Need Help from "old Hands" please


Bronze Member
May 6, 2012
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As some of you know, we are trying to stop or discredit the wasted tax money about to be spent on Combie reservoir mercury

There are three questions that some of you old hands could answer for us.

1. How long has the knelson bowl centrifuge been around and was it used in placer ops?

2. What is the "nugget effect" when determining values in test samples, especially mercury content.?

3. What would be a truly "neutral" organization to have a peer-review of Combie documents?

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Anti-degradation report, signed 8-28-2012 by Tim Crough, asst gen mgr NID. page 6. "In Oct. 2010, the nid submitted its NPDES permit appl. for the
Project. This report serves as additional documentation to support that application".

Personal phone conversation Sep. 2012 with Tim Crough ended with him saying to me, quote, "You don't happen to have a 9 million dollar check you
could send us, do you?" Thanks anyway for your input, T.S.

P. s. - Also appreciate info on Pegasus Earth Sensing Corp.

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I'm not an "Old Hand" but I know a rotten fish when I smell one.

Unless you can prove "Fraud" or "Intent" no one in Sacramento is going to investigate.

1-mid 70s but I believe Bico Braun predated it. Yes made for placer gold micron sized recoveries. Blood seperation centrafuges were the precursor as was told the story at the AMA convention in Reno in the 70's
2- the ability to clump together when moved through the ecosystem in a clean state but conversely declump when pregnated with metals or contamination and spread much farther outward
3-wow-in this age of preconceived resultant biological studies that is indeed a HARD question. USGS lab in Sacramento used to be but now relies much on self funding. They prepared a preconceived study soooooo tainted for the CDFG EIR as to be laughable BUT. Prior to that study I talked at great length to a fella who outlined the parameters to me how it was to be conducted and we talked about exactly what and how it was going to be tainted,which I of coarse utilized in my EIR comment as old lab ratz do have many things in common. It also contains the proof these mercury filled bulbs the state forced into your homes,offices,and places of work contain more mercury that used by the miners of old. Also nature dumps more into the eco system proof there also from state reports. lotza luck-John

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Thank you so much, John - knew we could count on you.

1. All things being equal, how would a 6 inch compare to the Knelson bowl for speed and recovery rate at a side-by-side PUBLIC demo?

2. good description - understand now. Any ref. books describing "nugget effect"?

3. Yes, wouldn't go near the USGS lab in Sac. - Charlie Alpers(usgs) did such a "bait & switch" job at Humbug crk. I lost all faith in gov't scientists.
So, maybe overseas? France? lol Thanks again.

1-mid 70s but I believe Bico Braun predated it. Yes made for placer gold micron sized recoveries. Blood seperation centrafuges were the precursor as was told the story at the AMA convention in Reno in the 70's
2- the ability to clump together when moved through the ecosystem in a clean state but conversely declump when pregnated with metals or contamination and spread much farther outward
3-wow-in this age of preconceived resultant biological studies that is indeed a HARD question. USGS lab in Sacramento used to be but now relies much on self funding. They prepared a preconceived study soooooo tainted for the CDFG EIR as to be laughable BUT. Prior to that study I talked at great length to a fella who outlined the parameters to me how it was to be conducted and we talked about exactly what and how it was going to be tainted,which I of coarse utilized in my EIR comment as old lab ratz do have many things in common. It also contains the proof these mercury filled bulbs the state forced into your homes,offices,and places of work contain more mercury that used by the miners of old. Also nature dumps more into the eco system proof there also from state reports. lotza luck-John

"old lab rats" - yes i remember your work in Nevada and carson river studies around Dayton.

"I talked at great length to a fella" - is he available to talk again?

HOLD ON FP-- Charlie did us miners a RIGHTEOUS favor by recirculationg the water utilized in the preconceived resultant study. It was discussed at length that it's totally impossible to have any accuracy in this mode as when dredging you utilize fresh water to continue running. The DELEBERATE recirculation of water to increase mercury content was the only way to 100% discredit the hypothetical study and a massive favor was done as we discussed. Good man jus' trying to get to retirement and just a job. WE OWE HIM A BIG THANKS--Knelson/knudsen/hi g/bico as many. Extremely busy at this time trying not to die and can't see for squat so will close-I got some info but current priorities prevail as helping out a RIP miners family has cost me dearly-John

John: way to go! Youre almost better than "googling" anything gold related in cali and nevada! Hope you feel better soon

Ps. Prohect apparently dead in the watrr due to denied request for fnding

Ps. Prohect apparently dead in the watrr due to denied request for fnding

That was a separate grant application to DFG for CALFED restoration funding. They did that while waiting for Feinstein to wrassle Federal dollars through
the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC). Interesting, on the DFG grant request they list on p.24 in expenses "LESS OFFSETTING REVENUE*.......$640,000
* =Estimated Value of Precious Metal Recovery (Gold). Don't get too excited, they lie to each other also.

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