Gold in Sacramento?

I did as much research on the net that I could and really couldn't find much info.

Interested in this also.

If you go out and find some spots, or free access, let us know. I actually went down to the American river at Watts ave and gathered some dirt. Didn't find anything. But I have seen a video of someone panning right under a bridge in downtown Sac - he was showing color. Never did find out which river he was on.

That would be too cool if you could just hit the local creek and find something.

Dry creek looks like it originates up by Granite Bay. Not connected to the larger river systems?

I'm not to far from Dry Creek in Elverta and I know it runs year around... I might go and test some... I deliver medical equipment a lot in the Rocklin /Lincoln area and Miners Ravine and Secret Ravine always catch my eye...I see some boulders coming out of the creek in some places...not real big bed rock like at mineral bar but big enough to catch my eye.

In a similar way here in metro Denver, I always carry shovel, pan, classifier, and snuffer bottle with me in my car so I can test interesting spots around town...never know what you'll find and anyway it's fun!

...and yes, I have found some good spots that way, hope you do too but in Sacramento of course!

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I wish I could carry that stuff in my delivery truck but the company I work for has big eye in the sky and keep tabs on us drivers at all times! Hell they even know when I'm going to the restroom! But at least it is not to far away from where I live....

Ah, right. Have to make note of interesting locales and then come back in your Prospectormobile later :)

[h=2]Gold in Sacramento?[/h]Yea there is...but I dont allow any kind of mining at my house...:laughing9:

sidvail said:
Interested in this also.

If you go out and find some spots, or free access, let us know. I actually went down to the American river at Watts ave and gathered some dirt. Didn't find anything. But I have seen a video of someone panning right under a bridge in downtown Sac - he was showing color. Never did find out which river he was on.

That would be too cool if you could just hit the local creek and find something.

Dry creek looks like it originates up by Granite Bay. Not connected to the larger river systems?

You should see the video of him panning dirt he bought at Home Depot. :D

If it was a bridge in downtown, he was on the sacramento river. This river has been dredged for sediment removal for 100+ years as it is a major shipping lane. I have also prospected arden park at watt ave, flyspeck...the problem is there are no alluvial sources of gold in sac valley. Any gold in the american or sac river is float brought downstream from the foothills. There are also a ton of dams and power houses on these water ways, and that impedes the downstream movement of gold. Also, most parks in sac are pans and hands only, I got yelled at for using a shovel there once.
I heard there is gold in the feather river, but you have to go 15 or 20 miles upstream from the confluence with the sac river. The consumnes has less dams on it, I have had half gram days on it out by slough house road and rancho murrietta. I have run pans below folsom dam amd got micro fines, so I recomend auburn state rec area as the lowest point to start on north fork american.
The middle fork american in forresthill divide is pretty claimed up, amd I havent had the best luck working un claimed areas. South fork american is similar, pretty claimed up but have had a lot better luck in unclaimed areas, downstream from chili bar, even panned some flakes from the cobble fields on other side of bridge in coloma.
Bear river is good for fines and mercury, not much else. Greenhorn creek runs through some old hydraulic pits before it feeds the bear, look for red dog- you bet diggins on google. Dog bar road on bear river has better gold than the campground.
That about does it for my knowledge of sac valley gold, there aint a whole lot! If anyone disagrees, please respond. I love learning new things

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Ps. I went to rio linda high school and have run a few pans im between the junior high track amd the rodeo, didnt fimd nothing but a dead sheep...

Someone else told me about Rancho Murietta also. Said he has done well right off the bridge where 16 crosses the Consumnes. I may give it a try friday as I'll be in Sac for the afternoon.

When I was stationed at Beal AFB in Marysville, I heard Air Force members used to prospect on the base and pull out a lot of gold. There's a wildlife area behind the base that I used to pheasant and dove hunt at that has water in the summer. That area is also near the Feather River, it might be a good place to look into.

Thanks all for the knowledge! I would like to try out by rancho murietta...if you go out let us know how it goes...hell I might just go on saturday out there.

Hey guys I live in orangevale and a little known creek (called gold creek lol) runs through the neighborhood. I have seen very few people down there (except truant high school kids and the occasional bum) but it has very interesting geology and I have found and do find gold every time I go down there. The only drawbacks are difficult terrain and not so clean water. Just park about a hundred feet before gold creek bridge (west side) and go down the steep hill directly south. The bedrock on this creek is sandstone or something like it. And there are some man-made cave like diggings into it. It is a historical bridge and the creek is on a greenbelt so its public land. It heads through a culvert and dumps into lake natomas at negro bar. I haven't found any nuggets or pickers but plenty of fine gold if you find a good spot. The overburden is packed river rock and tough to break up but follow the top of the sandstone layer and find decent gold. I got almost a gram (.8) in about two and a half hours last time. Anyway its a lot closer to home than the auburn rec area

Gold in Sacramento,hell yes. from Sac. to Folsom there use to be piles of rock along the American river from dredges most have been flatten and homes built on them. Back in the day when I was young there was a large dredge on south sunrise ave by the Dougless rocket plant the hole is still there. Now I drive 15 min from my home in Orangevale to a small creek near Miners ravine always find gold mostly fine but some times little nugs! My spot is on a old friends land 135 acres, sometimes its not what you know its who you know.

Brasseagle: the problem is that teichart and aerojet own all the land that is good for prospecting along 50 corridor. Have tou ever worked the little creek flowing throuhh miners ravine park? Glad you know someone with private property! I have always wanted to explore the housing developments along auburn-folosm rd.

Are you talking about the little park off Auburn-Folsom just past Douglas on the left. if so yes. That is Miners ravine Don"t go to Rancho Murietta bridge you can"t park there anymore I use to live in the old Grandlee ranch home with the river in my back yard before it was Rancho Murietta

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