Anyone connected with Oregon Gold Hunters Forum?


Sr. Member
Feb 15, 2013
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I will send a PM to seco and see if he can do anything for ya. But I'm about as smart as the rocks we pick up whrn it comes to computers. lol

Thanks. I appreciate your help, wa-au-nut.

More and more information is being made available to members on the OGH site Karen.
Miners and public land users are getting involved in these issues and not just sitting on
the couch or paying lip-service to them. February the 28th should be an interesting day
at the Oregon State Capitol. :hello:

I was talking about the good gold hunting info on the site, like where to look. Lots of good Willamette Valley hints!
Unfortunately, some idiots thought it would be really cool to have yearly legislative sessions, so it only looks like politics is my main focus at tnet, but really it's because of the current session. :)

Look at it this way Karen, if we don't get the word out to everyone about this crap legislation and stop it dead, we won't need to worry about where the gold is, 'cus we won't be able to get to it......legally anyway. So your input is useful in my book. :hello: Keep on keeping on!

Very true. I put out word to my conservaNetwork about the rally at the capitol.
There is a TNSradio show on tomorrow by Scott Tips. He'll be talking to a rancher about Agenda 21. I don't have a link for you, but I think you could find it by going to the National Health Federation website.

I got a "Miners Action Alert" from the EOMA today about a rally in Salem on the 28th of Feb. concerning 5, count'um 5, Senate Bills that involve the mining and prospecting community here in Oregon. These bills, SB115, 370, 388, 401 and 423 run the gamut from banning all placer mining, another level of permit fees for placer mining to stealing property rights for wide & scenic rivers. I E-mailed Sen. Johnson, my state Senator, and she assures me she will be voting against these bills, haven't heard back from Rep. Boone yet. All you guys and gals in Oregon drop a line to your Senator and Rpresentative and let them know that these anti-freedom and anti-American bills must be defeated.

In the land of 5 rivers

Maybe we should just pressure the Senate Envornment and Natural Resources Committee to let EVERYTHING in their basket die this year!

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