Rattlers awakened EARLY!!

Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
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Amazing fat smelly ol'boy was suning himself when dispatched yesterday afternoon. Absolutely amazing as over 60+ years in the boonies and NEVER seen before april fools day wow. Poison oak awake too with lizards hungry and scurrying around also. 75 here in Shasta county yesterday and even warmer today. Err on the side a caution detecting as was NOT being very cautious as in winter mode of alls well--well now I'll put on the open headphones to hear them buzztails---John

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Way to early for Mr. No Shoulders and just a week or two ago, we were freezing. We need rain, not warm weather..

Sorry to hear that but thanks for the heads up. Seems we cross paths every year now and after having my dog bit I'd rather not. Agree with Oakview2. More rain please.

Poor old snakes. Can't get any rest now that global warming is here. It's all Al Gore's fault...

Yes. Should be coming out on the eastern and southeastern exposures. Watch where you put those hands when moving near those bluffs. TTC

Yes. Should be coming out on the eastern and southeastern exposures. Watch where you put those hands when moving near those bluffs. TTC

Good advice Terry...a lot of them this time of year will strike and bite first, then rattle. :hello:

We have a few Rattlers but mostly Copperheads in my area. I caused one to have a real bad day 2 weeks ago and it was 38 degrees but the sun was beaming down on the 3' rock it was laying on. I cut his head off and it THEN struck itself in the belly and the fangs stuck. That is the way he went to meet his Maker. :icon_thumleft:


man this is way to early hope its not a sign of things to come, maybe there going to be thick this year. i find 8-9 a year out at work

Good advice Terry...a lot of them this time of year will strike and bite first, then rattle. :hello:

I have snake hunted the rock cliffs of Western NC for many years....90% of Rattlers WON'T Rattle until they are touched....That rattle to warn you away is NON_SENSE!! PLUS they have more poison this early,,,as they ain't bit nothin' in a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those rattlers are some good eating a brother of mine cooked some in N.C last time I was up there and it was pretty good till he told me what it was.

Be careful! The newly hatched rattlers are the most dangerous. Their toxin is the same as a cobra's until they mature. then it turns into standard, less dangerouse venom. EDIT: Seems it may not be. I retract my statement... for now. TTC

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The little rattlers I've seen make a ton of noise.

The big guys never made a peep. Some even appeared to play dead.

Yeah the Timber rattlers here will not buzz most times unless you get them riled up. I came upon a very large one last year early. He was so old and only had 3 rattles left and had broke one fang but he was huge and pissy. Unfortunately I had to dispatch him because he took up residence on my steps at the cabin and under the porch. I had moved him twice already but not far enough I guess. He had a young rabbit in him last time I caught him. The ranch hands had him for dinner and took his hide for their hat.8-) It is the copper heads that always spook me during turkey season.

Terry it is true that the "babies" do in fact have venom, but I don't think that it is any stronger, BUT they can be deadly!!

i love Rattle snakes i have some experience on how to handle them safely but if you respect the animal they will respect you

Terry it is true that the "babies" do in fact have venom, but I don't think that it is any stronger, BUT they can be deadly!!

My understanding is the young ones unload all their venom when they bite and the older ones can use as much as they think necessary sometimes even using a 'dry' bite.

Terry it is true that the "babies" do in fact have venom, but I don't think that it is any stronger, BUT they can be deadly!!

The old folks (not me) around here always say that the younger ones haven't learned to "ration" their venom and they give you the whole load with one strike. I have no idea if there is any truth in that and I have no plans to personally find out.8-)

I handle them safely too kapow adios. I put dozens of snakes on my properties each year of every kind to control them buzztails. Only critters I ever shoot is buzztails and crack/crank heads ,as all else ok in my world-John

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