I'm new to hold prospecting and was looking for some help on where I can go prospecting in the Auburn, CA area without joining a club or purchasing a claim. I might eventually go that route, but I can't justify the cost (I can, but my wife can't) quite yet...
Is there some website that makes this information available? I've gone to one spot on state land (Water Agency) in Colfax, CA but am looking to venture elsewhere.
Like I said, I'm new to the game and would appreciate any help I can get. The people on this board have been great thus far and thought I would at least ask. Thanks
Is there some website that makes this information available? I've gone to one spot on state land (Water Agency) in Colfax, CA but am looking to venture elsewhere.
Like I said, I'm new to the game and would appreciate any help I can get. The people on this board have been great thus far and thought I would at least ask. Thanks