Before you leave the seller negative feedback, if you haven't yet, try contacting them directly and explain the problem your having. More often than not the seller will do their best to make you happy. Negative feedback looks bad, especially one selling paydirt, so they will do what they can to avoid that. It may be that the shipping company lost it, I've had tons of problems with one particular delivery service that like to lose things or gives the package to my neighbors or just leave it on my doorstep, and then of course it disappears. So it's not always the sellers fault. But if it is the sellers fault, then you can find plenty of other dealers that give you a fair deal. Just remember, the vast majority of the time you will not make money from paydirt. If your lucky you will break even. So don't get upset if you pay $100 for dirt and only recover $70 worth of gold, unless the seller specifically promises the amount of gold contained in the dirt.