Anyone got tips for prospecting in the rain?


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Feb 20, 2013
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Wear a rain coat, and be careful of your footing.

If you're going to be on bedrock a good walking stick can save a sprain or worse. I've worn wet suits in down pours for years. This way it's warmer in the water and most of the time you're wet already.

I won't melt i don't think lol. Thanks for the replies.

The time most dangerous is the drive home after the hunt. You will be tired, maybe sleepy, wet, and the rain will make driving more dangerous. Keep alert! Till you get home. Have fun. TTC

The time most dangerous is the drive home after the hunt. You will be tired, maybe sleepy, wet, and the rain will make driving more dangerous. Keep alert! Till you get home. Have fun. TTC

Thanks TerryC for the tip I'll be sure to be careful on my way back. It's a long winding mountain road back so I'll be alert. I might be very happy with excitement from the big gold i find! Lol

Carry your cell phone and pocket flashlight-just in case. If you're out in the middle of nowhere, you might also consider 'carrying'.

Watch out for flash flooding.
Once at EF I was digging in the river and sluceing in the rain. I was feeding the sluice and 1 second the sluice was there the next look and it was under muddy water. I grabbed it just as it started to float away.
The water went from knees to my waist in seconds I could see it rise 4' in 5 minutes. My camp was prepared. Trenched around the tent and tarp set over the tent at a 30º angle. I had my trusty dog and we rode out the storm at Heaton Flats.
:goldpan:Next day, the water went down and the sun came out, and I mined.:goldpan:
Go for it:goldpan:

If you are near water and you see it become muddy get out of the way that means the wear shed off the hills above you will bring the water level up very quickly

It tends to rain just a bit up here in the rainforest country, and we average
75-100" per year. If you want to do pretty much anything outside on a regular
basis, then getting wet goes right along with it.

You didn't say where you were heading (high or low country), but planning for
it in advance as you are doing will certainly make for a more comfortable trip.
If in cold country, you can dress in layers and adjust accordingly, and add a
light raincoat to your pack that goes over the top of it. This way you're prepared
for whatever weather comes along, and if you're working in a river with hip
or chest waders on, the lightweight raincoat will keep you comfortable
and somewhat dry, and I use a Boonie style hat that has been treated with
a rainproof, breathable sealer (keeps the water from running down your neck.
...most of the

If it's warm out and you're in shorts and a t-shirt, be sure to pack dry clothes
along so you can get dry before heading home. If camping, make sure your fire-
starting tools/lighter, etc are stored in a waterproof container, as having that
fire to warm up by will be very important.

This time of year the temps drop quick after sundown, especially out in the deserts,
and Hypothermia can come sneaking in damn quickly if you're out in wet/cold
and are wet/cold yourself!
If no dry clothes, and you've still got to hike out to your truck I
suggest not waiting til' dark to go, as once those temps drop you'll be colderanhell
in a NY second if you don't keep moving.

An old trapping buddy of mine used to say "Welllll , you can only get so wet, and after
that it doesn't really matter".

So go have fun, be careful and if you're prepared and it rains? So what...8-)

Thanks everyone! Great advice I'll be heading out now I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Please do.

All the best,


The rain was not to bad yesterday. I was expecting it to be wet when i woke up and it was bone dry. Radar said it raining right on top of me but i think they assume the worse most the time lol. Once i crossed the Georgia border though I was glad i packed my wet weather gear. It started to rain as soon as i crossed the border. Once i got to my spot it was off and on all morning. I thought i was going to have a great day for gold after i ran my first bucket through and got three big Georgia flakes. That was it for most the day. After my last trip finding all these nice pieces in the same spot i had my hopes high. I had to work so i left around noon. I'm sure there is some great stuff still there. It's just going to have to wait for a nice dry day. Sunday will be in the 70's and sunny, that's a bit nicer than 37 and rainy lol. Thanks again everyone for your advice on the rain. Sure glad i didn't see the murky brown water come rushing in on me!


  • ForumRunner_20130405_104315.webp
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Glad you got out & found a bit!

As an Alaskan living on a peninsula & doing most of my playing in a mountain pass that is in the geographic center (kinda) of where 3 different bodies of ocean water almost meet (Cook Inlet, Resurrection Bay, & Prince William Sound), my best advice regarding prospecting in the rain is DO IT!!!! Otherwise you spend 90% of the summer waiting for the "nice" weekend.

Wow, yea that sounds like it gets a ton of rain. I bet it doesn't get too warm either. Luck me for the weather and lucky you for the big chunky gold up there! I think you might have the better end of the deal lol.

Actually I hear that the best detetecting is after (during) the rain. the wet soil will conduct to the metal. May have to make a few setting changes. stay warm and enjoy.

lucky you for the big chunky gold up there! I think you might have the better end of the deal lol.
Actually my area isn't known for chunks stuff. Mostly fine with the occassional picker, although folks pick up a true nugget now & then. But hey, it's all GOLD!!!

just try to stay dry, prevents hypothermia and you can still prospect. just my two cents.. Good luck

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