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Nov 28, 2008
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Tillamook Oregon
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Sen. Peter Courtney is the senate president in Salem and we have been "TOLD" to overwhelm his office against the new SB 838 which will put a moratorium on gold and silver mining in Oregon.
Let him know that this bill cannot be allowed to go to commitee and he needs to oppose it.

It worked on the first three bills and we have no time to waste so get it in gear, I don't care what state your from, "GET BUSY":censored:.
State Capital phone # (503)986-1600

Upvote 0
I have called twice Jog



Can we keep this at the top for this week?

04/03/2013 Jog I just sent this to Sen. Courtney

Senator Courtney,

I write you concerning SB 838, this bill is ill conceived and would be disastrous for the state. If a moratorium is allowed to happen many merchants and manufacturers of mining equipment will seriously impacted. Merchants could see a drop in business income which in turn could result in the possibility of letting some sales personnel. Manufacturers could see a fall off in orders for their equipment with the attendant fall in business income and again the loss of jobs.

The question begs asking, how is the state going to replace the lost income to the state due to the lost jobs and lower business revenues? Are we to follow California in increasing taxes on the already over stressed citizens of the state? And then what comes next the mining of rock and gravel, more restrictions on fishing or hunting? Once you restrict one business or recreation how long will it be before another and then another is added to the list until numerous businesses are destroyed and jobs are lost.

Sir I gave twenty years of my life in defense of my country, seven of which were spent right here in Tillamook County. When I retired my family and I returned to Tillamook because we liked the community plus the fact I have two babies buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. It saddens me it see the state devolve from a state where a free people could enjoy the pleasures and profits of natures bounty into a poster child for the UN’s agenda 21 with the vast majority of the public property off limits to the population.

This foolishness must stop, the people of Oregon put you folks there to look out for their interests not to take away property rights and restrict the use of public lands with these odious wilderness areas and scenic waterways. They put you there to protect their right to recreate and yes even to have a business mining the natural resources’ of our public lands paying heed to environment concerns.

I ask Senator that you quash SB 838 and any others like it, give the people of Oregon back their freedom to use their public lands.


TSgt, USAF Ret.
Dennis Sheridan
Tillamook, OR

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I respect that people have so much faith in their leaders even after time and time again they are proven unworthy of such faith..I suggest you start putting money in your letters as these men only see one color... GREEN !!! NOT RED WHITE AND BLUE...

Letters and Emails have been sent to Senator Courtney and others asking for a NO vote on SB 838 and the infamous SB 401 bill and to be put on record as opposing them. Sending money to them (knowing it was intended as a joke) would just add to what the enviros have been contributing to their personal agendas I am afraid. So just flood their offices with emails, letters and phone calls asking for a NO vote on these no good bills.:hello:

Please send many letters change something and send it again

Please send many letters change something and send it again
the committee on natural resources is out of control
if Senator Courtney receives enough responses he may censure any more bills.

one of my letters;

Dear Senator,
There is an attack on small-scale mining and hard working citizens of Oregon
it's Not the issue its made out to be, there are Not throngs of protesters pushing this,
someone is just stirring the pot, who has the most to gain the Lawyers.
these extremist are coming from out of state pushing their agenda to stop small-scale mining.
I know in California the Center for Biological diversity has followed this pattern and won millions
In Oregon we have 3 agencies involved in the permit process it provides checks and balances
the DEQ, DSL and ODFW. Restrictions established by these agencies are sufficient to protect our rivers.
DEQ's 700pm permit protects water quality and gets its authority from the EPA and vests that authority to DSL.
DSL permits uphold regulations and conditions set in OAR 14-089-0650 and has authority over the waterways of Oregon.
ODFW biologists establish time periods to avoid vulnerable life stages for migration, spawning and rearing of
anadromous and other game fish and threatened, endangered, or other sensitive species are considered.
Best management practices are included in both permits to protect water quality and beneficial uses
including riparian vegetation, juvenile fish, and disrupting the food web.
existing regulations in Oregon have stood up to several lawsuits. Do not
turn Oregon into California with lawsuit after lawsuit or one over stretched agency
depending on a judge to tell scientists and biologists how to do their job.
As Oregonians we value the environment and diversity this great state has to offer.
Gold is only found in less than 1/3 of 1% of the rivers in Oregon.
Don't rely on hype think for yourself, go out and see that the small-scale miner has
little effect on the environment and is regulated to just 2 months out of the year,
restrictions established by the State of Oregon do protect fish and wildlife.
Our rivers and wild spaces should be for the enjoyment of all citizens of this great land.

