Does a Prospector hike for fun?


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2012
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I am supposed to be relaxing drinking fluids and taking my pills...So I talked my brother into a easy hike along the river this afternoon for a few hours.. We went up to the Mineral bar area in the ARSA.. Well needless to say it wasn't long before my brother was pointing to the other side of the river saying the sighns were adding up..before you know it we are both in are crime fighters fording a river with our clothes held above our heads..A little cold..Anyway he proved right as though the gravel didn't pay the Bedrock had some nice gold in plain veiw... It was a nice few hours..we will be back and with our true tool kit not the trunk kit...But it has been along time since I walked to just walk..Even if I don't have a pan I find myself inspecting cracks ect ect and some how washing material to check...


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Right now I'm more of a hiker that prospects. Working on turning that around :)

I sometimes get tired of working a spot all day long. So I go looking around finding myself exploring the land. I love exploring and finding new and interesting things. I'm envious of metals detectors sometimes because they cover so much more ground than a placer miner does.(which is what I do.) Somehow, someway I find myself being drawn to running a sluice through the cool waters rather than scrubbing the ground with a MD. Not to say that I don't like metal detecting sometimes, just not my cup of tea right now in life. Maybe when I'm done breaking my back shoveling dirt I'll switch someday lol. Sorry if I went off the focus of the thread. Just made me think of things. Lol

Herb and a couple a others do. Ol' Blackbone used to hike for hours after dredging a 50% day shift,till he found the bear tracks on his footprints when tracking a mama bear---hahaha otherwise nope as too busy cleaning cons,fixing equipment,mending wetsuits,cooking,cleaning and taking a shower to go play after a hard days work. I keep my eye on the prize as during winter plenty of time to play looksee but when the sun is out,time to work---John

Honestly? Hiking bores me now that I've started prospecting. Since the fever got me, I prospect everywhere and anywhere, even if only in my head. 63bkpk saw some of my pics and questioned me about the fishing there. I was completely taken aback by his question because I LOVE fishing and it hadn't even entered my mind.

I still enjoy going for a good hike WITHOUT any equipment along. That doesn't mean I'm not looking though. ;) If I'm not looking at the geology of an area I'm looking to see if I can fly my R/C sailplanes there. I enjoy both prospecting and flying and if I could figure out how to fly with a gold pan in my hands I would!!!

I would make one suggestion though Marshal.... If you're going to go out on hikes take some snacks with you. It will keep you from eating your gold pan!!! That thing looks pretty well chewed! I'd say it's about due for retirement.

It's All fun. I don't do this for a living, or I wouldn't do it.

I may see a place miles off I want to check out, only one way in. I work it and move on. I got zero gold this year so far, if you don't count the detector. Now the detector has done good so far.

What most people call "hiking" I prefer the terms exploring, scouting or backpacking. To me, these terms imply purpose toward interests(hunting, fishing and prospecting) but that is just me.

I started prospecting so I could have a viable reason to be in the woods. Camping with nothing to do but drink beer kept me in the city far too long.

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