Prospecting private land


Sr. Member
Jan 11, 2013
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Golden Thread
Cottonwood, CA
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How common is it for prospectors to work with private landowners - vs - public land claim holders? I would think the dream would be to have your own claim to work. But then again, a private landowner with a great location who allows you to prospect it would seem pretty sweet too. No paperwork, no research, no confusion. Is this true?

I'm sure there are stories of psycho landowners who said it was okay, then started a fight. As I'm sure there are landowners who were great to work with.

It seems it would be easier to find a landowner and get their permission - than trying to track down if a spot is claimed, who claimed it, where they are, get permission, etc.

Do you think there are many landowners who have never worked their land, or even thought about it? In motherlode country?

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I cannot speak for CA, but here in NC most landowners that I have contacted have been very open to letting me on their land. I normally invite them to come watch me dredge several times and that usually eases any fears the land owner may have about their creeks being messed up. I try to contact farmers with big tracts of land and most of them will even grade an easy in and out of their creeks.


100% righteously the very best situation in any state and in every way as lookeloos/snitches,enviroratz who tresspass get hurt---John privacy rules

I should have put this on my other post but I forgot.......I have several local creeks that I work and I also live on a small river. Just below me on the river there is a fellow that uses a 45' drag line to get sand to sell to asphalt plants. A couple months ago I convinced him to let me check some of the sand that he had taken out during high water. He could not believe the color that was in that sand and neither could I. We now have a wash plant being built and all sand will be ran through it before being sold. Big investment for sure but 2 weeks of sampling convinced both of us to do this. He has all sorts of tractors and loaders and conveyors for his farm and this should work out just fine. His only regret is that 30+ years of sand being sold and not realizing the fine color that was in it. Better late than never I reacon. :occasion14: :laughing7:


Trying my best to figure out what you just said. English please for this ole country boy. Bryan:icon_scratch: :icon_thumright:

What John is saying is on a mining claim you have no privacy from the tree huggers and nut cases.Anyone can come onto a mining claim.On private land no lookyloos do as you please with no hasseles.Just need to abide by landowner rules.

What John is saying is on a mining claim you have no privacy from the tree huggers and nut cases.Anyone can come onto a mining claim.On private land no lookyloos do as you please with no hasseles.Just need to abide by landowner rules.

:icon_thumright: I understand now. I won't even work within sight of a road or a house. I prefer being left alone with no Galkers and especially NO nut cases. :censored:


I only work private property,and you need to be prepared...especially now to split with them....I always have.As far as them working there land.....if they didnt somebody did before them,either there family or somebody during the Gold Rush...there are very few Virgin properties because you not only had hundreds of thousands of people looking to make it rich in the Gold then had the Hard rock rush,and then you had the Depression Era where people Grubstaked just to surveve

Is there a standard split? Like 50/50?

I've read other posts that mention an agreement - sounds like a good idea. Does that scare off a property owner? Asking them to sign an agreement?

I give 50,most dont....I tell ya what....My method keeps the "hawks", its worth it.I have had ground pulled out from under me,and it sucks so,I treat em do what you want.Agreement....Meh,on one hand anything to do with gold should be fully laid out and undeniably positively understood by ALL parties involved(I had a gun held to my head one day,by a brother that was "left out",of the loop)on the other hand yea,attorney type talk with cause em to clam up

I guess it all depends on the parties involved. Some are good at understanding, others not so much. It does make sense to find an arrangement like that and then keep it honorable. Good working relationships just seem to make everything work smoother. I think I'll try the spit and a handshake method and hope for the best. 50/50 sounds fair. I could stay at home and not get any.

Thanks K

have everything detailed in writing tobe legal for court if any problems pop up between you and whomevwer! a handshake agreement was enough back when, but theres to many people watching shows of all the thats been gotten.everyone now feels like their being cheated.

have everything detailed in writing tobe legal for court if any problems pop up between you and whomevwer! a handshake agreement was enough back when, but theres to many people watching shows of all the thats been gotten.everyone now feels like their being cheated.

....That is a valid point...the majority(all but one actually)of my landowners,I have known my entire life..........I had to go "elsewhere",last year to dredge,and entered an agreement with a landowner whom I am dueling with right now....they want a 60% cut.......aint gonna happen,so.....I may,or may not even get to dredge this summer?

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