Lets play guess the weight while I wait for my scale.


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Golden Thread
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I ordered a scale yesterday from Amazon.com: American Weigh Signature Series Black Digital Pocket Scale, 1000 by 0.1 grams: Kitchen & Dining and I am new so I have no Idea ??? what gold weighs in at or even close to by sight. So let's hear some guesses and the closest to guessing gets the following according to these rules:

Well This thread has taken on a life of its own!! Lets cover how close you have to be to win.
1. exact match wins if no exact match see #2
2. nearest guess either higher or lower to .1 wins
3. If tied with another the first guesser wins so be sure to submit your own unique value!!! Good Luck!!
I was just going to give honorable mention but I am thinking that I will throw in 5lbs of dry paydirt from the area that I am working. I will bring it back and ship it after my next trip so that the winner can get a look at the same gold up close. Winner covers shipping. Sound good?


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i'll say 14 grams

How many grams in a troy ounce?

It looks like a 1/4oz bottle, so, if it was full, it would be appox. 8 grams. My guess is .12grams.

Who would have thought that the scale for weighing the gold would be the cheapest thing I have bought for this whole venture LOL

I would say you have enough gold to live in luxury the rest of your life Doitlaynstyle!

I say .3 grams. Dwt is abbreviation for pennyweight. 1 dwt = 1.555 grams.
31.1 grams equal an ounce
20 dwt equal an ounce

I say .3 grams. Dwt is abbreviation for pennyweight. 1 dwt = 1.555 grams.
31.1 grams equal an ounce
20 dwt equal an ounce

Ah very good, I'm Learning! Looks like gold is $51.36 ish a gram today.... It would be nice to have covered the gas for the trips and the pump! Ordered gold hog razorback and ur matting yesterday.

Bear in mind, raw gold is not 100% pure (or .999 fine), so you won't get "spot" price for it, mostly. Gold is usually alloyed with stuff like copper and silver, which count as impurities. Smelting it yourself (ask reed lukens for the low down on home smelting) increases value. You can also sell in ebay and usually get close to spot price or more for your small pieces. EBay is definately the way to go for small nuggets, as I have seen them routinely demand 1.5 times spot price. Big nuggets should go to an auction house or online retailer, as they have the insurance to give you piece of mind for big pirces of gold. Hope this helps and happy hunting!★☆

Fail LOL I dont know what that is. How about grams? Thats what my new scale will tell me...

Oh I guessed too high........ didn't really look at the scale of the bottle and was fooled by the magnification.
Going to change my guess to .5 gram....and that's probably too high also :dontknow:


penny weights are what gold miners usually speak in....you talk grams folks think your dealin drugs.....most newbies speak grams so I have got used to using them on here

penny weights are what gold miners usually speak in....you talk grams folks think your dealin drugs.....most newbies speak grams so I have got used to using them on here

I can understand that, Now that I know the conversion 1.555g= 1 DWT I can easily convert. Its like getting a liter of milk... WHO the EFF buy milk by the liter??? lol

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You just made a common rookie mistake, Doit - Its 1.5 grams = 1 dwt. Anyway my guess is .50 grams.
BTW, it looks really "clean" for a rookie. You know you'll have to dry it before weighing, right?
And although your scale is fine for beginning, its not accurate enough when you get to the ounces, pounds, in other words,
Hoser John would toss in the trash! :laughing7:

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LOl Guessing the weight is EASY! It's enough to be seen but not enough to make you happy with it!!! Gold is like Jell-O. There's ALWAYS room for more!

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