"the Man" in this instance it refers to the Forestry Department Officers i.e. the Rangers. Because of political pressure by some environmental groups and the fact that there has been an unusual amount of homeless people trying to live in the East Fork San Gabriel River Valley, which is also known as the Sheep Mountain wilderness area, they have been called upon to misinterpret and misrepresent the laws regarding recreational mining on the East Fork River. The East Fork San Gabriel River is a designated recreational gold mining area do not let them intimidate you. 1872 Free Mining act is the law protecting your rights to prospect on public land. That law is active and still in effect. Those of us who know the law will challenge the Rangers. As a matter fact my wife challenge the Ranger about simply camping in the parking lot. When challenged correctly they will back down. She challenged him because he said he could site us for staying overnight in my motorhome. She said go ahead but first show her signs that say no camping no overnight parking. She also mentioned she is an Ex federal agent herself (She was a TSA Agent) and knows that he signed an oath of office and it is his sworn duty to uphold the law and write her a citation or he would be in violation of his sworn duty. He did not write a citation. There are several posts on this website regarding conflicts between the Rangers and prospector's, we are still prospecting, we still parked overnight in the parking lot. Not all of the Rangers will challenge you. I've talked to a few in a friendly fashion. And all they asked of me is not to leave any dangerous holes or undermine trees. And if they tell you that this area is withdrawn from the 1872 Free-mining act. Simply and kindly remind them that that provision only applies to commercial mining interests and not to the recreational prospector. After that, if they persist to dissuade you from continuing ask for his badge number, and you may want to remind him that the misuse of legal authority to harass law abiding citizens is a prosecutable offense. I also keep my camera handy. It may be your best witness. My hope is you never have to have that type of confrontation, but you should be aware of some of the political issues that have developed since the price of gold has risen. 20 years ago all the Rangers were friendly and helpful. Also the majority of campers policed their trash. But in the last few years the trash left behind has increased. I call them weekend war parties. And strangely enough much of their trash is blamed on miners. I now plan my trips to the Eaast Fork river on week days. SoCal85Toyota keep mining, never give up, never surrender.