please make this a part of the record of SB115, SB370, SB388, SB401, SB838
and any future bills that unfairly target small-scale mining

-my name and address-

Sen.HermanBaertschiger@state.or.us ; Sen.LeeBeyer@state.or.us ; Sen.BrianBoquist@state.or.us ; Sen.GinnyBurdick@state.or.us ; Sen.BetsyClose@state.or.us ; Sen.PeterCourtney@state.or.us ; Sen.RichardDevlin@state.or.us ; Sen.JackieDingfelder@state.or.us ; Sen.ChrisEdwards@state.or.us ; Sen.TedFerrioli@state.or.us ; Sen.LarryGeorge@state.or.us ; Sen.FredGirod@state.or.us ; Sen.BillHansell@state.or.us ; Sen.MarkHass@state.or.us ; Sen.BetsyJohnson@state.or.us ; sen.timknopp@state.or.us ; Sen.JeffKruse@state.or.us ; Sen.LaurieMonnesAnderson@state.or.us ; Sen.RodMonroe@state.or.us ; Sen.AlanOlsen@state.or.us ; Sen.FloydProzanski@state.or.us ; Rep.ArnieRoblan@state.or.us ; Sen.DianeRosenbaum@state.or.us ; Sen.ChipShields@state.or.us ; Sen.BruceStarr@state.or.us ; Sen.ElizabethSteinerHayward@state.or.us ; Sen.ChuckThomsen@state.or.us ; Sen.DougWhitsett@state.or.us ; Sen.JackieWinters@state.or.us

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Sen. Jackie Dingfelder's direct line (503) 986-1723

winner58 - If you oregon miners got together and send the above letter WITH A LAW FIRM heading such as "Jones and Jones, Attorneys at Law" acting on behalf of the
undersigned", the letter will carry more weight than a thousand miner's letters - trust me. Otherwise, you are just a few ants
at a picnic.

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Message Sent just now 7:56 Pm 05 April 2013........63bkpkr

SB 838 and the old SB 401 will be going to committee on or about the 15th of April for discussion and a vote. We need all the help we can muster from all over the country to put a stop to these bills so PLEASE take a few moments to write something to the Oregon Senators asking for a NO vote on this legislative (and someone's personal agenda) attempt to stop small scale mining in Oregon. Just copy and paste the Senators info to your email and "let 'er rip". Thanks for anything you can or will do.........:hello:

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Will do it again Monday.

All of the comments that have been sent in on SB 115 & SB 370 are null and void because they have changed the bill to SB 838, make sure your comments are towards SB 838 & SB 401 because now we have to start over.

All of the comments that have been sent in on SB 115 & SB 370 are null and void because they have changed the bill to SB 838, make sure your comments are towards SB 838 & SB 401 because now we have to start over.


A return letter to me with some helpfull information.. Keep pounding them, this isn't just about mining this is about are rights as Americans.
Dear Joel,

Thank you for your email regarding SB 838: Imposes moratorium on certain mining using any form of motorized equipment. Punishes by maximum of one year's imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Sunsets January 2, 2018. Directs Governor's office to study certain issues related to mining using motorized equipment. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Senator Whitsett will not support SB 838.

To voice your concern regarding this bill, call Sen. Dingfelder, Chair of Environment and Natural Resources Committee and ask her to not move this bill forward. Number: (503) 986-1723.

