Have a way to Prospect for gold on the ocean floor


Jr. Member
Jan 31, 2013
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Golden Thread
Independence MO.
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
imagesCAFP2LQF.webpimagesCAFD87GL.webpcofferdam-graphi.webpimagesCAX8M28J.webpcofferdams2.webpexcavation.webpimagesCAY0HFDJ.webpimagesCA3WI624.webpdig plans.webpdig plans.webpexcavation.webpI have a way for us to prospect on the ocean floor and we dont even have to get in the water or risk not finding gold just need the investments witch is leaveing me disamazedthe design is made and with the right help I can mine it allView attachment 733790

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You couldn't possibly dig enough gold to make something that massive turn a profit, so, knowing this...

I'm all in, lets call Spike T.V. for a sponsor.

Sorry, you can not use forums to raise funds per our rules.............

"You may not... use the TreasureNet.com forums for any fundraising purposes."

Hey I'm in :tongue3:

I mean with a "helocoptur pad" and "guess rooms", a "prosesing room" with "tromals", and "sluse boxes", who wouldn't be.

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but what if it was possable to do this on a smaller scale say 100ft by100ft by 100ft i have ran this though many ppl that do mining in Nome i have permision to prospect a claimand righ to mine the goal is safty i hate the cold and the idea of getting in that water with a crapy air system is just wrong the design is just to show my goal witch is to be able to mine the bottom in an open air lock with dozers with out risk of life if you understand the drawing then it can be pitcured and done So what if it can be built and then what here is the benifets not only can you mine it safely but you could mine year round with out limits except moving it around from site to site but you would be able to dig down 20ft to 40ft something no other has done just think how much gold there is even on claims that they say are dredged out maybe but i dont beleave it i just think they only dredged the top at the most 8-10ft so what do you think now is it possable or a dream

sorry that i cant spell very well but it doeasn't mean i cant dream up something that would help but what if it was possable to do this on a smaller scale say 100ft by100ft by 100ft i have ran this though many ppl that do mining in Nome i have permision to prospect a claimand righ to mine the goal is safty i hate the cold and the idea of getting in that water with a crapy air system is just wrong the design is just to show my goal witch is to be able to mine the bottom in an open air lock with dozers with out risk of life if you understand the drawing then it can be pitcured and done So what if it can be built and then what here is the benifets not only can you mine it safely but you could mine year round with out limits except moving it around from site to site but you would be able to dig down 20ft to 40ft something no other has done just think how much gold there is even on claims that they say are dredged out maybe but i dont beleave it i just think they only dredged the top at the most 8-10ft so what do you think now is it possable or a dream

where the idea comes from is my grandfather built US HWY 1 that links keywest to the us they used a simple system to rebuild the concrete piller it has been done befor just not to mine gold so im a crapy speller but not a scamer just a dreamer that noone has heard

I am not attacking you, but as moderator I have to tell you it violates our rules. Can't use TreasureNet to raise funds.....

Hey if you're going to dream then dream BIG! Nothing wrong with that, but investors are very picky about with whom and what they are investing in. especially when it comes to millions of dollars.

They have this quirky thing about return on investment.

Do I believe that the ocean floor can be mined with use of coffer dam tecnology? Yes, but I'm afraid the cost would be far greater than the return.

Now, if you could come up with a cost effective way to collect all the microscopic gold that is held in suspension in the ocean water............:tongue3:

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i understand what you are saying and that wasn't my real intent my intent was to get my idea heard but to my defence i found this site buy looking at an investors site and the first page i was looking at was a page that a guy was asking for investors and help so if it violates the rules why do you allow others to do it

Give me a link to the page, it may be an old thread.......Rules can be read by clicking on the link at the bottom of my posts.........

first think you for your imput but why would it be to costly realy what would it cost to build a 100ftsq unit a million just from the reserch on one of the larger companys the the produce around 320mil a year with 8
$6mill dollar dredging boats each 80ft by 260ft bt 60ft and its been very profetable for them but they only are able to dreadge about 12ft deed and 10 to 20 ft wide I beleave the larger amounts of gold to be deeper then any has dredge

There I have fixed your concerns im not asking for anything but the advise people can give me on where to get the investment help

first think you for your imput but why would it be to costly realy what would it cost to build a 100ftsq unit a million just from the reserch on one of the larger companys the the produce around 320mil a year with 8
$6mill dollar dredging boats each 80ft by 260ft bt 60ft and its been very profetable for them but they only are able to dreadge about 12ft deed and 10 to 20 ft wide I beleave the larger amounts of gold to be deeper then any has dredge

Believing it and proving it to an investor are two different animals.

I "believe" it would cost ten's of millions of dollars to build such a structure as you have described complete with condos and such, especially in the Bering Sea with the extreme conditions and expenses to get the construction materials there. Not to mention equipment, labor, fuel, permits, licenses, fees, inspections, safety requirements, environmental impact studies, insurance, etc, etc.

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Not realy a ship like this can be built in dry dock say in washington and shiped there in one piece lowerd in to place and operated the same day and yes proving it will be the dard part but if and when i can get an investor to even pay any notuse I beleave i can sale this plan if only i could find the right person to hear it the drawind is just a doddle not exsat anyways i have had to repost do to rules but if you know of an better way of reaching people that will at least talk to me please tell me iv'e tryed all of the middle me they only want to get rich off of just getting me in cotact with someone as for labor after in place it can be ran with 2 people As for fuel with to days tec its possable to do it green permits and licenses etc ect. i dont realy know that is why i am here to get advice

Concept and reality are two different creatures. As GG has said you could not realisticly realize a profit. Not only is there the cost that GG mentioned, but then you have crew wages, food, fuel for pumps and heat and transportation. Plus you should have a medical person on staff. Then then there is the winter. You said it can be moved. Not in the winter. Once the Bering Sea freezes you are stationary until thaw. That wouldn't keep the crew busy very long and then cut into profits because you couldn't be down for months. Technology wise yes I think it is possible. But not profitable even on a smaller scale. Keep dreaming though because great things have come from dreamers.

Good Luck! B H Prospector

In order for it to be a real gold mining venture, it really needs a brothel, a bar, and a player piano with a dwarf in a high chair on the key board


First of all I do not see where you have anything to bring to the table.

If it were feasible to gold mine the ocean floor using a cofferdam then I'm sure it would be being done already.
An investor would want a detailed cost analysis report as to feasibility.

Also if gold was as plentiful as you "believe" it is below the depth where they are currently dredging then I'm sure that would have been discovered by now. You would need drill reports and assays to back up your "belief" before your idea would have any credibility to an investor.

Ideas are a dime a dozen until something tangible can be demonstrated to a would be investor.


See i realy dont think im explaining the whole consept very well the unit will only be moved when prospecting new ground i will stell be able to mine all year long every day regardless of weather as for crew i have a list of go geter that would do it for a % of profit only well i thought this was a website of dreamers and go geters but thank youfor your input you realy have to see it and i guess im not explaining it right sorry

Hey I'm in :tongue3:

I mean with a helocoptur pad and guess rooms, a prosesing room with tromals, and sluse boxes, who wouldn't be.

hey you forgot the heated swimming pool,,,with the hot bikini girls!!

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