🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Found the earrings


Gold Member
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Golden Thread
North Central Florida
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
CTX 3030 / GTI 2500 / Infinium LS / Tesoro Sand Shark / 1 Garrett Pro-pointer / 1 Carrot / Vibra Probe 580 (out on loan) / Lesche M85 / Mark1 MOD1 EyeBall
Primary Interest:
I was hunting Pass-A-Grille beach near St. Pete Fl this afternoon. The beach has changed tremendously due to TS Debbie. I'm finding some historic pull tabs, and some very old bottle caps. Nothing but the usual junk for me, but a bad day at the beach is better than a good day....

Anyhow, I was leaving the beach and stopped to rinse my gear. This fellow walked up to me and said, "How much can I pay you to help me?" "Nothing" I said, "What did you loose?"

He told me that he had some custom earrings made for his daughter in Panama and she is down visiting from Indiania. She treasured them and made sure she took them off before going into the water. She set them on the beach towel and well, you can guess the rest of the story. I asked him to show me where they were, and again declined any money.

I saw where they had been digging and scraping in the sand looking for them. They did some serious searching.

The Infinium had no trouble with three cents, a small wire, some tiny foil, and then viola! The first earring. It had just a very fine piece of wire holding the stone. A minute later, the other one.

He said he was going to be his daughters hero today, she had been in tears (11 Years old) since loosing them.

So, my finds for the day, can slaw, pull tabs, two AA batteries, three cents, and one very happy little girl.



Good man, feels good doing good deeds @ the bch, they always have that same look you can see a mile away walking towards you, I always turn down the money too I once took a coke thow my cooler was a long way back

a good example for our hobby G.I.B...........well done!!!!! :occasion14:

WTG nice save :thumbsup:

I wish you luck next hunt.

Good deedsare rewarded three times over!

WTG,,Blessings will be returned!!!

Enjoyable post and pics, GIB!

Congrats on finding and returning that treasure :headbang:


Anytime a complete stranger can personally bring a smile back to the face of a child is worth acknowledging.

GIB, Great Return!

Well done and thank you

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