A Public Hearing is scheduled on April 15[SUP]th[/SUP], 3:00 p.m. Oregon State Capitol 900 Court Street NE, Room 347, Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone: 503-986-1755

To submit a written testimony in opposition, email to: jennifer.lutman@state.or.us

If you plan to submit materials to the committee, please send PDF electronically by noon the prior business day. For printed documents, please provide 10 paper copies to the assistant when you testify. Persons making presentations including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff 24 hours prior to the meeting. ADA accommodation requests may be submitted to employee.services@state.or.us or by calling 1-800-332-2313 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting time.

Again, we appreciate your thoughts and comments on the matter. I will make sure Senator Whitsett hears of your concerns regarding this bill.

Warm regards,

Sandy Sumner
Legislative Assistant
Senator Doug Whitsett

[TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable"]
[TD="width: 100%, bgcolor: transparent"]EOMA MEMBERS
Many of you already know that placer miners in Oregon have been under attack by a couple of Senators in the Oregon legislature. The Oregon Senate Environment and Natural Resource Committee has set a hearing date for Senate Bill 401 which designates many gold bearing streams in Oregon as Scenic waterways. This would effectively eliminate all placer mining in these waterways, and prohibit mining within a quarter mile on either side of these streams. They have also set a hearing date for Senate Bill 838 which basically puts a six year moratorium on any kind of motorized placer mining within the stream or within 100 yards of the stream. The hearing date for these two bills is April 15th in Salem.

We are using a new data base to reach as many members and former members of the Eastern Oregon Mining Association as possible. Many of you have already been contacted, but it is important that we get as many comments as possible into this committee. They need to know we are seri! ous about not being shut out of developing our privately owned valuable mineral deposits. A short statement saying you oppose these bills is better than nothing at all. A phone call as well as an e-mail is better yet. This isn't about environmental issues; it is about stopping people from enjoying the use of their land.

[TD="width: 100%, bgcolor: transparent"]You can check out the text of these bills at:

[TD="width: 100%, bgcolor: transparent"]WHERE TO SEND YOUR COMMENTS ON SENATE BILL 401 AND SENATE BILL 838
Many of you have already contacted the individual legislators on the Senate Environment and Natural resource committee, but we also need to send our e-mails to Beth Reily. She is the committee administrator and she will be assembling comments for the attention of the whole committee. You can still send your comments to the individual members of the committee, but Beth is in charge of making sure all of the committee members see the information that they will use to make their decision.

Beth Reiley, Committee Administrator
Direct Line: 503.986.1755
Fax: 503.986.1814

She said she hasn't received many comments about these bills yet. Let's change that!


Thanks hefty for posting this.


It's time to turn it up a bit.....

