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After running bucket after bucket I'm wondering to myself is the v rib matting in the front of my sluice the last resort to keep that gold? Well i finally see that those riffles do their job well. I noticed this big piece coming across the front matting and said sweet! Then it went a rolling on down and i lost my visual on it. I was thinking man i probably lost it. So i do a cleanup to see if those riffles are not just cool to watch, but they actually serve a function. I have done countless hours researching the hydrodynamics of the mighty sluice box and still makes me wonder sometimes lol. Well i get to panning out my cons and BOOM there it is! So now my confidence in the riffle system is all in. (it's the Hungarian style riffles btw) Hope this might help some new guys gain done trust in their equipment and vets think about some of their experiences.
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