nugget or picker?


Jr. Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Golden Thread
Quick question from a newbie, what is the deciding factor/where do you draw the line at determining is it a nugget or a picker? weight,physical size,etc.
Reason for asking, I bought a concentrate bag and started first stage classifying thru a screen, I think alot of the pieces were pickers cause my fingertips were almost too thick and had to use the tweezers, but one piece was about the size of a green pea, another about 1/3 that size, am classifying down further thru another screen before using my pan or my "T&P" mini sluice. so far I have gotten 1.15 grams just from using the tweezers and my fingertips. So, anyway, any info on how to determine one from the other I would appreciate.
Thanks, RetRmy

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If you can pick it up with your fingers, it's a picker. For nuggets, some may give a specific mesh size, but there and up in my opinion, could be called a nugget depending on how well you were doing that day. My hope is to one day be able to consider anything smaller than my thumb to be fines...

Happy hunting!

Ifn' the gold your finding is big enough to pick up easily with your fingers----you can call it any damn thing ya wanta'----Tons a au 2 u 2-John ;D

Ha ha ha! Good answer!

I’m with John….I have never liked the term picker. If you can drop it in a pan and it “clinks” that’s what it is. If it looks like a nugget that’s what it is. To many terms floating around…Next thing you know someone will be calling a ½ ouncer a picker..Art

If you can pick it up, drop it in the pan, and you can here it, it is a nugget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I agree with the picker theory, that I really don't like it to be called a picker because it is a nugget.

Know this is an old thread, picker is a small nugget is all, for me 1/8" or less in size would qualify as a picker.

The way I learned it, if you can pick it up out of your pan of cons using only your fingers, it's a nugget. If you have to use tweezers or some such tool, it's a picker; hence, "picking" it out with a tool.

Just my 2 cents... but if you can pick it up, it's a picker. If it's over a gram, you've entered nugget city my friend. I'm still waiting to take my first trip there :)

We even came up with a sizing scale - micro, speck, shape (no longer just a dot in the pan, has a little shape to it), piece (a shape with some thickness), pincher (not quite a picker, you have to pinch those fingers to pick it up), picker (can pick it up no problem), and the elusive nugget ( 1 gram and over). Happy Prospecting and may we all get lots of yellow in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Nuggets sit on a #10 screen


Call them anything........As I call them Nugents, Teddys, baby Teds, Teds.
Only some know...

If it will stick to the inside of my nose and I can pick it out picker, if it's too heavy and it falls out nugget. I haven't found either in the wild so I haven't tried it yet.

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