I guess some things are just beyond me.. Having spent a lot of time in the some pretty remote places. I honestly say and believe I have better chances of suffering injury to the terrain then I do from the wildlife..Hell I am willing to bet I stand better odds of winning the lottery then getting attacked by a bear or such..
But truthfully I honestly believe it really doesn't come down protection!! More ignorance.. NEEDLESS FEAR..
I feel safe in the woods the cities not so much.. I personally don't carry a gun in either places..
I do carry bear spray. And I have ever yet to use it.
Hard Prospector
I never enter the desert or woods without gun, knife and lighter. I refuse to take a chance at being victomized especially if my kids are along.
I don't even know what to think from that statement..
Mother Nature nor it's critters can Victimize anything.. Are you speaking of people?
It seems to me if people were really concerned about their well being and their families they would be taking steps to "ACTUALLY PROTECT THEM" Not for the rarest of events but the common.. May I suggest First aid Training/ Wilderness survival and a whole slew of other things that one can better ensure the safety of yourselves and family. And by far more effective results then a gun would ever bring you..
Also let me point out that their are multiple non lethal weapons one can use to stop man and beast.. Why neglect these Items? Maybe you think they are not effective.. Well if your goal is to kill something You are absolutely right.. but if your goal is safety then it would seem these would be very pratical and often less heavy.