I have a Gold Cube. This is my primary material running machine. I have caught very fine gold. Some 70 mesh and bunches of -100.
Black sands that I catch in the GC, would these sands possibly contain in the matrix, micro gold or other heavies as to the BS that runs on out of the discharge. as the heavier material pushes out the lighter. Or is it just any weight of BS that is filling the low pressure spot in the mat? Just wandering about other TN thoughts. I am sending a sample off for info. but I am leaving the tiny gold in the sample, so I will not know the actual content either way. Just the gross. I may ask them if they have a microscope to check for me.
Black sands that I catch in the GC, would these sands possibly contain in the matrix, micro gold or other heavies as to the BS that runs on out of the discharge. as the heavier material pushes out the lighter. Or is it just any weight of BS that is filling the low pressure spot in the mat? Just wandering about other TN thoughts. I am sending a sample off for info. but I am leaving the tiny gold in the sample, so I will not know the actual content either way. Just the gross. I may ask them if they have a microscope to check for me.
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