Public Places to Prospect in CA


Jan 13, 2013
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I'm new to hold prospecting and was looking for some help on where I can go prospecting in the Auburn, CA area without joining a club or purchasing a claim. I might eventually go that route, but I can't justify the cost (I can, but my wife can't) quite yet...

Is there some website that makes this information available? I've gone to one spot on state land (Water Agency) in Colfax, CA but am looking to venture elsewhere.

Like I said, I'm new to the game and would appreciate any help I can get. The people on this board have been great thus far and thought I would at least ask. Thanks

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There are acres and acres of spots very close to you.

I was up on the American river today. Actually, just got back. I took Foresthill Road out to Ponderosa Way and followed it down to the bridge (north fork) Gives you a nice spot to play around in. $10.00 day use fee though. I was out for about 4 hours collecting concentrate. Saw color in the pan, but haven't done a clean up yet. I saw 3 groups of people out there panning and sniping. There's these awesome holes in the bed rock where pebbles get caught and grind it out. I didn't bring a sucker or even my snuffer bottle, so I couldn't get down inside them. I did pull a bullet, huge lead weight, and a penny out of a larger one I could get my hand into. I'm going back with a sucker. :)

All this is part of Auburn State Recreation Area. Free panning except for the day use/parking fees. I'm sure there's a way around that, but I'm new also and didn't want to start off wrong. Their web site says you can pan anywhere (pan and hand) within the ASRA except for Lake Clementine. Another spot I've been told about is Yankee Jims which is a little further up the north fork. Several panners say they find their best gold up there.

I have to say, I love Auburn. That is one awesome little town.

#1--SF Yuba rec area,brunswick outta nevada city to purdone crossing--auburn rec are-drivers flats -forest hill divide about 10 miles and cherokee bar -hi way 49 to cool-hang a left to spanish dry diggns and your there,just to name a few.John

T3 - Got the gift of gab? Carry an extra pack of cigs or snack or in summer, water? These things will get you quite far, when stumbling upon a claimowner
or private land owner. Helps too if wife is along. Get it? Some claimowners will shoo you off in minutes, but many will take a break, and let you pick their brains
sometimes about good areas close by. Whatever, don't just start digging cause nobody's around! that's a no, no!

T3: go to the mining shop in colfax and ask for john. He knows good spots all around asra, and has two claims he will take you out on and demo different kinds of prospecting. Tell him Kris sent you in.

419 - did you get my Pm? (combie)

Found this little .9 gram picker on the second creek at the bottom of drivers flat road. Its always been a good spot for me. Ill be there as soon as the road reopens in a few months. Until then, try devil's falls area at the bottom of Yankee Jim's road (also some cool open mines that go several hundred yards into the mountain. Bring flashlights!). Also mineral bar is ok (not the best) and someplace easy to get to. Lots of places off mosquito ridge road a few miles out of foresthill. Most all accessible places are cleaned out pretty well, and the best places you'll find with persistence, patience, a good map, and a lot of exercise .

Found this little .9 gram picker on the second creek at the bottom of drivers flat road. Its always been a good spot for me. Ill be there as soon as the road reopens in a few months. Until then, try devil's falls area at the bottom of Yankee Jim's road (also some cool open mines that go several hundred yards into the mountain. Bring flashlights!). Also mineral bar is ok (not the best) and someplace easy to get to. Lots of places off mosquito ridge road a few miles out of foresthill. Most all accessible places are cleaned out pretty well, and the best places you'll find with persistence, patience, a good map, and a lot of exercise .

I was thinking of trying mosquito ridge myself just to see that tunnel shoot on the oxbow. Heard good reviews of the area. How far from access do you think most panners hike? I know the sides of those rivers are sometimes hard to navigate. Just wonder how tenacious most of us are. :)

I'm sure they've walked as far as possible. But its not possible to go very far lol. The steep sides make hiking up or down river from there impossible unless you want to swim with your tools ha ha. Have thought of kayaking down to more remote spots but thus far haven't mustered the ambition. The north side of mosquito ridge road is laced with hundreds of miles of 4x4 trails and good creeks and good spots. Lots of claims so watch for markers and don't claim jump. Oxbow really didn't impress. Not enough accessible area, a fairly dangerous hike down to the water, and if the remote control resivour gates are triggered you have five minutes to get the hell out of there. And haul ass back up that crazy steep hill.

other places in calaveras county

i have been to "river of skulls", central hill road, moke. river, all showed color but very small. been to woods creek and calaveras river at 49 with no results. NEED OTHER PLACES TO GO CLOSE BY>>>OK TO HIKE A BIT...

would like to work a claim with running water for a %, or find other places to pan /sluice.

also, have been able to overcome nearly all excuses shown on the "Bering sea gold" both summer and winter. have overcome many issues and have talked to experienced miners who think it is a great rig.

small, diver-less, self contained, 1 man rig. 10 to 20 oz per problem. investors needed (any amount will get share of recovered)........."THE NOME DOME"

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i have been to "river of skulls", central hill road, moke. river, all showed color but very small. been to woods creek and calaveras river at 49 with no results. NEED OTHER PLACES TO GO CLOSE BY>>>OK TO HIKE A BIT...

would like to work a claim with running water for a %, or find other places to pan /sluice.

also, have been able to overcome nearly all excuses shown on the "Bering sea gold" both summer and winter. have overcome many issues and have talked to experienced miners who think it is a great rig.

small, diver-less, self contained, 1 man rig. 10 to 20 oz per problem. investors needed (any amount will get share of recovered)........."THE NOME DOME"
...asyou probably know....we have shut down the spot at Central Hill Rd. because people dont respect other peoples land,and the reason you will have problems getting into private land

have not been back to central hill for about a year, drive by it nearly everyday. and you are correct about weekenders leaving their trash all over and using improper tools. went to another spot that i see some people around at times, but they say they never have any luck...they must be doing something a small sample pulled color and a ton of black sand. was supposed to go to Italian bar last year, but it was flooded out.

like i said would be nice to work a claim or even some private property up here. i always wonder about those jenny lind tailings...there is no way they pulled all the gold out of there with the ways of the past...would be fun just to play down there for a few days.

any spots you may have in mind would be ok with me.

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