
Full Member
Nov 25, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
I own a patented lode claim which I bought with the intention of residing on it. Lately there has been a lot of activity in the area with gold exploration. Is it possible that previous owners of my property could have sold the mineral rights? Are they transferable and where would I find out? Also if mining exploration companies are flying helocopters over my property with with large [50 ft.] metal detector hanging below at tree level is there any way I can obtain the results of there findings. Any info would be appreciated.

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A patended claim is just like owning it.... except someone in the past may own the mineral rights. Simply do not allow them to trespass..... unless you get a cut. TTC

Okay. I know your situation is different. In Arkansas on private property, you can buy land and may luck out with buying mineral rights. But in the area I grew up on. My grandfather owned the land. Then a gas exploration company leased his mineral rights (gas, oil and I think coal) (first time leased, the property owner holds all rights until you lease or sale them). As long as a well is in production the lease is tied up. Now if they come on the land to drill, build roads or put a pipe line across this property. The gas exploration company pays for damages. Somewhere is a copy of mineral right ownership. But, take this into consideration. Maybe they want to see how rich your ground is and make you an offer. As to getting results of their test. Virtually impossible in my opinion. But try.

605 you or profile state no state so no answer correct. East/west rockies different worlds. Patent hardrock is underground only--in some places and requires a mill site for occupancy. EXTREMELY convaluted question to answer. RUN don't walk to local yokel tax accessors /recorders office and dig into records for proof as to ,do you still have rights or what-mo'info'needed for better answers-John

dano, is there a title report for your property? That will tell you what you own

I live in SD and I did have a title search done when I bought the place but have been unable to find. I will have to go down to the title company and see if I can get a copy of it ,but I don't remember anything out of the ordinary with it at the time. As to the question of fly over prospecting, if you have a claim can others prospect it? Not that I mind, but would like to see the results.

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