Other minerals and metals


Sr. Member
Jan 11, 2013
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Golden Thread
Cottonwood, CA
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How often do you look for other minerals and metals while you're panning or sluicing?

Being new to this I still find ALL the stuff in my classifier fascinating. Is any of this treasure? I've read that garnets, diamonds, platinum, etc are also found while placer mining - depending on your location. Is this anything you all actively search for while prospecting?

What can I expect ( or what should I look for ) in the Sierra Nevada's? Anything good?

I understand garnets and emeralds glow brightly under a UV light.

I found some pretty interesting looking stuff on my trip to Auburn last weekend. :)

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Welcome to the forum,
If it interests you keep it. Study it. As you learn what you are looking at you may discover a nice little treasure.

Good Luck!

B H Prospector

True that.

I found a 1918 liberty head dime, a paper patched bullet and a HUGE lead fishing weight.

Oh, and some gold :)

I get alot of Garnets but they are typically small and I find them panning out my sluice concentrates.
Take a good look before you toss out anything, you might find a nice piece with some gold in it. Also any rocks that feel heavier are worth taking a look at.
Have fun

Good question Sidvail! I was also wondering if there were any other minerals and metals that are worth the prospectors time.

I couldn't find any info on worth of garnets and diamonds found whilst searching for gold. Anyone knows more about this subject?

This is so cool this is the thread I wanted to start, but didn't know how to get it going. Just today I was googling mica trying to find out it's possible association with gold and or minerals associated with gold not a whole lot of info. I love all the garnet I find drive my family crazy as I sift through the black sand with a magnifying glass and a loupe sorting out the garnets and the green peridotite crystals. So I'll take all the info and web sites people can through at me regarding these minerals. I'm thinking of using the raw garnets in a gift. I have a person who blows glass and may be able to incorporate them into an item. Anyway I know I'm from Oroville but I'm not a meth head but you might think so as I'm going through my concentrates .

In conclusion to this mess my ingredient label might read quartz, iron,mica, garnet, peridotite. Gold?
Appreciate any help.

Get a copy of Chris Ralph's "FISTS FULL OF GOLD". Read it cover to cover, over and over. He wrote it so anyone can unterstand what they a looking at. I think that book is a must for anybody new to prospecting. Sure helped me a bunch! And I ain't that brite!!

I have been detecting, crushing and panning this layer of green rock that runs the length of a dry wash. I found some metal in it which could be copper. I have yet to get any gold out of it. I have nothing to show for my work, but getting lots of practice lol. We have lava tubes that contain a gem called Sunstone. Its believed the vikings used to use them for navigating in overcast weather. I also look for old 7mm rifle shells as they are collectable along with arrowheads. I have yet to find a meteorite either. Now what we talking about again, there is so much to this hobby one can get lost.

You never can tell. I think most every body who's been at it a while has found all kinds of goodies. Saphires, rubies, diamonds , old Chinese coins artifacts. etc. Keep your eyes open!

I used to find a lot of small garnets. They would appear just on top of the black sand.

Also found what was left of a pair of levis. Just the buttons and rivets.

The most interesting find though had to be the C17 parts. A WWII transport crashed in the hills above my claim. Found the oil cooler and some sizable pieces of the skin in the creek.

Get a copy of Chris Ralph's "FISTS FULL OF GOLD". Read it cover to cover, over and over. He wrote it so anyone can unterstand what they a looking at. I think that book is a must for anybody new to prospecting. Sure helped me a bunch! And I ain't that brite!!

I'll hit my local library and see if they have it or can get it.

I've seen many videos where people mention these extra goodies, but no real method or preferences for what to look for. Rock guides and such seem so full of information it will take a while to figure it out. Who knew there were so many different types of minerals. Would a geology class at the local community college be a good thing to get started with?

The Levi's thing is awesome. Was just reading about him last night. They say the first pair of pants he made were out of sail cloth. Tough stuff there.

We have lava tubes that contain a gem called Sunstone. Its believed the vikings used to use them for navigating in overcast weather.

Heard of those. Something about the way it radiates light can give a indication of where the sun is at in the sky. Give it to the Vikings, they know how to get around the ocean.

B H Prospector, thnx. Is there any website that has information on it's worth?

There's a place in wisconsin that I prospect at and people find diamonds quite often, I've seen pics of 2 of them and they're very nice looking.
But I only pan for Uranium.....:laughing7:

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I've been panning for unobtanium for quite a while but all I seem to get is Leaverite. :tongue3:

I believe Sunstone is a form of Feldspar.

Along with gold, the hobby of studying rocks, minerals, and fossils can be quite addicting. It can really eat up your life in a good way. I haven't been to a
Movie theater in over 10 years, but i'll tell you with confidence that Plush, Ore. is THE prime location for sunstones. btw, who is Beyonce?:laughing7:

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This is so cool this is the thread I wanted to start, but didn't know how to get it going. Just today I was googling mica trying to find out it's possible association with gold and or minerals associated with gold not a whole lot of info. I love all the garnet I find drive my family crazy as I sift through the black sand with a magnifying glass and a loupe sorting out the garnets and the green peridotite crystals. So I'll take all the info and web sites people can through at me regarding these minerals. I'm thinking of using the raw garnets in a gift. I have a person who blows glass and may be able to incorporate them into an item. Anyway I know I'm from Oroville but I'm not a meth head but you might think so as I'm going through my concentrates .

In conclusion to this mess my ingredient label might read quartz, iron,mica, garnet, peridotite. Gold?
Appreciate any help.

I think all miners of obsess over their concentrates, and other aspects of mining as well. As a newbie I used to take my socks and shoes off and rinse them out over a pan, and pan them. but after a year of not finding anything I stopped doing that. Once in a while when I get bored I'll go out to the garden where I dump my tailings and I'll panned out just for the fun of it. Once in a while I will find a small piece.

So, it seems my problems have been solved. I no longer have to wonder over what rock is what. My 4 year old niece can tell me with certainty, "Uncle Sid, that's gold! We put that right here."

She then takes them rock by rock (out of my pan while I'm working) and separates them into piles. And of course, the ugly rocks are never gold :)

Of course, pretty= gold

Smart girl

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