, in which Bill uses even more references (from legitimate books written on Quantrill and the Civil War that MANY authors other than Bill refer to, as he did in the above article as well).

Bill is a great guy and very knowledgeable on the Civil War and KGC (as well as other topics). I hate to see someone like SWR trash a nice person as Bill. Maybe SWR needs to stick to underwater recovery? I will simply enjoy the time I get to spend out in the field with my friends and knowledgeable people like Bill Williams! Personally, I consider myself lucky to consider Bill Williams a friend and I have no doubt about his knowledge on the subject! :thumbsup:

Hmmmmm, yer sorta sounding like Ricky Henderson there SWR, talkin in the third person and such. " When Ricky hits the ball there ain't anyone faster than Ricky when Ricky gets his legs goin.". Not that I do not like Henderson, it's just that is sort of what his interviews sounded like back in the day. :headbang:

:icon_thumleft: BACK to the "topic"... Sue, et. al. I ALWAYS "listen" to ppl like Bill, who has been "in the area", "talked with" the "locals", etc. There is NOTHING wrong with "legends" & folk-lore. It can be something to do research on, and DOCUMENT, etc. Not ALL documentation & "accepted
history" has been correct; it fact, MUCH has been disproven... "cases in point"; at ONE time, the earth
was FLAT... at ONE time, the earth was the "center'' of the universe... at ONE time, it was believed that
MAN could NOT fly, etc. etc. NOW! With Sue, "Q", JJ, etc.; the "locals" in the "free states, post-Civil War, MAY well have FAMILY HISTORY of Sentinel/KGC involvement; which may involve SMALL KGC
caches... KGC depositories... OUTLAW caches (JJ, et. al.) SO! Carry on with THE QUEST! As for SUE...
I believe! :D :wink: :coffee2: :thumbsup: :read2:

Rebel, you are very well correct. Plus, Bill's family passed down some inside info. to him as well! :wink: Again, Bill is a great guy and has a wealth of knowledge in this area (KGC, Confederacy, etc.). :thumbsup:

Oh, and, after speaking with Bill and being out in the field with him, I also believe the Sue Mundy story as well! :icon_thumleft:

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