Hero Member
Hello all, My name is Layn (hence the user name). I am new to prospecting but I have a pretty good grip on the concept. Good enough that I built my own equipment. The math and design part is easy for me but working the whole rig will be another story lol. Guess I will find out this spring. I started this as a good summer past time for me and the kiddos to do. I researched the permits and started building the equipment. I love camping but I am not a fan of fishing and the kids aren't fans of hiking so we all talked and this is what they come up with. If you look at my videos you will see that I have quite a bit of this figured. I am working on the frame to my Highbanker/sluice and I will be posting videos on that in the future. I also have started to convert my RV over to solar power so that I can run the electric pump that you see in the videos to do cleanups in camp. There is alot more that I have planned but I will let on to some of that in the future. Looking forward to meeting all of you online here and Just Thought I would Drop a line to Reed Lukens thanks for letting me know about the site through your video on the 18th. Peace