Have a way to Prospect for gold on the ocean floor


Jr. Member
Jan 31, 2013
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Golden Thread
Independence MO.
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
imagesCAFP2LQF.webpimagesCAFD87GL.webpcofferdam-graphi.webpimagesCAX8M28J.webpcofferdams2.webpexcavation.webpimagesCAY0HFDJ.webpimagesCA3WI624.webpdig plans.webpdig plans.webpexcavation.webpI have a way for us to prospect on the ocean floor and we dont even have to get in the water or risk not finding gold just need the investments witch is leaveing me disamazedthe design is made and with the right help I can mine it allView attachment 733790

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Sorry DJS not meaning to be a dream stealer.
It's just that unlike some folks, reality keeps getting in the way of my dreams. So I've become a bit cynical.

I wish you the very best.
As the worlds most interesting man states,
"Stay Thirsty My Friend"


Sorry DJS not meaning to be a dream stealer.
It's just that unlike some folks, reality keeps getting in the way of my dreams. So I've become a bit cynical.
GG. don't cha hate when that happens! :laughing7:

Just curious, maybe I missed it, while glossing the thread, but.....
Is there consideration to the inhabitants and habitat, that you would be sucking up, with your massive hoover?
Would the profit of gold, be worth the costs of the enviroment, for not only yourself, but others as well?
Where abouts was ya wanting to put this contraption? The Bering sea?

if you only have a few million then toss it in a hole . there are better ways to get the gold

That thread is asking for people to work, not to invest money. Completely different animals.

As for your idea, there are a thousand aspects you haven't considered. The planning and designing would cost millions. It would cost 100's of millions to build, and that's before a single crewmember was hired. Nothing wrong with dreaming, everything we have today is from someone's idea. You can't get discouraged because one dream is unworkable. Just keep working on new ideas.

Edit- I just looked at your dimensions. This would cost BILLIONS to construct.

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GG. don't cha hate when that happens! :laughing7:

Just curious, maybe I missed it, while glossing the thread, but.....
Is there consideration to the inhabitants and habitat, that you would be sucking up, with your massive hoover?
Would the profit of gold, be worth the costs of the enviroment, for not only yourself, but others as well?
Where abouts was ya wanting to put this contraption? The Bering sea?
seems like now days someone is already wrrying about that for us and they will be along at some point to make sure you hand over some cash to show your concern for the environment or displaced people and animals....freeways, housing, stripmalls,factories, all developments have an impact on the environment and we live in a sick civilaztion that allows such development as long as you pay to play and a handful of individuals benifit way more than the community...but, if they put in a seven eleven or walmart and you don't have to drive as far to shop most people are stoked...this guy has an idea and wants input and since it is an idea on how to extract valuble mineral resources he must have no concern for the environment.........that prejudice is why things are so backwards and unfair and illogical...in our developed country and why our politicians get rewarded for sending heavy industry to other undeveloped countries without stringent environmental regs....and worse yet the guys there who are getting rich arent gonna help enact those regs because they know the money will dry up there and the industry will move on to the next easy place.

, and a player piano with a dwarf in a high chair on the key board

Dear Sir or Madam,

You are no longer allowed to use the derogatory term, 'dwarf' in reference to a vertically challenged individual. The phraseology denotes a person of less stature than yourself indicating a bias towards wholly productive members of society. Please refrain from the use of this characterization in your future missives concerning the vertically challenged. Instead utilize the words homunculus americanius.

Please alter your post to read, "...and a player piano with a homunculus americanius in a high chair on the key board"

Goodyguy said:
Sorry DJS not meaning to be a dream stealer.
It's just that unlike some folks, reality keeps getting in the way of my dreams. So I've become a bit cynical.

I wish you the very best.
As the worlds most interesting man states,
"Stay Thirsty My Friend"


Djs - good guy is completely right. I've been involved in the investment banking industry for 20 years with some time in financing metals and mining companies. Before anyone would even pick up your phone call you would need a comprehensive business plan, proof of concept machine, etc, etc , etc. no one hands over money on an "idea". There is already significant large scale ocean mining occurring as we speak / not only gold but also diamonds. So a lot of money has been sunk on new technologies. Best of luck to you.

