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[Made a tiny amendenments to post] Finally found my first silver! Been a couple days, I had to let things "percolate" in my brain. I went out with TreasureFiend, Goio and Tmanfromtexas hoping to break into some Silver already. Originally, Kermit wanted to hit this field but when we arrived there were festivities planned or underway. So we knocked over into this somewhat hunted field where he felt that if there was ever silver or goodies to be found Goio and Tman would find something. Behold, Tman was the first to find Silver. After a while, even then it was deemed a rough spot so we trudged over to another nearby field where I came across the usual; clad and a Wheatie or two. [Thanks guys] Upon learning a few tips or tricks of the trade I was able to come across my first silver!!! A little nudging from Goio and I was digging, then I had Kermit help me dig because I kept coming across rocks or busted up old parking lot/concrete bits underneath, and popped out a Wheatie. After checkin' the hole with the minelab pinpointer, and almost digging half way to China or sideways a bit, out came that shiny gleam. I actually RUBBED the silver for a moment, forgetting that it was TH cardinal sin and read "1895" to the guys only to hear em' go "D'ohhhh". [Beat out TF by 5 years, as his oldest Silver was 1900
] Which I would have never found with the help of Tmanfromtexas and Goio! See the video:
It was by far my best hunting experience, not to mention, for the hilarity that "ensued". Much much Thanks and appreciation to Tman, Goio and my TF for that.
And they say the "first time" isn't always the best. I beg to differ.

I was actually caught, off guard. It was by far my best hunting experience, not to mention, for the hilarity that "ensued". Much much Thanks and appreciation to Tman, Goio and my TF for that.
And they say the "first time" isn't always the best. I beg to differ.