I tend not to bring many people along, but we split evenly (usually concentrates from my Gold Cube) if everyone is digging/working equipment. People along just to watch don't get a part.
Usually, everyone is working different gear and contributing to the success of the effort.
The Gold Cube does not have a lot of material to split up (makes it easier to carry the concentrates back in my shirt pocket) - even when we ran 42 buckets worth of sand (3 weeks ago in Clear Creek, Denver), there was only around 3 cups of concentrates - you need a blue bowl to get it all out since its mostly fines.
Anything bigger than 30 mesh gets panned and any gold split evenly.
I normally do the Gold Cube cleanup and fill the plastic baggies - then I let the others choose which ones they want (I get the last one - I think its fair to do it this way).
If detecting for gold, there is no split. I keep what I find.