Dear Sir or Madam,

You are no longer allowed to use the derogatory term, 'dwarf' in reference to a vertically challenged individual. The phraseology denotes a person of less stature than yourself indicating a bias towards wholly productive members of society. Please refrain from the use of this characterization in your future missives concerning the vertically challenged. Instead utilize the words homunculus americanius.

Please alter your post to read, "...and a player piano with a homunculus americanius in a high chair on the key board"

OR just use the word MIDGET, as that is what they are... " vertically challenged individual " is all PC CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aside from the side discussion of midget hookers on crack, the concept may have merit.

There are challenges sure but not billions. Millions probably.

When the sea freezes you could walk out and climb into the hole.

Aside from the side discussion of midget hookers on crack, the concept may have merit.

There are challenges sure but not billions. Millions probably.

When the sea freezes you could walk out and climb into the hole.

Did you look at the dimensions he listed on his drawing? 1000 ft x 3000 ft x 1000 ft. A modern cruise measuring 1000 x 100 costs 800 million. This is 30 times wider and 6 times taller. EASILY a multi billion construction. Even scaling down will still be over 1 Billion.

When the sea freezes it will probably crush the hull.

Ok, ok, then let's compromise and go with munchkins, but this will piss of the dwarfs. Midgets are smaller than dwarfs, shrimps are smaller than midjets, but munchkins, well at least they're magical and can sing higher than Lady Gaga... :piratehand: :violent1: :3some:

Ok, ok, then let's compromise and go with munchkins, but this will piss of the dwarfs. Midgets are smaller than dwarfs, shrimps are smaller than midjets, but munchkins, well at least they're magical and can sing higher than Lady Gaga... :piratehand: :violent1: :3some:
LMAO......How would you move it?

This thread.....djs691....sigh.
Before I even begin, I'm assuming the 6 means June and the 91 means 1991....as in when you were born. If that is the case then I am not suprised at your spelling whatsoever.
How can you ask folks for money(in this case with that setup MILLIONS)yet not seem proffessional in the process? That'd be like me going to Donald Trump in pajamas and saying "hey bro, nice hair, got money for me?"
This is not an attack on you, this is me simply saying "c'mon, no....seriously, c'mon." I for one LOVE your idea, think it's new, fresh and slightly dangerous as well. Parts of the ocean floor are crazy heated and have massed large amounts of nice nuggets so I can see how easily you can dream this idea up.
As for my donation....$500....Monopoly dollars.

Djs: dont take it to heart, some of the old timers on this forum can be a bit cynical... remember, if you build it they will come.
Also, do you know the best way to make a small fortune gold mining? Start with a large fortune!
All the best

I have an idea that I know would work. I talked about it with 1-2 people on here that I know I can trust. Fact is like me, finding that kind of money to buy, build, or even find TRUSTING PARTNERS is only a dream!

But I KNOW my idea would DEFINITELY WORK! And it would recover more gold in one season that all the dredgers on Bearing Sea Gold combined and maybe then some!!

I am surprised from my research on it no one has come up with the idea.

The thing I have learned from people that one doesn't really know, yes, there are some legitimate investors, but most who have money are only out to steal your idea and give you nothing if that and make themselves richer! Finding a trust worthy stranger is like trying to stick your hand in a hole to find out if a rattler is in it or not!

In order for it to be a real gold mining venture, it really needs a brothel, a bar, and a player piano with a dwarf in a high chair on the key board


Shhh..... don't tell my folks I'm a prospector! They think I'm a piano player in a brothel!!!

I am also seeking investors for a mining project in an location which I shall keep secret

I will disclose that this location is not subject to government regulation or taxation

google-execs-james-cameron-plan-space-venture-7c44b71d66.webp massdriv.webp

2001-moon.webp space.webp

thumb640x360.webp 439922526_b79abf8727_z.webp

PYRATE said:
I am also seeking investors for a mining project in an location which I shall keep secret

I will disclose that this location is not subject to government regulation or taxation

Is that asteroid mining, or helium 3 on the moon? The helium 3 mines were supposed to open last year if you believed the business executives on the discovery channel four years ago.

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