Find Your Legislator

Ways and Means
Sen. Richard Devlin, Co-Chair Phone: 503-986-1719
Sen.RichardDevlin@state.or.us Party: D District: 19
Rep. Peter Buckley, Co-Chair Phone: 503-986-1405
Rep.PeterBuckley@state.or.us Party: D District: 5
Sen. Betsy Johnson, Co-Vice Chair Phone: 503-986-1716
Sen.BetsyJohnson@state.or.us Party: D District: 16
Rep. Nancy Nathanson, Co-Vice Chair Phone: 503-986-1413
Rep.NancyNathanson@state.or.us Party: D District: 13
Rep. Dennis Richardson, Co-Vice Chair Phone: 503-986-1404 Rep.DennisRichardson@state.or.us Party: R District: 4
Sen. Alan Bates Phone: 503-986-1703 Sen.AlanBates@state.or.us Party: D District: 3
Sen. Chris Edwards Phone: 503-986-1707
Sen.ChrisEdwards@state.or.us Party: D District: 7
Sen. Fred Girod Phone: 503-986-1709 Sen.FredGirod@state.or.us Party: R District: 9
Sen. Bill Hansell Phone: 503-986-1729 Sen.BillHansell@state.or.us Party: R District: 29
Sen. Rod Monroe Phone: 503-986-1724 Sen.RodMonroe@state.or.us Party: D District: 24
Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward Phone: 503-986-1717Sen.ElizabethSteinerHayward@state.or.us Party:D District: 17
Sen. Chuck Thomsen Phone: 503-986-1726 Sen.ChuckThomsen@state.or.us Party: R District: 26
Sen. Doug Whitsett Phone: 503-986-1728 Sen.DougWhitsett@state.or.us Party: R District: 28
Sen. Jackie Winters Phone: 503-986-1710 Sen.JackieWinters@state.or.us Party: R District: 10
Rep. Jeff Barker Phone: 503-986-1428 Rep.JeffBarker@state.or.us Party: D District: 28
Rep. Lew Frederick Phone: 503-986-1443 Rep.LewFrederick@state.or.us Party: D District: 43
Rep. Tim Freeman Phone: 503-986-1402 Rep.TimFreeman@state.or.us
Rep. Bruce Hanna Phone: 503-986-1407 Rep.BruceHanna@state.or.us Party: R District: 7
Rep. John Huffman Phone: 503-986-1459 Rep.JohnHuffman@state.or.us Party: R District: 59
Rep. Bob Jenson Phone: 503-986-1458 Rep.BobJenson@state.or.us Party: R District: 58
Rep. Betty Komp Phone: 503-986-1422 Rep.BettyKomp@state.or.us Party: D District: 22
Rep. Mike McLane Phone: 503-986-1455 Rep.MikeMcLane@state.or.us Party: R District: 55
Rep. Tobias Read Phone: 503-986-1427 Rep.TobiasRead@state.or.us Party: D District: 27
Rep. Greg Smith Phone: 503-986-1457 Rep.TobiasRead@state.or.us Party: D District: 27
Rep. Carolyn Tomei Phone: 503-986-1441 Rep.CarolynTomei@state.or.us Party: D District: 41
Rep. Jennifer Williamson Phone: 503-986-1436 Rep.JenniferWilliamson@state.or.us Party: D District: 36

ALL MINERS ALERT: SERIOUS BAD NEWS. This is a CRITICAL moment for SB838. If this bill gets pass this committee since the Governor is pushing this bill, most likely the Democrats will vote party line on both floor votes. This is the bill that will stop motorized mining in Oregon for FIVE YEARS. We need to kill this bill in the Full Ways & Means Committee. California moratorium keeps being extended so you know what that means for Oregon. We will need to come up with a bill to override Oregon's Democratic control of the House and Senate (impossible) or we will need to raise thousands of dollars to litigate in court like California is doing.
If you want to save your mining rights now is the time to send emails, phone, fax or write letters immediately to all members on the WAYS & MEANS Committee.

If you want to make the most impact being a constituent, click on find your legislator link. Each phone call, each fax, each letter, each letter will count as one vote against SB838, but try to change your opposing message for one you send. If you don't know what to say or write, just say "I am opposed to the 5 year ban on motorized mining in Oregon Waters."

Jennifer Williamson Phone: 503-986-1436 Rep.JenniferWilliamson@state.or.us Party: D District: 36
Ken Rocco 503-986-1828

Gina Rumbaugh
Joint Committee On Ways and Means
· Overview
· Assigned Measures

[TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Co-Chair
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Richard Devlin
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Co-Chair
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Peter Buckley
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Co-Vice Chair
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Betsy Johnson
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Co-Vice Chair
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Dennis Richardson
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Co-Vice Chair
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Nancy Nathanson
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Alan Bates
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Rod Monroe
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Chuck Thomsen
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Doug Whitsett
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Jackie Winters
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Jeff Barker
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Chris Edwards
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Fred Girod
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Senator Bill Hansell
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Lew Frederick
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Tim Freeman
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Bruce Hanna
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative John Huffman
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Bob Jenson
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Betty Komp
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Mike McLane
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Tobias Read
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Greg Smith
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Carolyn Tomei
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Member
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Representative Jennifer Williamson

[TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 167, bgcolor: transparent"]Legislative Fiscal Officer
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Ken Rocco
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 167, bgcolor: transparent"]Committee Manager
[TD="width: 73, bgcolor: transparent"]Gina Rumbaugh
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

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