What kind of prospector are you?


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Me I think I am mainly a pocket hunter..I love hard packed gravel! I never used a dredge or a highbanker everything I have done so far is man power. my brother on the other hand, hardly ever touches gravel he spends most of his time looking for hairline fractures and cracks..I prefer to average my gold daily so to speak where my brother is looking for a nice crack to pay for his day..I will admitt he has had some awesome cracks but on the other hand I rarely get skunked where sometimes it can be days before he turns up sumtin of worth..The first vid is of an Island bar that I have done well in over the last years the second is of my brothers kind of prospecting.. I was just curious on what kind of prospecting you all engage in?


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Im a full time profesional hardrock pocket hunter, i prospect the hills of the desert looking gossins to dig, my actuall take wont be realized for a few more years, as i have to build a pile ( tonnage) so i only
see gold from my samples, the rest is in a pile of rock, good Lord willing i live long enough to see it milled.

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HArd Rock Miner, with an affinity for making my ever-loving back feel better in finding a way to get the gold faster better quicker smarter! (Taken from 7 years at InteL! lol hard to get out of your head.)

my mountain.webp

My preference is dry creeks and other areas of the Mojave. Enjoy using my drywasher whenever I can. I'm still learning so I hope to hook up with a club in a few weeks.

I like working creeks around the Cajon Pass and Lytle creek area as well, as long as "the man" keeps his hands off of my sluice!

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<====<<< Is a "Wash Walker" I hunt in dry washes currently. I used to be a "Bench Bouncer" where i worked benches that had been pushed up thanks to Mother Nature.

I enjoy exploring and prospecting around the edges of known areas. I've found some great little spots to sluice that way :)

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Depends on what I feel like doing that day. Sluicing, Sniping, or Detecting. Sometimes I end up spending all my time scouting around and exploring and only run a few pans of material.

Have to say I'm partial to tree roots and moss. Haven't sluiced yet though - so that may change once I get my bazooka in the water. I know I definitely have to process more dirt though.

I prefer quick trips with a pan, shovel, and a couple buckets. I will pan anything I can get my hands on, I've even grabbed some nice looking gravel out of a parking lot and did a quick pan before going into the store! I enjoy getting out to see new areas and finding gold is the excuse I use to hike out into nature and enjoy the outdoors. I live in an apartment so I don't have much room for prospecting gear, and I'm too busy at work to get out to the river for more than a few hours every week or so. But even still, I find color in my pan more often than not and it still makes me smile every time I do. I literally won't leave home unless there is a pan and shovel in my trunk, I'm always looking for gold!

Well I haven't done Hard Rock. but most other types I have. I have a small mining company in my garage and look for any chance to get out and find some gold.Back From Heaton Flats 5.webp

Day,week,months or years. Detect,highbank,dredge,sluice,trommels,tractors,drywashers or pan. I's allllllllllllllllllllllll good man as gold, gems,mineral specimens,relics,old cabins and mines keep the pocket full and the mind reeling as the tenacity of miners were absolutely rock steel hard to have survuved and thrived under such ungodly conditions. Anythang that gets ya outta the city and into mother natures neighborhood is good---:hello2: ...John

I haven't decided which I like better. Every time I went digging in bars I would see nice cracks. And every time I brought chisels and sledges I would want to dig. Bring tools for all conditions. Just bring pack children lol

Beach and water here I'm all about tourist gold!!!! I will do some relic hunting on occasion but I donate most of that to the museum now if it's significant to the local history.

Still very new to it so I dig and pan mostly. I look for spots where the water slows down. I also look for gravel bars. Learning by experience so far.

I haven't decided which I like better. Every time I went digging in bars I would see nice cracks. And every time I brought chisels and sledges I would want to dig. Bring tools for all conditions. Just bring pack children lol

i dont know if your are talking about my crew, lol pack children, have you seen the work those young MEN do!!!!!
lol thats what the club folks do to us, what we do is no laughing matter we take our quest for gold very serious.

I'm still wet behind the ears. I pan and run my sluice guess you could say a placer miner. I have done some metal detecting but I LOVE digging that material right above that bed rock! If I can get to it lol. Would love to run a dredge someday. Anyone in GA need help running their dredge?

Still very new to it so I dig and pan mostly. I look for spots where the water slows down. I also look for gravel bars. Learning by experience so far.
I'd branch off and do what Mad Marshalls brother is doing. Hit the cracks and crevices. you would be surprised on what you find in a cup of dirt out of a good crevice.

Washes & roadway cuts.

I live in an area that has a history of gold production; with suburban sprawl on top. One poster here gave a link to maps where gold has been found. Wouldn't you know it, I zoomed in on one near my house only to see a Kindercare built on top .... move over kiddies, my turn in the sand box.

Some of the dry creek beds here have concrete walls sunk in, to prevent erosion, me thinks. Just noticed a couple of months ago; I need to get out and get busy!

But, I am always at work.

Have a club membership, but have not been out to the claims yet.

So, local opportunities is what I prospect; the dry creeks, washes, and the 20-30 ft deep road cuts out in the canyons.

Great thread idea, MadMarshall!

I'm a wannna be prospector with a body that won't let me do much. Envy the younger guys the can get into the back country like I used to be able to get to. But my heath went south about the time I started getting into prospecting. Now if it ain't close to the truck I can't make it. Have to get people to bring the dirt to me.

I am unlimited in my quest for gold, pretty much do every kind of prospecting there is, still learning and loving all the different ways of recovering that precious mineral!

My favorite is dredging, hard to beat the calm and serenity of underwater prospecting, even though it's easier on the back than being on the working end of a pick and shovel I still like to do my share of hiking, climbing and digging.


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